Old Memories

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Skylar then looks at Lucian with a 'what-is-going-on' facial expression while Lucian just pulls her hand and heads over to the living room. There they saw Luciano looking outside of the window but as soon as they take their seat Luciano let out a long exhale breath which makes Skylar raise her eyebrow.

"Can you two please enlighten me on what is going on here?"

Skylar asked as she couldn't take the long exhale that was released by Luciano.

"I've been in love with your best friend for a long time Sky,"

"Wh.. what!"

Skylar in shocked as she look back and forth at both brothers who were keeping quiet while monitoring Skylar's reaction.

"I mean how? When? Where?"

"At Gabriel's birthday party, their house in Rome when I was at the age of 13 years old and at the age of 16 years old, at my house backyard which is in Sicily," said Luciano truthfully.


Skylar in a high tone as she abruptly stands up but is quickly pulled down to take a seat by Lucian.

"Babe calms down for a bit,"

"Why can't she remember any of this?!"

Skylar asked to herself as she plays with her fingers for a split second before she looks around the living room and looks back toward Luciano.

"That's because like what she said I'm a walking disaster. Because of me, she got hurt instead" said Luciano as he looks at his hands.

"Then tell me, what happens at that events?" asked Skylar.



That day was the biggest celebration for The Salvatore which was Gabriel's 13 Birthday and also the day where Giovanni named his son as his successor. So as their close friends' family and also their business partners The Maranzano family was invited to the party. At that event, Luciano was having a blast together with his best friend Gabriel but as soon as he saw Stella he was captured by her cuteness in which he couldn't resist following her. At that time Lucian was clinging to his grandmother too much that he didn't go to the party.

With a curious heart, Luciano follows Stella toward the flower garden behind the mansion. There he saw Stella happily play with the butterfly which makes his foot unknowingly walk towards her.

"Hi, why are you here?"

"Are you lost?"

Stella asked again as she smiles cutely at him.

As Luciano was standing a few meters away from Stella, he froze on the spot and before he could say anything or even reply to Stella's question he quickly turns around and runs away leaving Stella puzzled.


This time around is the day when Luciano was coming to the age where he is the successor of The Maranzano, in which they celebrate his 16 birthday and at the same time declare him as the next leader of The Maranzano's family.

The Marazano invited The Salvatore family and all of them were present including Stella. Luciano was hype and happy on that day as he got to see his angel and on that day itself he wanted to talk to her but like his dream of having a happy conversation with Stella, it turns out to be a nightmare.

Stella was happily sipping her apple juice while looking at the beautiful backyard which was decorated with beautiful blooming flowers.

Luciano happily walks over to Stella and strikes the first conversation with her, few minutes have passed as both were happily talking to each other they decided to head inside the mansion as it was time for Luciano to open his present.

As they both were walking towards the door, Stella saw one of the maids pull out a gun from the area of the pot and pointed it out toward Luciano. Without any thought, she pushed Luciano away from danger and got hit instead.

A day that was supposed to be the greatest and happiest day for Luciano turns out to be his nightmare as he saw the incident right in front of him and also it was the day where he takes life as he shot back at the person using his own gun.

After that incident, Stella moves away from Rome and her were-about was hidden from everyone.

---- ---- ---- ----

"That's was the whole story, now you see. That's why I can't move on from her. She is my angel, my first love, my saviour" said Luciano.

With a knitted eyebrow, Skylar takes a big breath as she whispers, "Is it just me or this shit is like something out of a fairy tale book?" while looking at both Lucian and Luciano which is agreed by Lucian.

"That's exactly what I said when he told me"

"Okay, so now are you going to stop chasing after her?"

"My heart says no but my mind says yes"

"Hmm, then my advice for you is that give her some space for now,"

Skylar said as she stops her sentence to ponder for a while before she add;

"But you know what, just do what you do until she herself tells you off in which from my experience, if she ignores you or didn't speak to you directly that's because she is still giving you space to approach her but if she tells you off in front of your face then she really want you to stop"

"Yes, I agree with Sky, frati (brother) go all out and if she told you to stop when you stop but for now go all out and grab this opportunity,"

Luciano nod his head in understanding as he reply a small, "Hmm" whereas his phone rang and incoming messages for the nth time which he couldn't ignore.

"Okay guys, I need to go now. My people think that I'm dead"

He fishes out his phone and scrolls through the endless messages, excusing himself before he walks over to the lift.

While the both of them look at Luciano leaving the penthouse, Lucian quickly asks, "Wanna ditch our lunch at the kitchen and head out for lunch date?" as he hugs Skylar.

"Okay, but you go ahead and throw or keep the ingredients in the refrigerator while I go and get change"

Skylar said as she pushes Lucian towards the kitchen area where he quickly grabs everything, throws them in the waste plastic before he tie it up and place them in the bin.

Back to Skylar, who is fully dressed, taking her seat in front of her laptop, 'Now I hope you will reconsider your options babe' said Skylar to herself as she downloaded the audio off the decoration pot from the living room and sent it to Stella's personal email.

After that, she quickly unlocked her bedroom door and out for a lunch date with Lucian.

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