✦Chapter 50✦

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Avu looked behind at them wiping her tears.

Avu (cracky voice): Yes bhai, What we have sown is now for us to reap. First it was Sidd, who tolerated all this. Now, its our turn.

Abhi looked up at Avu while Vaishu looked away exhaling sharply.


Reem ran inside to see a nurse operating his bed in sitting position and making him sit properly, adjusting his pillow while Sidd hissed as his hand felt stretched. His oxygen mask was removed and the heartbeat monitor was also,removed. Reem's happiness was beyond limits. She ran towards her brother and hugged his brother tightly wrapping her arms around his waist and keeping her head on his chest, sobbing in happiness. Sidd smiled weakly and slowly wrapped his arms around her while the nurse smiled looking at them and left the room. Sidd was caressing her hair softly while she was sobbing hard.

Sidd (weak cracky voice): R-Reemi, see I-I am fine. P-Please don't c-cry like t-this.

But Reem didn't replied him and was just feeling herself blessed hugging her brother
The brother who she was about to lose. Sidd closed his eyes, rubbing her arm as tears fell from his eyes. When Reem didn't spoke anything Sidd decided to speak again.

Sidd (weak cracky voice): A-Acha! I-I'm sorry. I s-shouldn't h-have done that. I-I'm sorry.

Reem aparted sitting right infront of him. She tugged her hair behind her ear while Sidd was still half sitting and half laying on the bed. He glanced at her to find her puffy eyes, puffy nose. His heart ached seeing her all messed. He held her hand and she could still feel his hands cold enough. The hands which were always warm are cold now. The strong hands which supported her in every situation, are pale and weak today. The warm hands which used to calm her down are making her worried today.

Sidd (weak, low voice): I am f-fine. I p-promise.

Reem (sarcastic): As if I don't know right? You didn't thought about me before taking such a big step? You didn't thought what I will do if anything happenes to you? Atleast, not yourself you would have thought about myself but no, everyone here  are selfish only who think about themselves.

She burst in anger, looking away. Sidd smiled at her anger. Sidd lifted himself up but hissed a bit. It was Reem weak but she didn't look at him. He joined his both hands infront of her.

Sidd (weak, low voice): I-I'm sorry.

Reem looked at him to see his hands joined. She immediately held his hand, shaking her head in no.

Reem (politely): No bhai. Don't do like this. Please!

Sidd (weak voice with tears in his eyes): Y-You very well knew my s-situation. M-My everything, m-my brother was a-against me. W-When he a-asked me to d-die, it s-stabbed my h-heart. I f-felt like dying. I-I didn't know w-when finding p-peace I t-took a lot o-of sleeping p-pills and e-ended up h-here.

Reem was looking at him but then she held his hands and kissed them while Sidd smiled, exhaling sharply.

Reem (lovingly): God has listened my and your prayers.

Sidd glanced at her confusingly. Reem started caressing his hands, looking down.

Reem (looking at him): God has proved your innocent bhaiya. Rits got exposed infront of everyone. It wasn't your child but her boyfriend's child. It wasn't you who raped her.

Sidd signed in relief, taking deep breath while closing his eyes.

Reem (in mind): Sorry bhai, I can't tell you the whole truth but you being innocent is enough for you. If I told you that she took advantage of you and had lust for you. It will surely be not good for you. I'm sorry but it's not good for your health.

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