✦Chapter 28✦

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Sidd wiped his tears smiling and kissed Reem's forehead while Reem smiled at him.

Sidd= let's go home.

Reem nodded and both left and both reached their home together. Seeing them together Vaish got so happy that she cooked their favourite dishes and as soon as Abhi came home after office everyone had dinner on dining table including Sidd as well. Abhinavi were happy seeing Sidreem happy and talking to each other.

It was night till now and everyone has occupied their rooms to sleep but Sidd was the one sitting alone on the lawn thinking something deeply. A line of tension was visible on his forehead.

Sidd's pov

Should I tell bhai about it? Is it possible that Rits is lying?

But why will she lie? Ah, I myself am not able to understand what is right and what is not? God, please help me in this situation. It's only you who knows the truth. Please!

Pov ends.

It was morning and the sun rose with its full brightness indicating everyone to be awake from their night sleeps. Whole the family once again was sitting together doing breakfast as they did dinner. Having breakfast everyone left for their jobs and studies. 

The half-day passed and now it was lunch break when Avneet was sitting with a guy who was her classmate only discussing on lecture only while Siddharth was sitting alone drinking coffee lost in thoughts. As soon as Rits reached canteen, she saw this scene. She went near Sidd and sat in front of her. Avneet who was sitting far from them saw her sitting with Sidd.

He started packing his stuff ready to leave, while Avni was still watching them only. Sidd stood up when Rits spoke

Rits (politely)= Where are you going?

Sidd (stammer)= I-I have some work.

Rits= but I want to talk to you.

Sidd= there is nothing more to talk espically a lier like you.

Rits stood up in anger.

Rits (loud)= What do you mean?

Sidd looked around to see everything watching the scene.

Sidd (whispering)= Rits please, let's leave if you want to talk. Everyone is looking at us only.

Rits nodded looking at the crowd. This made Avneet more suspicious. As soon as they left Avni also went behind them.

Rits stopped as she reached outside the canteen in a lobby leading to store room. Sidd signed.

Rits= Look Sidd, I don't know what you are thinking to do furthur but please this child needs you.

Sidd (confident)= Look Rits as far as I remember nothing happened between us and how can you get pragnent in just one night?

Rits (loud, angry)= You mean to say I'm lying. You mean to say that I'm not pragnent?

Sidd= See, I don't k-know about this child but I didn't touched you that I am sure and about this child, you should get appointment for DNA test if you are that much confident about it.

Rits got stunned and shocked yet afraid listening to him. Sidd saw her suspiciously as her face started to get pale all of a sudden.

Sidd= What happened Rits? What you think about it?

Rits finally turned her plan upside down coming close to Sidd who was still looking at her suspiciously.

Rits (smirked)= then I will flip my plan according to situation and blame you only. No matter how much you try to tell others the truth, they will never listen to you.

Sidd's eyes widen all of a sudden.

Sidd (stammer)= What do you mean?

Rits just smirked. By now the confident Sidd was feeling afraid now. He was just looking at her with disgust and that's when he saw someone behind Rits and it was none other than Avni. Sidd's eyes widen as fear took over him thinking what she heard and what not?

Avneet appeared from behind and stood between Rits and Sidd.

Avni= Who is taking appointment for whom?

Avni= Who is taking appointment for whom?

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