Mama Dragon Out To Protect It's Baby

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Skylar slowly shakes Stella up as she said; "Lia, wake up babe. We already landed and welcome to Sicily babe" in her happy tone.

Slowly Stella wakes up and looks around inside the aircraft searching for Marius who wasn't inside the aircraft and not even her brother. Immediately she stands up;

"Where's Marius?"

Skylar smiles widely, she informs; "He's with Gabriel babe and so is our luggage. Everything already settles, just your majesty needs to disembark the aircraft and get your butt inside the waiting car" while she playfully bows which makes Stella slap her butt.

While laughing at her best friend all of a sudden she stops and asked; "Wait! Where's Gabriel?" she didn't see anyone but a heavily tinted Sedan car waiting for them both as she walks over to it.

"He heads over to the hotel with our luggage and baby Marius"

Skylar replies calmly as she gets inside the sedan car while Stella does the same. Once again she said; "What!" a little loud as she looks at Skylar with wide eyes.

Immediately Skylar responds; "Don't worry Lia, your brother knows how to take care of an infant plus Marius's favourite person is there too" in a small voice but Stella heard her which makes her blood boil.

"Fucking stupid Luciano and Gabriel for taking my baby without my permission,". 

Stella breathed fire as she closes her eyes and gritted her teeth angrily before she continues; "Which hotel did they go to?" angrily but remained calm.

Skylar fully knowing that she did wrong, quickly tries to mend the situation by calling her best friend; "Babe~," to his best friend who was clearly angry at the moment.

"Don't. Just don't. Not fucking now. I want my baby and that's it"

Stella said in a hard tone not playing around anymore as she asked the driver a favour;

"Driver. Drive as fast as you can to the hotel"

The driver speeds up and heads over to the hotel. In less than 40 minutes with speedy yet stable and safe driving, they arrived at the hotel. Stella then opens the car door and close it before she marches over to the front desk and asked for the room number.

"Hi, welcome to-," said the receptionist but was cut by Stella as she is impatient.

"Can I know what room Gabriel Salvatore is in?"

"Sorry Mam, there's no one by that name stay in this hotel,"

"Lia, you need to calm down,"

Skylar said as she grabs Stella away from the front desk which is a big mistake. Angrily she said to her best friend; "Fucking hell Skylar, tell me where are they. I will cast hellfire upon you too if you don't take me to my son".

"Wait let me call Lucian, please just wait,"

Skylar pulls out her phone and frantically calls Lucian who thankfully picks up the call on the first ring. She said; "They are at the beach area," while still on the phone with Lucian.

Stella leaves no time to waste as she turns around and asked the front desk the way to the beach area which the front desk lady quickly pointed at her. Stella then marches towards the direction where the beach area was located in anger and worry while she overheard Skylar tell Lucian that a storm is coming.

Stella marched over as she quickens her steps after she spotted a shirtless Luciano and Gabriel while holding Marius in his short pants and T-shirt all ready for swimming.

"Sissy," said Gabriel as he turns to look at Stella.

Stella was breathing fire as she saw Marius laughing while bounced by Lucino, as soon as Stella come near her brother her right hand swung and slapped on Gabriel's left cheek.

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