✦Chapter 34✦

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It was Sunday, Siddharth didn't went to college even though he had some extra classes on Sunday but he didn't felt like going. He was at his room since morning. He was not feeling well. It was like something bad is gonna happen with him and he didn't know about it. Currently, he was sitting on his bed with book open infront of him, lost somewhere. Just then, he heard a door knock.

Sidd: Come in!

Reem came in with a tray in her hands. Yes, she also didn't went college today because she wanted to stay with Sidd. She placed the tray infront of Sidd and sat infronf of him.

Reem: Bhai, you must finish your breakfast within 20 minutes.

Sidd (dull): But Reemi, I don't feel like eating.

Reem (concerned): Bhai, what has happened to you? You weren't like this before. You can share anything with me.

Sidd (tears in eyes): Reem, I don't know how to tell you.

Reem held his hand.

Reem: com'on bhai, I'm your sister. You can say it to me.

Sidd (cracky voice): I-I am feeling like something worse is gonna happen which should not happen but it will happen.

Reem looked at her confused.

Reem: Bhai, relax. You maybe are overthinking.

Sidd: No reem, I never felt like this before. I don't understand myself.

Reem looked at him concerned and tensed as he never said anything like that before.

The gaye was banged. Reem and Sidd looked at the direction where gate was. Sidd was now getting strong vibes now. Abhishek who was at home also opened the gate to see Avneet standing there with anger in her eyes.

Abhi: Avneet, right?

Avu nodded.

Avu (stern voice): Can I come in?

Abhi: sure, come.

Avu stood there waiting for Abhi while Abhi came locking the door. Avu followed Abhi inside. As soon as they reached Abhi offered Avu to sit.

Abhi: Avneet, have seat pleass!

Avu (stern voice): I'm not here to sit but to do something very important.

Her stern voice confused Abhi. He kept quite and went to call Vaishu. Vaishu came to see Avu standing.

Vaishu (happily): Avu you here. What a pleasant surprise?!

Vaishu hugged Avu while Avu was still standing expressionless. Vaishu looked at her confused.

Avu (shocked): how are you guys so calm after all this?

Abhi (confused): What are you talking about?

Inside Sidd's room,

Reem and Sidd heard some voices. Reem turned to Sidd.

Reem: Bhai, let me go and see who it is?

Sidd just nodded while she left. Reem went downstairs to see Avneet standing there. She got excited. She went to Avneet and hugged her.

Reem (excited, shouting): Omg! When did you came and you didn't told me. That's not at all good.

Avu looked at her blankly.

Avu: I am not here to enjoy or meet someone but to inform you about someone's truth.

Reem's smile vanished as shs glanced Vaishu and Abhi.

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