✦Chapter 24✦

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Rits was sitting in her room crying but suddenly her expressions changed. She harshly wiped the tears already following from her eyes and smirked.

At Sidd's Home,

Reem was so upset by Sidd's behavior that she spent her whole day in the room and also informed Vaishu about it. Vaishu was shocked to hear this kind of news from Sidd's side but consoled Reem saying that he must be in some tension, he will realize his mistake soon.

She was currently sitting in the living room and it was night till now when Abhi returned from the office and saw her sitting on the couch upset regarding something.

Abhi (smiling)= Good Evening!

Vaish (fake smile)= Evening.

He went and sat beside her as he noticed her tension.

Vaish= I will serve you the dinner.

Before she could go Abhi held her hand making her sit again.

Abhi= What happened? Do you look worried?

Vaish (covering up)= No, not at all. Why will I be upset?

Abhi= Vaish, I am your husband. I know you better than even yourself.

Vaish sat straight facing him.

Vaish= it is regarding Reemi and Sidd.

Abhi= Everything good?

Vaishu (concerned)= I don't know what happened between Sidd and Reem but since afternoon Reem locked herself in the room. She isn't talking to anyone and about Siddharth he didn't came out of his room since noon. They didn't went to college. I don't know what's happening with these two.

Abhi (thinking)= hmm....even I noticed in morning, Sidd was shivering in front of me. This kind of behaviour is first time. He never did anything like that. Even if he did any mistake he used to confess it in front of me. He is like an open book to me but then too this behaviour is unbelieveable.

He said explaining her everything and then thinking about what exactly would have happened when suddenly he remembered.

Abhi= Wait, at what time did Siddharth came back home yesterday night ?

Vaishu looked at him being confused.

Vaishu (confused)= He I guess came in morning only.

Abhi= means something would have happened there only.

Vaishu=I also think the same.

Abhi (shooking his head)= Ah, anyway I'll look at them but for now I am going to change. Can I get a glass of water ?

He said getting up holding his sleeves unbuttoning his collar button. Vaish smiled at him she went to him and handed him his clothes. He smiled and she went out giving him space to change and also to bring water.

At Sidd's room,

He was laying on bed starring the fan on ceiling only, not knowing what to do now and what to not. He himself wasn't stable then how could he share this matter with anyone ?, His only question was did he really did it ?, consciously or unconsciously that's another matter of mind.

Just then Abhi knocked on door but hearing no response he entered room to find lost Sidd only. He noticed Sidd already lost.

Abhi (mumbling to himself)= What is up with him?, I never saw him this much lost.

He signed and paced till Sidd's bed sitting beside him. He looked at Sidd but he was still lost. Abhi touched Sidd's hand when he suddenly came in senses, jerked his hand getting scared with his heart beat increasing. Abhi was now sure something is definitely wrong because as he touched his hand, he felt his body temperature bit high than normal

Sidd somehow calmed himself taking deep breaths and looking down.

Abhi (forwarding his hand to cup Sidd's face)= Siddharth, are you alright?

He just nodded and hugged Abhi trying to control himself. Abhi rubbed his back curious to know about what happened. He know him in and out. Sidd wiped his tears in hug only and aparted while Abhi still cupping his cheeks.

Abhi (worried)= You alright?

Sidd just nodded his head in yes and fake smiled. Abhi immediately caught it. He held Sidd's hands with grip.

Abhi= You can share with me if you want.

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