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"My oh my detka (baby), you have some nerve to do that towards your husband on top of that the Mafia Don,"

Mikhail smiles at Stella who rolls her eyes as she gets comfortable in her seat.

"Well he lies and I hate liar as you yourself know,"

"You are not married to him isn't it?" asked Mikhail as he raises his eyebrows.

"No, not yet. It's just an agreement between two families"

Stella replies as she takes a glance over to Mikhail who smirks at that information without knowing she saw him. She then look outside of the window and asked;

"Any way where are we going?"

Before Mikhail could reply, her phone blared loudly in which she instantly know who is calling and like herself, Mikhail know but intentionally asked;

"Husband calling?"

Stella nods her head, sigh then picks up the call.

"Amore mio (My love) where are you?" asked Luciano on the other end of the call.

"None. Of. Your. Concern. Liar. Why are you calling?"

Stella intentionally talks slightly slower trying to prolong the call so that he can trace her.

"I'm worried about you, Mikhail isn't what he looks like,"

"I know, now tell me something that I don't know"

Stella tried to shift the situation and make him realise her plan but he didn't get the hint as he reveal the truth.

"He's from the Soviet Russian Assassin,"

"I know, I already know about that"

Stella pretends to make an annoyed facial expression while Luciano continues with slight frustration.

"Then you should know that he is dangerous, really dangerous why on earth do you still follow him?"

"I have my reasons and if one doesn't have any more reasons to annoy me by talking trash about my friend then kindly go home to your brother,"

Stella purposely hangs up the call with a loud sigh.

"My detka (baby), why not let's just ignore your so-called husband for now and let us enjoy this moment before your so-called husband finds us," said Mikhail as he speeds up his car.

"That's a good plan,"

Stella giggles while tossing her phone by the side of the car before she uses her watch. Meanwhile back at Luciano who was slightly annoyed but catching up on Stella's action he quickly on her tracking device that he secretly install on Stella's phone.

"Hello frati (brother)"

"Hello Lucian, can you give the phone to Skylar?"

Luciano calls his brother while heading out of the parking lot.

"Hello, Luciano?" 

"What's going on between Stella and Mikhail?"

"I'll explain more but you need to head over to Jacob's house now,"

Luciano replies 'okay' before he hangs up and zooms out to Jacob's house. Meanwhile back to Stella and Mikhail, of them decided to fill their tummy while reminiscent of the good old time when they both are in high school.

"This ice cream parlour, I am amazed that the uncle is still here,"

Mikhail said as they both ate ice cream while enjoying the view and relaxing.

Act Like A Donna, Fight Like A DonWhere stories live. Discover now