I Told You So

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Upon reaching the destination together with her sleeping baby, Stella headed over to the guest room and take a quick nap, trying to sleep the issue off. In about a few hours later, she woke up alone.

Without worry, she walks down towards the living room in a daze while her dazedness is cut short with George enters the living room with a cup, "Here honey, drink this," as he hands over a hot chocolate to Stella.

"Where's Marius papa?"

Stella asked as she looks around the empty living room except for them both sitting next to each other while sipping their hot chocolate.

"Marius is with your dad baby, is everything okay?" asked George in a small and coaxing voice.

"Yes, everything okay,"

Stella answered while looking down at her cup as she blew to cool the drink down in which George smile softly at her.

"Lia, you know that you suck at telling lies,"

"I-, I-, Fine~,"

In a sigh, as she was about to say a word, Jacob walks over towards them both while still holding onto Marius as he asked, "Is it about that guy Luciano?".

Without looking at Jacob she replies, "Yes?" in a small voice that accompanies doubleness.

"Lia, babe, you need to break those walls around your heart and look at people that are surrounding you two,"

George smile softly as he said those words in a coaxing tone whereas Marius happily babbled "mammm mamaaaa mam mama" when he saw Stella before he got back to playing with his toys.

"It's hard dad, papa. I don't know how to respond to this alien feeling"

"It's not an alien feeling baby girl, that's what young people like you call, falling in love" replies George as he smiles with a hint of a smirk in his voice as he adds, "Just admit it pumpkin that you have feelings for him, don't deny him any more. He gave everything that everyone wants" he winked at Stella who was rolling her eyes over that statement.

"Papa, he's a playboy that sleeps around and changes woman like he changes his shirt, he discards them after playing with them. I want a stable man not a walking disaster like him who is a mafia not to mention".

"You are afraid aren't you?" asked Jacob as he looks at Stella who immediately looks at him.


"I saw your eyes, Lia, you look at Marius as you say those words. You worry about Marius's safety aren't you"

Stella nods her head slightly as that answered Jacob's question before she said;

"I'm scared people will bull him or what if Luciano treats him bad without my knowledge,".

"Lia, you did tell us about how he often glued towards Marius and all. How can he do that if he has an ill intention towards Marius?"

"Plus he is a Maranzano baby girl. And The Maranzano is known for their loyalty to their family. I can guarantee you that they or even Luciano will not harm him as he himself already accepts Marius as his own son"

"I-, I don't know papa, dad. I just need the reconfirmation and security from him just himself but every time I see him I feel like kicking him but at the same time wanting to hug him tightly. I feel like I know him but I don't remember. I don't know how to say this, it's nostalgic yet annoying at the same time"

Stella hopelessly looks at both George and Jacob.

"You know what baby girl. Both papa and I think, what you need now is to go out, get a clear mind, try to ignore whatever happen previously and have fun. Release your stress, be the younger you the one without the baby and all of this sudden responsibility while we'll take good care of Marius"

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