✦Chapter 35✦

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Reem was still hugging Sidd who was sobbing badly. Reem slowly broke the hug, wiping Sidd's tears.

Reem (calmly)= Bhai please, I know you didn't do anything.

Sidd (sobbing)= But dada, dada didn't believe me Reemi.

Reem= let's go to him. He must believe you. Come, get up!

Reem consoled him, giving her hand on his and making him stand on his feet. She supported him till Abhinavi's room. Abhi who was sitting on the bed, stood up as soon as he saw Sidd with Reem coming in his room. He stood up seeing Sidd and went close to him, gripping his arms tightly.

Abhi (yelling)= What is all this Siddharth???!!

Sidd flinched hearing his yell. For the first time, his brother was so angry on him.

Abhi (yelling)= Tell me Ashu! What was all that??!

Sidd (stammering)= I-I didn't do anything.

Abhi= oh really? Then how? How come a girl who doesn't belong to our family came here and said such a big thing?

Sidd didn't said anything but was just looking down, sobbing. Abhi again gripped his arm tightly leaving the finger prints.

Reem (yelling)= Bhai

Abhi (ignoring her,mad)= now you tell me who is this Ritika Badiani?

Sidd was quiet, it was like something heavy got stuck in his throat.

Abhi (yelling more louder)= I asked you who is Ritika Badiani??

Sidd flinched in fear as more tears fell from his eyes.

Sidd (sobbing badly)= Bhai, s-she is Avneet's sister w-who was b-behind me from the d-day s-she came in this college. S-She somehow c-came to know t-that I love h-her s-sister. Now, she is doing all this to trap me. That day also she called me by trapping me.

Abhi (astonished)= T-That day? Which day are you talking about?

Sidd (looking down and closing his eyes as tears fell from his eyes)=The day when I told you about party.

Abhi= that means you went to her but not on party?

Sidd just nodded still sobbing not knowing what to say. Abhi took a deep breath. Vaishnavi placed her hand on his shoulder.

Abhi= it means she is really pregnant with your child.

Sidd's eyes went wide in shock and he looked up to see his brother.

Sidd (stammering)= No, No t-this child is not mine. I-I never raped her I promise.

Abhi (yelling)= then it means that the report is fake? Or it's lying?

Sidd just nodded in yes, sobbing hard.

Abhi (disappointed, hurt)= I never thought you would react to such an extent Siddharth. I never thought that I would fail as a brother. I never expected this from you but no it's not your fault also. It's mine only. I couldn't upbring you properly.

Saying this Abhi left the room while Sidd was calling him from behind. Abhi spoke before exciting the home. He stopped and turned towards Sidd who was coming behind him.

Abhi (stern voice)= Remember Siddharth, if that girl goes to court for justice against you, I will support her even if my brother is a rapist. Pray that she doesn't go to court otherwise you will have to marry and accept her.

As soon as Abhi spoke that Sidd froze on his spot. Not anyone tear fell from his eyes, not another word escaped his mouth. Reem was beyond shock seeing all this. Her brother separating infront of her and she couldn't do anything. Abhi left the home, banging the door hard with thud. Sidd flinched coming back to senses. Vaishu, who was standing behind was confused. All this was happening so fast that she couldn't process anything but yeah she was 80% sure that Sidd is innocent because according to her, she has met her and she know her nature very well and secondly, Sidd never refuses to accept his mistake never ever in his life. It was a challenge for his family and the fate is becoming cruel enough.

To be continued

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To be continued

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Words= 680

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