Marius The Cupid Baby

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At exact 6.30 pm, her plane touched down at Rome–Fiumicino International Airport "Leonardo da Vinci" with a smooth drive towards plane gate 4 where the plane was completely in a still status.

Upon hearing the disembark sign and announcement she quickly stands up and gets her cabin luggage from the overhead compartment before she exits the plane and walks towards the exit.

With an excited heart and happy mood she heads over to the exit gate in which as soon as the big glass panel slides open, she saw Marius looking around while babbling happily as he was being carried by Luciano.

Stella then halted her action and look at both of them in puzzled while raising her eyebrow before Marius saw her and babbled even harder.

"Why are you here?"

Nonchalantly Luciano replies, "We come to pick you up" while passing Marius to his mother.


Out of nowhere, a man in a black suit said; "Let me get your luggage Donna," who wasn't far from them as he quickly pushes the neglected luggage away from them and Stella once again asked;

"Why are you here?".

"I told you didn't I? We come here to pick you up"

Luciano like a gentleman opens the door for Stella who looks at him with an angry expression.

"Get in,"

"No. We'll just take the cab"


Luciano calls in a low tone while Stella ignores him completely and enters the cab that is on standby.

"Whatever. Excuse me please sent me to ****** (her house address)"

As she closes the door.

"Sure thing mam," 

The young cab driver zooms out from the airport. A few minutes later they were on the highway heading to Stella's house when the cab driver notices that a black car follow them closely.

"I'm sorry for being nosy, but Mam, I think your husband is following us closely from behind,".

"Ignore him, just drive"

Stella replies in a straight tone while continuing to play with Marius.

"I'm sorry again for being nosy again mam but did you fight with your husband mam?" asked the cab driver who was curious about the situation that he was in.

"None of your business, just get us there in one piece and fast,".

"Sorry, mam" reply the cab driver as he steps on the accelerator, picking up his speed and focusing on driving.

Both cars pass other cars in a smooth drive, the cab car cutting through a slower car one after another while the black car that follows them does the same thing, mimicking the cab while keeping their distance close in a professional manner.

Suddenly a loud blaring phone call was heard in the cab in which Stella answered on the third ring as the caller stated a private number. As soon as she says hello, another voice instantly reply her by saying, "Stella, tell the cab driver to slow down".

Luciano said in a low yet commanding tone making Stella shiver a little but was countered by her as she roll her eyes and replied, "No, you stop following us," before end the call while holding onto Marius who look outside the window.

Less than a minute, another ringing phone could be heard in the cab. But this time instead of Stella's phone it was the cab driver's phone as his phone announce the private number on the cab driver's phone screen. The cab driver without caring swipes to answer the call while put on speaker.

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