Night Workout

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Upon driving away and out of the university ground, Skylar automatically asked; "Where do you want to eat Lia?".

"Let's go back home, I will cook us lunch"

Then a single ding could be heard in the car. Stella unlock her phone, read the text and replied to the message that was accompanied with a small sigh.

"You okay babe?".

"Yes, I am, no. I'm not okay, Lucian just text back and he said; your car has been impounded but you need to go and get it from the shop itself tomorrow".

"Urghh, can't he help to do that? Or you know what, tell Lucian to ask the guy from the car repair to send your car to our condo?"

"Oh my babe, you are a genius, what will I do without you,"

Stella fly kiss her best friend who grins at her before she focuses back on her phone and types away while both of them go back home before their meeting. After their brunch and the days go by with them attending meetings at their small office which allocated 15 minutes walk from their condominium, both Stella and Skylar often walk or jog when they needed to go to their small office just because it's near and also it a healthy habit of them.

After dinner with the team, they all go on their separate ways while both of them walk towards their condominium and head up to their penthouse.

"Hey Lia, what time will the person return your car tomorrow?"

"By 2 pm why?"

"Shit! Among other times why does it have to be at 2 pm" said Skylar as she groaned.


"At that time I'll be coop up at the university ground because I have to organise file for us all due to Mdm Cat's request" reply Skylar while groaning at the idea of it before she adds; "Sorry babe I don't think I can be here with you when they return the car," while pouting.

"It's okay babe, you don't have to worry beside I'm an adult and I can keep myself safe, plus it's just a returning car situation, not a hostage situation"

"Still... do you want Lucian to accompany you?"

"No, no thank you. He's done quite a lot for me so there's no need to disturb him" "You sure?"

"Yes, babe I am sure. 100% sure" said Stella emphasising her sure word while smiling at her best friend who smiles back at her before they both continue to stargaze which Skylar cut it short.

"Let's head to bed,"

Both of them then head over to their respective room and about an hour later Skylar comes knocking at Stella's door smiling brightly at her best friend who was busy looking at the bright light city underneath them.

"Let me break into your bubbles for a bit,"

Enter Skylar as she lay down next to Stella while she still admiring the beautiful night light. Then out of the blue, breaking the comfortable silence between them she asked;

"Have you ever wondered about your future Sky?"

"To the frank and truthfully Lia, I do. I sometimes feel like what it's like to be a Maranzano and call them my family cause as you know I never had one well except you and your family who accepted me as one of yours and the most important part is my love life,"

"What about it?"

"I wonder if Lucian and I will like ever tie the knot or will he choose other women who are better than I am".

"Hey, hey. Look at me" said Stella as she seats up and turns to look at Skylar; "Listen here Skylar Cooper my sister who doesn't want to change her last name to Salvatore, you are one of the most amazing women that I know. You build yourself from scratch without anyone's help, you give back to your orphanage home, you help others that are from your orphanage home with their education, you barely save some money for your own personal pleasure use, you are kind, funny, unique and you damn well better know that. Never doubt yourself or else I'm kicking your ass. You are my sister and I will gladly do that just so you can get it all inside your brain and remember it all".

Stella looks dead in her eyes getting her message straight register inside her brain whereas Skylar, with a moist eye, immediately hugs her.

"Thank you, babe, thank you for always being there for me through thick and thin. I'm lucky to have you as my sister"

After a few minutes of hugging and consoling. Stella breaks their hugs, in a smirk she looks at her and asked.

"Now that you're okay, let's go and get our ass kicked,"

"Oh, I will break the unbreakable record and beat your ass,"

"Not in this life babe but if you're trained in an early age like me then you might be on my level but Nah, not in this life,"

Stella laughs at her own statement as Skylar groans at her while exiting the room and heading over to her own room to get changed before they hit their private gym. On their way to their own personal gym, they called their personal trainers saying that they'll train tonight and it'll be a full training workout session.

From 9 pm till 1 am they train up to 4 hours before they both head back to their penthouse feeling slightly tired as they both haven't had a full workout for almost a week due to their assessment, work, etc.

While waiting for the lift to reach their penthouse, Stella with a satisfied exhale said;

"That was a good workout,".

"I know, it's been a week and damns my body feels overworked"

Skylar quietly messages her biceps, easing all of her muscles and this action makes Stella tease her by saying; "That's because you didn't work out your upper body and your lower body is overworked,"

Skylar rolls her eyes but smirks at the statement.

"Both you and Lucian should slow down a little or else he might accidentally knock you up"

"Don't worry mother Theresa, I have already taken the contraceptive injection. Speaking about this, when will you lose your virginity?"

Tease Skylar as she raises both of her eyebrows while smirking at Stella who groans at her. With a throaty groan from Stella she said; "Urghh, not this again. Okay, good night Sky" as she power walk away from Skylar who laughs at her attitude.

In a loud voice as she enters her room at the same time Stella enter hers she said; "Tell me when you deflowered okay, we need to celebrate it,"

"Shut up!"

The night ended with both ladies entering their room, freshening up and heading to bed as they need to wake up early tomorrow for their final week class.

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