✦Chapter 41✦

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Sidd was sitting there, leaning on the wall all quite. His eyes dried, lips dried, pale skin and what not. Only one thing was in his mind.

"His only Love and family is making him suffer and not believing him. What should he expect from others."

That's when, his eyes caught Abhi who was pacing close to him. He looked away glancing at Abhi. Abhi came and sat on his knees infront of the iron bars with Sidd sitting behind them. Abhi was finding words to talk to his brother.

Abhi (stern): I have applied for your bail. As they don't have much proofs they are releasing you for sometime.

Sidd didn't reacted, nor looked at his brother. His mind was all messed up. Abhi looked up at him.

Sidd (in low voice): I'm fine here.

Abhi: You might be fine but your Reemi and bhabhi are worried for you.

Sidd: It's not you right? You mentioned everyone except yourself.

Abhi looked at him blankly. That's when, a police man arrived there. He unlocked the jail.

Leader (laughing with his men): Go man,you are going now but let's see you soon.

Police (yells): Quiet.

Sidd flinched at his yell and that leaders evil laugh. Sidd stood up.

Police: Go from here.

He saw pushing Sidd outside. Abhi held Sidd before he could fall. Sidd didn't look up and just left from there without saying anything. This made Abhi confused. This behaviour was new. Abhi paced till the office of S.H.O.

S.H.O: we are only leaving him because we don't have much proofs. A single proof isnt enough. Just because of your insistance we are leaving him for now but if one, anyone gives evidence against him no one can save him from being hung to death.

Abhi nodded leaving his office and paced outside only to see Siddharth standing there in the cold. Abhi stood infront of him.

Abhi (stern face): Because of you, I had to hear so many things which I never wished to hear. Because of you, that S.H.O was talking shit about me, my family, my parents and I couldn't shut his face. Just because of you. Go and die somewhere.

Sidd looked at his brother with tears in his eyes but remained quite.

Sidd (whispering): I'm sorry, I'll make sure you don't face anything worse because of me.

Abhi (in loud voice): What would be worse than this?

A tear fell from Sidd's eye listening to his brother. Saying this he left from there and sar in his car, starting it's engine while Sidd was just looking at him. The window of the car slided down.

Abhi: Will you bother to get in the car?

Sidd just walked towards the car, sitting on the passenger seat beside Abhi. Abhi glanced at him before driving the car.


Reem and Vaishu were pacing here and there in tension when suddenly the door bell rang. Reem rushed and opened the gate to see Abhi and Sidd standing there. Reem's lips curved into smile while Abhi came inside exhaling sharply. Vaish stood up seeing him coming inside.

Vaishu: What happened Abhi? Didn't you bought Sidd along with you?

Abhi didn't answered and just went towards his room. Vaishu's eyes followed his disappearing figure.

Vaishu: Abhi!

That's when, she heard a yell.  It was Reem's yell. Reem hugged Sidd as soon as he came inside. Reem was crying on his shoulder while Sidd was expressionless. Vaishu paced out to see Reem hugging Sidd.

Vaishu: Sidd!

Reem broke the hug as soon she heard her voice.

Reem (crying): Bhabhi, see bhai is back. Bhai came back.

Vaishu paced towards Sidd and kissed his forehead, cupping his face.

Vaishu (whispering while crying): Sidd bacha!

Sidd: I'm fine bhabhi!

He said forcing a smile.

Vaishu (observing his expressions): No, you don't seem. Reem, get him in his room I am coming with dinner.

Reem nodded and Vaishu left. Sidd stumbled a bit, holding his head. Reem held him by his arm.

Reem (worried): Bhai, are you alright?

Sidd (gripping his head): Yeah, yeah I'm fine.

Reem held him till his room and made him sit on his bed.

Reem: Give me 1 minute, I will bring water for you.

Sidd just nodded while she left. The gangsters evil laugh, their mental torture given to him again echoed in his head. Yells, "Womanizer" echoing in his head. His dada's words everything. He cupped his ear trying to stop the voices but no, they weren't stopping at all.

Sidd (yelling, holding his head): STOP IT!!!!

As soon as he yelled, the echos stopped there only. He opened his eyes and looked around. He was in his room. He was exhaling sharply, calming himself down but unfortunately nothing was working. That's when, Reem entered the room and sat on the bed in front of him. She handed him water and he gulped it in one go. Reem was looking at him with worry and concern in her eyes. She felt that something happened with him.

Reem (placing her hand over his): Bhai? Is everything fine?

Sidd (sweating badly): Yeah, Y-Yeah everything is fine.

Reem wasn't satisfied but didn't said a word furthur.

Sidd (low voice): Reemi, can you please leave me alone. I want to sleep.

Reem: But bhai, dinner is ready and I'm sure you haven't eaten anything since morning.

Sidd (almost crying, whispering, begging): please Reem! Please! I don't want to eat anything. Let me sleep please!

Reem nodded understanding and stood up.

Reem (kissing his hand): Good night! Sleep well.

Wishing him, she placed his hand back leaving the room with a glass in her hand. As soon as she left, he closed the door with thud and started searching for something. He opened his side table to find a bottle of sleeping pills. He quickly gathered 2 in his palm, gulping them down before the voices start echoing again. He layed on his bed, blinking his eyes and he didn't know when he slept under the effect of stress and the sleeping pills he took.



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