✦Chapter 52✦

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Abhi, Vaishu, and Reem were shocked to see Nandra there. Rits were also with them. Everyone was throwing bullets through their eyes.

Avu's dad (joining his hands): Namaste!

But no one answered them. Abhi stood up from the bed and went near them with anger in his eyes.

Abhi (eyeing Avu's dad): Why are you here? What's left now?

Avu's dad looked down, not knowing what to say.

Abhi (pointing at sleeping Sidd): Today, if I am responsible for his condition, you are also equally too. (Facing Rits) and how shameless you are. After doing everything possible, how are you standing in front of us like that?

Rits looked down with tears in her eyes. She closed her eyes, still looking down.

Avu's mom (stepping forward): Beta, she made a mistake...

Abhi (louder, cutting her): It isn't a mistake. It isn't a mistake, aunty. It was a whole bloody trap. Don't address it as a mistake.

That's when Sidd sniffed in his sleep. Everyone looked at him to see him opening his eyes. Abhi's and Reem's eyes widen, not knowing what will happen now. Sidd opened his eyes to see Rits and Nandra standing there. Sidd sat on his bed, leaning on its back. He was looking at them in confusion.

Sidd (confused): Umm, who are they, dada?

Reem and Vaishu were shocked by his statement while Nandra's looked at each other, not knowing what to say. Abhi went near him, understanding the situation, sat beside him, and encircled his arm around his shoulder.

Abhi (casually): No one, Ashu! They mistakenly came into the wrong room.

Sidd (not satisfied, looking at Rits): But why do I feel like I have seen this girl?

Reem glanced at Rits while she was looking down. Suddenly, it stroked Sidd's mind. A storm of memories hit his mind. Rits's evil smirk, her acting in front of everyone, her threatening everything. Sidd's eyes widen in shock.

Sidd (pointing at Rits, shocked): W-What are you d-doing here?

Rits looked up at him.

Sidd (loud): I asked, "What are you doing here?"

Rits (coming forward, joining her hands): Siddharth, please forgive me! Please!

Sidd backed off as Rits was stepping forward.

Sidd (loud): Don't come near me.

Abhi realized that he was becoming panicked. That's why he stood up and dragged Rits's hand and made her stand where she was before.

Abhi: You all can leave, please. We can't afford to lose anything else. Already, we have lost our respect.

Avu's mom looked at Avu's dad as he signed her. She went near Rits and left the room along with Rits. Sidd exhaled sharply as Avu's dad stepped close to him and sat on his bed. He looked down before speaking.

Avu's dad (joining his hands with tears in his eyes): I know Ritika wasn't right at her place. She is guilty and ashamed of what she did.

Sidd (closing his eyes): Please! Please, I don't trust anyone now. Please!

Avu's dad (joining his hands, crying): Please forgive Ritika. I-I am sorry from her side. You faced disrespect and dignity because of us. That's why I am taking my case back.

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