✦Chapter 44✦

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Abhi glanced at Sidd's door. He slowly approached towards his door and started knocking it as regret arose in him. He was cursing himself for saying this to his brother no matter in how much pathetic situation he might be.

Abhi (lovingly, guilty): Ashu, Ashu..... You know I can't say anything like that right? I am sorry Ashu! Dada is sorry. Open the door please! Ashu!

Inside the room, Sidd slided down leaning on the door. He sat on his knees still leaning on the door, numb after all this. Only 1 sentence was ringing in his mind.

"Just.....Just go and die somewhere."

A sob escaped his lips as he heard his brother calling him.

Abhi (politely with guilt filled in his voice): Sidd, Please! Open the door. I was mad, I didn't realized what I said.

But this didn't affected Sidd at all. Infact, he didn't heard those words spoken from his brother.

Abhi (annoyed): Fine!

Saying this Abhi left from there while tears were flowing from Sidd's eyes continuously. Suddenly he heard an evil laugh. He looked around but didn't saw anyone. Again an evil laugh was heard by him. He looked around to see Rits standing there at the corner of his room. Suddenly, she stopped laughing.

Rits (dangerous): Didn't I told you I would spoil your image, pride and everything but you don't know why I did all this.

She started stepping close to him. Seeing her action, he quickly stood up and started making a major distance between them in fear. He was sweating badly while his heart pacing at the highest speed. Tears were stopping at all.

Sidd (terrified, loud): NO, NO DON'T COME NEAR ME!

Rits (smirking,dangerous voice): Why? Scared huh?

Sidd didn't said anything but now he was also panting heavily. Despite the AC was on but his breaths and sweats wasn't in his control.

Sidd (pleading): Don't come near me!

Rits: I will come more and more closer to you every moment. You know Avneet hates you, your brother hates you. Your every close relation hates you.

Sidd shook his head violently,

Sidd (scared): No, I-Its just because of y-you. You r-ruined my fucking l-life. (Yelling) I HATE YOU.

He looked in front of see no one standing there. Rits disappeared in a fraction of second. He sat on his bed, holding his head in his hands while sweating and having shaky breaths.

He took some time to calm himself but again nothing worked. Rits words ringing in his mind. He was totally exhausted and tired of all this. All he wanted now was to end his trembled life.  He rushed towards his side table, taking a small bottle out of it. He pour the pills on his hand without even counting the number of pills. He gulped it, sitting on the bed. It was sleeping pills which he wondered as anxiety pills. Slowly, sleep started overtaking him. He layed on his bed with the bottle engaged in his hands and he didn't know when he closed his eyes watching the bottle of pills.


It was 8 of night. Rits friend Arishfa had come today to meet her. She came just 1 hour before. They were sitting in Rits when laughing when suddenly Arishfa got serious and started speaking something.

Ari: Umm, Rits I have heard about your pragnency. Is it true?

Rits shook her head.

Ari: I also heard that you were raped?

That's when, Avneet was coming from downstairs with a tray containing juices in her hand. Fortunately, as she came close to her room, she heard it. The smile on her face went away.

Rits: No, who told you?

Ari (confused): What do you mean? Your pragnent but not raped. How is it possible.

Rits hugging her from one side.

Rits: My Jaan not everything we see is true.

Ari: Then?

Rits: Yes I am pragnent but not raped. This child is not Siddharth's but Manjul's. I and Manjul loved each other. He was my boyfriend.

Ari: I also know that but what do you mean by was?

Rits (exhaled angrily): He left me for his career. He just went away like that.

Avneet was shocked, astonished hearing all this.

Ari: maybe you are misunderstand him? Does he know about your pragnency?

Rits: No, That's what I wanted to tell him but he fucking didn't attended my single call.

Ari: Then from where did Siddharth came from?

Rits smirked looking at her.

Rits: He is just my prey nothing else. He is so innocent and it is soo interesting to play with him.

Arishfa looked at her in shock.

Ari: What do you mean by that?

Rits (smirking): He loved Avneet and if she has better than me, I can't tolerate it. So, I trapped him, raped him, declared him guilty. Now, he is under me and Avneet, she hates him and that's what I wanted. If I am not happy then how can I let my sister live happy annd second thing, I felt something for him, maybe lust and unfortunately I couldn't marry him as I was already pragnent. So, I thought why not to play with him? Hmm?

Avneet who heard it was shocked to the core. She stumbled hitting her back again the wall where she was standing. She was so shocked to hear all this that a tear fell from her eyes. Arishfa who was inside the room looked at Rits astonished as she also never expected anything like that.

Ari (shocked): Y-You ruined a boy's life.

Rits: Com'on! Poors don't have any joy in life. So, I helped him in adding joy.

That was enough. The tray from Avneet's hand fell and broke into pieces messing around with a loud sound. Guilt, anger overtook Avneet. Rits looked towards her door as the sound was so close and she didn't had any idea of Avneet's presence as door was close.

Rits: let me see it.

But before she could stand anx move towards the door, Avneet burst in with dangerous, anger in her eyes. She glared Ritika who was sitting there unknown of the fact that Avneet heard everything.


What will be Avneet's reaction?

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What will be Avneet's reaction?

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Words: 1040

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