Bye-Bye Bree

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Stella then look at Luciano back with her left eyebrow up while folding both of her arms together before she asked again, "Unni's my figghiu tu asshole? (Where's my son you asshole?)" in a sass tone.

"I'm sorry what? Did you just-" asked Luciano but was cut by Stella again as she asked for the third time, "Where's my son?" in a hard tone while walking over towards him with an angry expression.

Before Luciano could reply, Bree enters the room together with Marius who was babbling angrily while pulling onto her hair. Upon looking at that, Stella was beyond angry as she quickly walks over to Marius and grabs him away from Bree who was struggling to pull her hair out of Marius's grip.

"Aww, aww. It's painful you demon child" murmur Bree lowly but caught by Stella which fuel her anger more.

So she did what she really wanted which is taking Marius away from her, walking over to the office door, locking it and then heading over towards Luciano as she tells him, "keep him safe and I will deal with you later" while she hands over Marius to him.

Without any restrain Stella quickly pull open Luciano's drawer and pull out the handgun that was equipped with a suppressor. With precise aim, Stella shoot Bree directly in her head then nonchalantly keep the gun back inside the drawer before she wipes her hands over Luciano's pants then pick Marius up and walk out of the room leaving the office and a stunt Luciano froze on his chair.

A few seconds later Luciano run over towards Stella and Marius and halted them in a hug while standing in the middle of the hallway before he said, "Amore mio (My love), look at me please".

Stella still stood there immobile while Marius happily hugs both of his parents which makes Stella sandwich hug in between them.

"Can you two stop hugging each other squishing me in the middle of you two while standing in the middle of the hallway?"

Stella tries to wiggle her way out of Luciano's hug.

"Then let's head over to my office and we'll talk there?" asked Luciano softly while loosening his hug and slowly turning Stella around to face him and in a sass tone she reply;

"No thanks. I don't want my son to look at that bitch laying on the floor dirty our view"

"Oh, sorry I totally forget about that. Then let's grab lunch together?"

Luciano asked as he smiles softly at Stella who nods her head and walks over to the lift like a lost puppy, Luciano follows Stella closely while holding onto her hips, being possessive of her as they walk out from the lift and head over to his car that was parked at his own VVIP parking lot.

As Luciano reverse his car, Stella quickly said, "I use your sports car just now and I guess it's still parked in front of your building".

"No problem at all, my car, property and stuff is all for you to use and I'll get someone to return the car safely"

Luciano winked at Stella who rolled her eyes at his cheeky answer. They talked along the way together with Marius who butt into their casual conversation as they arrived at one of Luciano's restaurants.

"Come amore mio e my figghiu (my love and my son), let's fill our stomach with good food,"

Luciano parked the car in front of the restaurant before he exits the car and unbuckled Marius while Stella walks beside them as they enter the restaurant.

"Welcome, Don, Donna and small Don," said the waiter as he slightly bows his head as he adds, "Please follow me and I'll escort you to your table" while he points towards the inner building and walks in front of them guiding them to their table.

"Here's your table," said the waiter as they enter the private room area while he politely holds the door open for them as the trio enters the room.

The waiter was swift in his action and words as he quickly pulls and cleans Marius's expensive clean high chair while stepping by the side as Stella quickly assist Luciano to put Marius on the high chair.

The waiter then helped Stella with her chair he pulls it out for a bit and then pushes it back in as she slowly takes a seat, like a true gentleman he smiles politely at Stella while handing over their menu.

Upon receiving the menu, Stella didn't even look at or open the menu as she was busy playing with Marius keeping him company while Luciano was busy ogling at her but pretending to read the menu.

"Are you done pretending to read the menu, Luciano? Can you order for us now?"

Stella asked without looking at anyone but Marius who happily played with his mother but ordered food for Marius. Instantly Luciano orders them both while she continues to order for Marius.

"Could you give us a small cup of low-fat milk and a slice of whole-meal bread, do you have tuna?"

"Yes, we do have Donna, for your tuna which and what kind do you prefer? Steam? Pan-fried?" asked the waiter professionally.

"Steam will be good for him and make it into a cube size if you can, but if you can't then shred it, then a slice of cheese, slices of tomatoes, lettuce and avocado. That's all thank you"

Stella finished placing her order while she slides the menu towards the waiter who smiles and said most welcome Donna.

Meanwhile, Luciano was impressed by his wife but jealous at the same time towards the waiter which makes him want to break him in two but he remains calm and quickly orders food for them both.

After ordering their food, the waiter politely excuses himself and exits the room leaving Stella, Luciano and Marius alone.

"Luciano out of curiosity, while I was away did you always bring Marius over to your office?"

Stella asked as she pours the warm water that was being served while they were busy ordering their food.

"Nope, I didn't. Our parents were the ones helping out and Skylar together with my brother I was busy trying to plan on how to attack them and rescue you" reply Luciano truthfully while she nods her head before asking again, "Tell me about Bree".

"What about her?" asked Luciano as he found the question amusing.

"Who is her and why is she often around Marius,"

Stella truthfully said as she looks dead into his eyes.

"She's a no one, just a new employee that was newly appointed a few months back and she runs her mouth a lot which I tend to ignore as I was busy planning and I don't know that she will have the guts to be doing things behind my back"

Luciano replied as he caresses Stella's hand trying to calm her down she rolls her eyes in annoyance while she slowly said,

"If anyone did that again I will personally castrate you rather than kill them,"

Luciano then fake gasped slightly while he smirks thinking dirty yet playful as he said, "Don't threaten my junior amore mio (my love), it will get cold and scared beside what will I use to pleasure you if you really castrate him" while winked at Stella who was looking at him as if he's a weirdo.

"Hard pass Mr Luciano, hard pass. And how come no one ever notices that you are a sly and dirty-minded old man"

Stella suspiciously narrows her eyes while looking at Luciano before she breaks into her soft smile which takes Luciano's breath away.

"Smile often amore mio (my love), you look divine but only for me and our children other than that I'll kill them all" declare Luciano out of nowhere as their food arrived.

"Okay weirdo, eat your food after this you need to bring us home and I have things to say,"

The trio eats their lunch in a family harmonious manner while joking here and there which is totally out of their bad character.

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