The Varrios Riot Cartel

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Skylar then look towards Stella smirking at her before she quickly pushes her remaining energy towards Tim with a small action but mighty she turned ninety degrees to the side, she brought her right forearm up to counter the blow, formed a fist with her left, and threw it at Tim's outstretched jaw with that he knocks out cold.

With no time wasted Skylar quickly straddle him and rain a heavy punch on his face until Tim's minion decided to step in and pull her exhausted body away in a rough force.

Immediately Jacob in a low yet stern tone.

"Stop touching her!"

Stella who was calm the whole time, instantaneously command; "MOVE!" and this time all four of them move and kill each and every one of the remaining minions that were inside the warehouse.

Stella swiftly unties herself before she started to shoot them one by one while Conner, George and Isla follow suit. Within a few minutes, the minion was eliminated whereas Isla look down at Tim and asked;

"How the fuck you can escape the prison?"

Stella crouches down and pulls the bloody Tim slightly up roughly as she splats;


Tim laughs bitterly as he said; "You fuck with the wrong person" while coughing blood.

Stella smirked at him with a raised eyebrow; "Wrong person or cartel?!" as she looks at the wide eye Tim who was clearly caught off guard.

"You know? Then take note, the cartel will hunt you down forever"

Tim laughs like a maniac looking at Stella whose patience runs thin which makes her shoot him in his head before exhaling loudly.

"Baby girl why did you shoot him?" asked George as he lowers his handgun.

"What cartel?" asked Isla puzzled.

Stella toss the gun to Tim's dead body and reply, "The Mexico Cartel. Tim here is the son of the most wanted cartel member that goes by the name of Varrios Riot" as she walks over to Skylar who was being carried by Jacob.

"Let's go home, I'll explain more later,"

All five of them walk out of the warehouse and head over to their car that is parked not far from the warehouse but before they head out Stella quickly pulls out the gasoline can from the boot with the help of Isla and Jacob.

They then walk back towards the warehouse and quickly pour the gasoline all over the place and lit the place on fire. In a blazing fire, it eats everything and everybody that was inside the warehouse.

"Now explain, how you know about them"

"I started to dig some information about them as soon as I master how to hack inside the US Intelligence System without leaving any trace. I found their folder and keep a copy of their information in our database"

"What did you find?"

George asked as he hugs Skylar who was fast asleep as her body recuperate.

"The Varrios Riot Cartel also known as the VRC, is a large international drug trafficking, money laundering, and organized crime syndicate established during the late 1970s. The cartel is primarily based in the city of Culiacán, Sinaloa, with big operations in the Mexican states of Baja California, Durango, Sonora, and Chihuahua. The Mexican and U.S. governments both consider the Varrios Riot Cartel to be "the largest and one of the most powerful drug cartels of all time, the United States Intelligence Community considers the Varrios Riot Cartel to be the top 2 most powerful criminal organization in North America and possibly the entire Western Hemisphere. It has repeatedly been said to be one of the strongest criminal organizations and the most powerful in Mexico since at least the late 2000s and early 2010s by various sources including the Los Angeles Times."

"The Varrios Riot Cartel operates in the "Golden Triangle", the states of Sinaloa, Durango, and Chihuahua. The region is a major producer of Mexican opium and marijuana. Despite trafficking various types of illicit substances, the cartel's operations seem to mostly favour the trade of cocaine and heroin. According to the U.S. Attorney General, the Varrios Riot Cartel was responsible for importing into the United States and distributing nearly 200 short tons (180 t) of cocaine and large amounts of heroin between 1980 and 2010. According to the National Drug Intelligence Centre, within the U.S. the Varrios Riot Cartel is primarily involved in the distribution of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, cannabis and MDMA. It is also the majority supplier of illicit fentanyl to North America. As of 2019, the Varrios Riot Cartel is the most active drug cartel involved in smuggling illicit drugs into the United States and trafficking them throughout the country. The cartel is now headed by Julio Antonelli the father of Spatz Tim Antonelli"

"Who on earth names their son a Spatz, what a weird man"

Skylar murmured as she opens her eyes which George right away said;

"Sleep child, don't talk now you need your strength,"

All of them continue to head over to Jacob and George's house to recuperate while nursing Skylar. As soon as they reach the house Jacob quickly picks Skylar up and head over to the guest room while Stella quickly grabs the MedKit bag before heading over to the guest room and attaching the IV Drips before she applies medicine to Skylar's wound.

"You really want to get your ass whooped by me,"

Stella purposely applies the iodine on Skylar's bruised knuckle which makes her slightly winch while she murmurs lowly cursing her best friend but was cut by Stella in a worried yet angry tone.

"You should have just punched him and killed him when you have the chance like a multiple-time of chance. Why in the name of my handsome Lucifer, you do the opposite of it?"

In a small tone Skylar replied;

"I was just trying to see his strength plus giving him a fair chance on duel but I really didn't know that he will have an extra strength up in his sleeves"

"Of course, he will have an additional strength as he wasn't get slapped by his minion like you. You really are an angel. Next time don't think of others when you are in a duel. You need to think of yourself first, the others can just fuck themselves got it"

"Yes, sissy"

Skylar replies as she smiles slightly before the medicine kick in while Stella murmur lowly.

"Lucky for you I love you as my sister or else I might whoop your ass right now"

Stella then stands up, gathers the stuff before packing up neatly, heads over to the bathroom to freshen up before she gets comfy and watches over Skylar who was sleeping peacefully with a bruised up body.

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