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The next day Stella was up early making breakfast for the three of them before she gathers her stuff and the gifts as they all head down to their car. Stella is in her own car while Lucian and Skylar are in his car.

They zoom out from the condominium and head toward the university. Upon arriving at the university ground they quickly walk over to their class and get ready before their class start.

Stella still couldn't think straight as her mind keeps on thinking about the flower and the overly expensive wine that she needed to return as soon as possible. Before she realises it, the bell rang and it indicates their class has ended.

Skylar and Stella walk over to the parking lot and waited for another 10 minutes for Lucian to finish his class which they parted way.

"Okay, guys I'm going now so bye and see you at home Sky,"

She opens the door, gets inside her car and zooms out from the university ground while heading over to M Car Company. Upon arriving at the company everyone greeted her as if she was the owner of the company.

She looks at them weirdly but remains silent at their actions when she stops at the front desk of the company.

"Sorry but I want to return something that was misplaced by your employee inside my car,"

"What item is it Miss?"


Stella places the big-size paperback on top of the counter.

"You see, this was inside my car the other day when I sent my car to repair. So I think that someone might have lost this or misplaced this inside my car so I just want to return this"

"Okay, Miss can I know your plate number,"

"It's *******,"

"It seems that there's nothing wrong and no one report missing stuff. I think that this is your stuff Miss and probably you forget about it or something"

"Hmm. You know what, I'll just leave this here and if there's no one asked for it in a month then you can take it home with you. You have my consent"

"Okay Miss, I'll keep it in the lost and found room"

"Great, then thank you and have a nice day,"

"You too Miss"

Stella turns and walks towards the main door to exit the building light-hearted she mumbles; "Phew, now that is out of the way, let's go home," to herself as she ignites the car engine and drove away from the place.

At night after their dinner, the security called to inform Stella that there was some parcel for her which makes both her and Skylar look at each other puzzled and in a questioning manner.

"Okay, just sent the boy up, thank you,"

Stella hangs up the phone call and makes her way to the kitchen area to keep her freshly made sandwiches before she headed over to the lift and waited.

A few minutes later the lift dinged indicating that the lift is about to open. As soon as the lift opens, Stella automatically remembers the guy as he was the same guy who brought her car to her.

"Hey, Tim,"

Stella politely and like usual she greeted the security guard that accompanied the boy. Which Tim, the security guard replies;

"What's up ladies. You have a personal delivered parcel".

Joke Tim as Stella look at the man and instantly she recognise him; "You," as she pointed at the man who smiles slightly at her.

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