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Everyone that was following Stella and Marius remained quiet and quickly walk over to Skylar as she whispers to them explaining what will happen in a few hours.

"Should we worry?" asked Gabriel.

Skylar shakes her head; "No, just keep an eye on her that's all" as they almost reached the hotel lobby. Which, Stella suddenly said; "Skylar, show me our room," still holding Marius who happily babbled again.

"Give me a second babe, I'll go and get the key,"

Skylar said as she was about to walk towards the front desk she was stopped by Luciano as he personally goes and gets the key himself before proceeding to press the lift open button.

Marius happily babbles looking at his mother, "Mmammam, Ma-ma," without knowing the meaning to Stella as she holds onto him while bouncing him a little. Then, out of nowhere, he continues; "Ha-ha, pppappa, pppapaa, pa-pa," happily looking at Luciano and holding his arms out wanting him to pick him up while kicking his leg lightly, who enter the lift and press their floor number while held the lift open for them to get inside it.

Stella ignores Marius' request and walks inside the lift while looking directly in front ignoring his existence and making him an invisible person.

As they reach their floor Stella quickly exits the lift and walks slowly waiting for Luciano to show them their rooms which makes Luciano shake his head slightly and smile at her attitude.

Luciano opens the door widely for Stella and a giggle Marius to enter who fully ignores him and walks inside the room with baby Marius babbling. As she saw the bed she put her son down slowly on top of the bed and walk over to their luggage that was placed beside the closet.

She then grabs the luggage and lay it down on the floor before unzipping it and taking out their change of clothes while Luciano, Gabriel and Skylar look at her from the front door silently.

In a bored tone as she stands up; "What?" looks at them who were looking at her.

"Move, get out of my room. I need to change my son and so do I"

Stella makes a 'go' gesture to them to which Skylar replies; "Huh? Oh-okay. Sorry" while she pulls them out of the room and closes the door.

The trio in a circle looking at each other in a puzzle and the first to ask is Gabriel; "Wait, you told us that, she's going to trash the place but why is she so calm?" while looking at Skylar in puzzled who mirroring his action.

In her defence Skylar said; "I don't know, I'm speechless seriously speechless and don't know what happen just now. This is so not her" she pointed at the room and in an instant, the door thrust open revealing Stella.

"If you lots finished whatever meeting that you have in front of my room door I suggest you get lost before I make you, and Sky come inside the room,"

Stella looks at both Gabriel and Skylar only before she leaves the door open and walks back inside the room towards Marius. Without words, Skylar begins to walk inside the room but was halted by Luciano.

"Lucian is awaiting for you at the beach area why don't you go and have fun while I help her,"

Luciano walks inside the room and pushes the door close leaving both Skylar and Gabriel outside in which Gabriel quickly pulls her away and pushes her gently towards the lift view.

Meanwhile inside the room, unaware of the situation, Stella casually asked; "Could you check the water is it warm enough?" as she picks Marius up from the ground and starts to undress him.

"Is it warm?"

Stella asked again while carrying Marius over to the bathroom but stopped at her track as she saw Luciano. Involuntarily she blurs out; "The F are you doing here?" while sighing loudly and proceeds to bring Marius to the bathtub.

"Helping you and baby out"

Luciano takes a few steps away from the bathtub giving space for them both while Marius happily claps his hands whereas his mother wasn't enjoying the moment as she said; "No need, you can go now," then proceed on putting Marius inside the tub and seat at the edge of it.

Luciano stand next to Stella and casually offer to help; "Let me wash him," which totally ignored by Stella who continues to wash Marius.

After a few minutes of silence, Stella couldn't help but annoyingly shoo him by saying; "Go away. Get the F out from here and enough causing trouble to us" while she carefully washes Marius who play with the ducks.

Luciano keeps quiet as he feels guilty about his clumsiness and almost cost Marius his life but he remains standing at the door frame of the bathroom and silently looking at them both.

After showering and changing baby Marius, Stella then quickly shower and change into her outfit before she straps Marius on his baby carrier. Then they both exit the room and head over to the lift with Luciano follows them like a lost puppy.

Upon arrival at the ground floor both Stella and Marius walk out and head over to the main entrance while Stella fish out her phone from her jeans pocket but before she could book a cab Luciano quickly walks over to the valet boy and asked for his car in which a couple of minutes later parked in front of Marius and Stella.

"Your car mam," said the valet boy.

"No. That's not mine"

"But your husband told me to get the car," said the valet boy looking puzzled at Stella and Luciano.

"For Christ's sake, could you stop being stubborn and get lost,"

Stella in a toned-down mad voice trying not to startle Marius who was happy at that moment as she turn around and look at Luciano dead in his eyes while the valet boy looked scared for Stella's life as he unconsciously take a few steps away from them.

"No, I will not get lost from you two, because of the careless action I almost lost our son and put his life in danger,".

"My son. He's my son, not yours. You know what, I'll just-. Whatever Luciano, just get away from us and go screw someone else and bother them okay"

Stella angrily walks away from them and heads over to the lift area. A few seconds later the lift opens the door and Stella walks inside with Marius while Luciano walks over to them but stopped as Stella holds her hand up and shows him a stop sign as the door dramatically close in front of them.

"Jeez, what's what a persistent man, am I, right baby,"

Stella talks to Marius who was talking baby talks filled with babbling as she enters the room and unbuckles him from the baby carrier and places him down on the bed.

After settling down, Stella grabs the menu and announces; "Let's order some food okay baby" while look at the menu before placing a call to them for order.

After successfully placing her order and a special order for Marius she lay beside him who was busy playing with his aeroplane toys while Stella gets to change into her comfortable clothes and do the same thing to Marius.

17 minutes later the room bell rang indicating there was someone at the door, in an instant Stella woke up from her bed and walk over to open the door for their food.

"Mam, it's room service. I'm here to deliver your food"

The lady pushes the cart in and opens the cover of the dish and assembles everything in an orderly manner; "All done and enjoy your meal," before she walks out from the room, closes the door while Stella picks Marius up and places him on her lap before starting to feed him first.

After their late lunch, Stella cleans everything and organise the cart properly before pushing it out of the room and then adjusting the room lighting to a dim setting then she closed the curtain before taking her place beside Marius who was sleeping soundly and peacefully.

She then adjusts the pillow and made a protective ring over Marius' right side before she herself felt tired and soon both mother-son duo takes their afternoon naps without any distraction.

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