Dug Her Own Grave and Jump!

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2 hours after that fiasco Stella arrived at the Salvatore mansion with a light heart as one of her enemies has wiped out from the planet and now she has to deal with another person who keeps on chasing after her tail.

Stella parked her superbike at the garage properly before heading inside the house and straight away headed over to her room as she wanted to change and get herself clean before she plays with Marius.

45 minutes later she's out of the shower room and quickly open her laptop while checking her phone which is always full of unread email and unopened messages, one thing that makes her slightly angry is when she saw the notice on her laptop.

Stella quickly packs her luggage together with Marius then the backpack before she closes her laptop and keeps it inside the luggage together with Marius's stuff before she rolls her stuff down and heads over to the kitchen area.

"Hi, hi,"

Stella greets her family as she enters the kitchen area for lunch.

"Come and eat,"

Stella straight away walks over to his son and greet him "Hello~ hi~ my baby," in a high pitch baby style tone.

"What's with the luggage?"

Asked Gabriel as he enters the kitchen area.

"Hmm, oh I totally forget to tell you that today Marius and I will go on a short vacation away for a couple of days before we return here. I just want to show Marius around and a different part of Italy that's all"

"That's weird Lia, you told me that we'll be here for a couple of days so that Marius can play with his grandparents and get familiar with his surroundings. Or am I wrong on that?"

Skylar asked while smirking trying to corner Stella but her words were cut by Catherine as she said; "Oh my seriously Lia, I'm so happy and thank you for doing so," as she smiles brightly which makes Stella feel a little guilty.

Giovanni continues; "Thank you for wanting us to know Marius and wanting us inside your world Lia" as he looks at her daughter softly manner.

At that moment Stella felt extremely guilty as if there was an invisible knife lodged into her heart as she only could smile apologetically towards her parents which she wouldn't dare to look at them and silently eats her food.

Then out of nowhere, Skylar said; "I told you, mama papa, motherhood really changes Stella into a new person. See, she's becoming milder now" as she smiles at her parents.

"Do you want me to help you unpacked sissy?"

Gabriel asked in a small voice as he tilted his head towards Stella who seats next to him who nodded her head and silently eats her food while Marius was babbling and hitting his spoon on his high chair and happily eats what his grandmother gives him.

Feeling and knowing that all of their primary mission which is to make Stella stay for a while success, Skylar happily asked; "Oh mama, can you and papa take care of Marius for us? I want to bring Stella around since it's been a while since she comes back home" which earns her a glare from Stella.

"That's a good idea, no worries we will take good care of our first grandchild,"

"No need, we can go now. I mean I already pack everything so we can go, you, me and baby Marius too. I don't want to trouble mater and pater plus Marius is my responsibility so let me handle him"

"Where do you want to go?" asked Gabriel as he smirks while taking a small bite of his food then he continues; "Sicily is a good place to go for a vacation, or so I hear" as he takes another taste of his food.

"Or Milan," said Catherine as she wipes Marius's mouth

"Or Venice," said Giovanni as he looks at Stella.

"Or Florence," said Skylar as she wiggles her eyebrow at Stella who rolls her eyes at her.

"But Sicily is better though," said Gabriel as he slightly elbows his sister.

"Okay, I'll go to Sicily like Gab said it's a good no better place to go for a vacation" reply Stella without thinking as her head is occupied with the thought to get away as far as she can as her demon is getting near.

"Sicily it is then! I'll go and get ready"

Said Gabriel as he finishes his food quickly then he walks over to his room leaving the kitchen are and Stella in dumbfounded at her brother's attitude.

She then turns to look at her family and asked; "Is he always like this?" pointed Stella while looking at her brother who was suddenly energetic as he left the table and headed over to his room. Stella then stands up to gather her plate and her brother's plate then heads over to the sink but was stopped by the maid who insists on washing the plates.

"This is what we call dug her own grave then jump without hesitating"

Skylar murmur to herself as she closes her eyes and shakes her head in a 'no' motion which earns her a chuckle from her mother who happens to hear her.

With a sigh of mission accomplished, she said; "I'm going to pack my stuff too then," stands up and marches over to her room.

About an hour later, Stella, Marius, Skylar and Gabriel are on their way to the airport they were busy chatting while Stella quietly looks outside at the window, thinking about another escape plan that doesn't involve the rest of them but only her and Marius.

"Lia, tell me truthfully why are you running from Luciano?"

Whisper Skylar to Stella as she takes a deep breath before slowly exhaling it.

"I don't even know Sky, all I know is that I should run away from him before I fall for him. He's perfect Sky but too perfect for me and I couldn't afford any relationship right now. I have Marius to take care of if I were to let him catch us it will jeopardise Marius life as we both know that Luciano is Don of Maranzano Clan and he has enemy everywhere he goes. If he were to be in a relationship with me or anything to do with me that would put Marius' life in danger. So yes, I run away from Luciano for the sake of Marius's safety. My child's safety is my priority over my relationship"

Stella said truthfully as she looks outside of the window not noticing that Skylar recorded everything on her phone.

"Okay Lia, just so you know babe. Being in a relationship could be a good thing. You know two is better than one. Anyway I'm sorry" said Skylar as she apologised for sending the recording without Stella knowing.

As they arrived at the airport everything went by smoothly from the check-in to the boarding as they use Gabriel's private plane.

There Stella couldn't help but ask herself; 'Should I stop running?' while looking at Marius who is babbling in her arm.

'Should I keep on running?'

'Should I run now?'

'Should I leave everything and run with Marius?'

"Lia, I know you are having a mini-debate right now please don't. Please forget what I said just now. Let's enjoy our time in Sicily okay?" asked Skylar as soft as she can as if she were talking to a small kid.


'My enemy is gone, I don't have anything that bothers us so hmm, probably I'll let myself loose and enjoy this short vacation beside I can just avoid him and treat him like an invisible man if he decided to join us uninvited'

Once again Stella talks to herself as she looks at her son who babbles cutely.

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