✦Chapter 46✦

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Rits (crying, stammering): W-What do you m-mean b-by a-adopted?

Avu's dad (yelling): Yes, you are not my daughter.

Avu's mom looked down sobbing while everyone was looking at Avu's dad in shock. This scene enclosed the true identity of Rits which she never imagined in her dreams. Jai, Avneet and Adishfa's mouth was wide open in shock, hearing their father. Manjul was also beyond shock hearing this. Avu's mom was looking down, controlling her tears.

Avu's dad :Your father was my family friend and relative too. After your mother's death, he handed you to us and left this country to settle himself. Today, he is married and have children too. He didn't turned back to look at you and you did everything which hurted us who truely loved you.

Rits stumbled looking down, not knowing what to say. Avneet looked at her with tears in her eyes.

Avu (cracky voice): It wasn't known by me but t-then too I always treated you like my elder sister. For you, I stood against this whole world not realizing that I was somewhere wrong. I distanced myself from Sidd b-because of you. Even though I loved him, I rejected him everytime he came infront of me. Then too you did all this? You were much blessed than you. Your lover is loyal, you are carrying his child.

Avu (Sobbing badly): Despite of having everything, y-you planned all this and in your favour I crossed every limit. I fell from Sidd's eyes just in your love. How s-stupid I was?!

Rits was numb. It was all true. No matter how much Rits did wrong to her sister but Avneet always supported her. Avu somehow controlled herself, calmed herself down. Arishfa left from there without informing anyone as it was their personal matter now. That's when, something stroke Avneet's mind. Yes, tomorrow is 2nd court hearing. She glanced at Rits and determined no matter what she has to stop this court hearing and she will stop it.

Avu: I have important work. I should leave.

Avu's mom: -but Avni, where are you going?

Avu (looks at Avu's dad, wiping her tears): If dad give me permission, I wish to tell everything to Nigam family also. Tomorrow is Court's date and they should also know the truth.

Avu's dad looked at her and nodded his head, closing his eyes in guilt. Avu signed Jai, who nodded his head and left from there. She walked upstairs towards her room and shut the door with thud. She didnt know when she started sobbing, falling on the floor as her knees betrayed her badly. Her hands covered her mouth.

Avu (crying badly, whispering): I-I'm s-sorry S-Siddharth. I'm sorry. P-Please forgive me.

She was still sobbing when she heard the door knocked.

Jai: di, come fast. It's already 10 of night.

Jai informed. Avu glanced at the clock, hanging on the wall.

Avu (wiping her tears): Y-Yeah, coming.

Avu stood up, dragging her purse and mobile she unlocked her room to find Jai standing infront of her only. She walked downstairs while Jai following her and they left their home.

Rits, who still couldn't believe the fact stepped slowly towards Avu's dad and joined her hands while sobbing.

Rits (sobbing, stammering): I-I a-am sorry. P-Please f-forgive me.

Avu's dad (whispering): I loved you like my own daughter but you ..........

Avu's dad became silent not getting words to express his pain. He just turned towards Manjul.

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