✦Chapter 62✦

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In the evening,

Sidd was sitting in his room, fully focused on the laptop screen. His specs reflected blue as he opened a new window. He thought for a second before writing the point on his dairy. Study and job have become his first priority after everything happened with him. Early, he was a boy who used to be immature, irresponsible, childish, and fondness, but as time passed, his personality had also turned upside down. Now, he is a boy who keeps working with work, is responsible, and is now mature enough. He was sitting on his bed with a laptop in front of him, wearing a pair of trousers and a T-shirt when his door knocked.

Sidd (looking at his laptop screen): Come in!

Abhi entered inside. Sidd's head moved up to see his brother pacing towards him. He shut the screen of his laptop as Abhi sat on his bed, in front of him. Abhi was silent till now. He didn't know how to start. Sidd raised his eyebrow, keeping his hand on his brother's shoulder.

Sidd: What happened, dada? Are you okay?

Abhi looked at him and nodded his hand. Abhi looked at Sidd as he dragged his hand in his.

Abhi: Ashu, I...

He comfortably sat on the bed, dragged Sidd's hand in his before speaking while Sidd looked at him confused.

Abhi (looking down): Ashu, I know I did wrong with you in the past by not trusting you. Reem's words came true.

Sidd looked down at their hands.

Abhi: She said that I would be proud when I would get to know the truth, and today, I am.

Sidd closed his eyes, exhaling sharply.

Sidd (politely): Bhai, can we please not talk about it now.

Abhi: Let me, Ashu! I have seen enough, but now I can't.

Sidd looked at him, confused.

Abhi (tighting his drip on Sidd's hand): I know I did wrong to you, but you forgave me, right?

Sidd nodded, smiling, looking at him.

Abhi (in low voice): Then, why don't you forgive Avneet and start a new life with her?

Sidd's eyes widen as soon as those words come out of Abhi's mouth.

Sidd (in shock): Dada..!!

Abhi: No, Ashu! Don't stop me today. I have been looking at you and Reem for the past 5 years. You both are showing yourself as happy ones when I can see the sadness and loneliness behind your smiles. Don't do this to yourself, Ashu!

Sidd looked down, not knowing what to say now. He looked away as Abhi gestured him to speak.

Abhi (politely): I very well know what is going on in your and Reem's mind. You guys took 3 years to move on. I didn't have any issue, so I gave you 3 years. You took 2 years to build your career that you did. Till when, will you be alone like this?

Sidd (looking at Abhi, holding his hands): I'm not alone. I have you, Reemi, bhabhi, and Viku. How can someone be alone with his family.

Abhi (chuckled humorously): Ashu! I can see your face and tell you about everything in your mind. Viku has changed our lives completely. Vaishu, Viku, and I are happy in their lives, but you and Reemi aren't, Sidd. It's been 5 years since you are punishing Avneet. I know, I very well know you also suffered a lot.

Sidd (exhaling sharply): Then, why are you forcing me?

Abhi: I ain't but convincing you. You know Reem is standing there in terrace as every day. She looks at stars and talks to them. I have seen her crying, watching the stars. She never regretted supporting you, but now she needs you. The way she sacrificed for you, fought for you. It's your turn now. Being alone is the hardest time, and I feel it. I have seen you both fake smiling in front of me and Vaishu when we knew it was fake. Jai isn't a bad guy. He is as innocent as Reemi in all this. Now, you have to stand for them and yourself as well. 5 years are more than enough to punish anyone. I won't let it exceed more. Reem has fulfilled the responsibility of a sister. Now, it is your turn to stand for her. Trust me, just take this one hard step, and then your life will be settled as before. I promise!

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