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"It's time for us to go back home Sky,"

Stella utters as she walks over to the living room while carrying a sleeping Marius.

"Oh, cutie is asleep,"

Skylar softly pinches Marius's cheeks as she said in a coo voice smiling at them both whereas Stella once again said, "Let's go home," she looks at Skylar who nods her head then turns to look at everyone and waves her hands.

"Okay everyone, we'll head home now,"

At that time Luciano walk in and quickly stand next to Stella as he too said, "It's about time for us to go too, so bye," to the family while opening the door widely for Stella who busies waving at her family.

"Bye, pater, mater (dad, mom), papa, dad, Isla and Lucian,"

"Okay bye babies"

"Let's go,"

Skylar finished waving, walks over to Lucian's car and slides in without waiting for her best friend who looks at her in confusion. Without wasting his precious time Luciano opens the passenger door.

"I'll send you home"

Stella quietly walks over to the passenger seat and slides in together with Marius as she cradles him whereas everyone from the front porch waves at Luciano and Stella happily.

'Why are they such in a good mood?'

Stella asked herself as she looks at them but waves back with a smile.

As they hit the main road, Stella couldn't help but to said, "Could you lower down the air condition Marius is getting cold," while she tries to wrap her arms around Marius.

"Wait for a sec, I have an extra jacket at the boot,"

Luciano parks by the side of the road, open his boot and takes out his extra jacket for Marius to use. Silently he opens the door and covers Marius together with Stella to which she mumbles a soft 'thank you' and then continues to hug her son in a resting position where he is on her chest and his head is on her shoulder.

Stella then softly shift slightly to support Marius's head and neck with her hand by comfortably placing her other hand under Marius's bottom to keep him safe and sound before she closes her eyes as their ride fell in comfortable silence.

Every time at a red light traffic lights Luciano will take a peek at them both and smile to himself as he feels contained and happy but as the good time ended they all arrived at the penthouse's parking lot.

"Amore mio (my love) wake up, we've reached,"

Luciano takes advantage of the situation as he slowly shakes Stella's shoulder while supporting Marius' head.

Feeling groggy and tired she blur out, "Hmm, we're here?" as she shifts slowly mending Marius' sleeping position.

"Yes, we've arrived. Give me a minute, I'll help you up"

Luciano quickly exits the car and opens the passenger's seat before he bends down to hold Marius up while Stella regains her strength and focus.

Unintentionally as she slowly exits the car in a soft grunt she blurs out, "Urghh, my back," then stretches her limbs.

In a slight worry tone, Luciano asked, "You okay?" as he locks the car and supports Stella slightly as she was still feeling sleepy.

"Hmm, just sleepy,"

Stella closes one eye and opens the other to guide her towards the lift with the help of Luciano who hug her side, supporting her while expertly carrying a sleeping Marius.

Act Like A Donna, Fight Like A DonWhere stories live. Discover now