Confession Of A Lonely Man

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After 45 minutes of dreadful waiting, the door of an emergency room slide open, out the doctor in blue scrub, inform them all that Stella is in stable condition, that she was lucky to get hit not on her vital point and that she'll be transfer on the private VIP ward.

"She's a fighter honey, now don't worry much okay,"

Coaxing Jacob to George and Skylar as they both silently brawl their eyes together hugging as their partner trying to calm them down while Luciano silently closes his eyes and lets out a relieved breath.

A few minutes later, all of them rushed inside the room while Stella was under sedation and hooked with multiple wires that connect to her hand, finger and chest area.

"The patient need to get lots of rest as her body is stressed and overworked. She will wake up by tomorrow afternoon or evening"

The nurse said as she writes something on the board and then places it back at the foot of the bed before she add, "If there's an emergency don't forget to press the red button and only if it's an emergency" while she shows them the red button to them, then, she walks out from the room and leaves them behind.

"All of you should go home, I'll watch over her,"

Luciano said to them as he stands close to Stella while George quickly interject him by holding onto the handle of the bed, "It's okay, I will stay with her," while Skylar said, "I want to stay too" a second later after George.

"No need, if you are here then what about your daughter? Besides who will bring my son and pack his stuff if the two of you stay behind?"

Jacob fully knows his feeling and quickly help him out by saying, "Listen to the young man honey and let's get back to our daughter," as he holds onto George's hand to which he replies, "Fine" short yet in a sulking tone.

But not Skylar as she stubbornly said;

"I'm staying"

In a calm manner, Luciano look at her, "If you stay behind, who will bring Marius's clothes to me and also Lucian can keep you company tonight so rest at the hotel," then he looks at his brother who nods his head getting the hidden message.

"Jacob, could you please send my son to me this evening?"

"Luciano, I guess it's best if Marius just stays with us for the night and until Stella is discharged. I don't think she'll appreciate it if Marius sees her like this and also it's safer for Marius if he's with us plus you can focus on taking care of Stella"

"Thank you, Jacob,"

Luciano nods his head towards Jacob before he focuses back on Stella while Jacob side hugs his husband who reluctantly moves away.

"Okay then, let's go. We'll be back with your clothes"

While Lucian side hugs Skylar who was pouting and slowly walks out of the room. After all of them are out of the room, Luciano exhales another long breath as he is finally left alone with Stella without anyone disturbing them.

"Baby, why did this shit happen to you?"

"Why did this thing need to follow you?"

Luciano caressed her cheeks looking at her lovingly.

"You've been saving people all of your life, starting from me. Never have I ever forgotten you the moment I look at you, that moment when I lay my eyes on you is the most amazing feeling ever. I want to hug you but I got to control myself as you were still small and know nothing, all innocent and cute"

He then proceeds to hold onto her cold hand.

"Then the second time where you truly are an angel sent from above where you push me out of danger in which I hoped and prayed that you will never do that anymore and now look where you are,"

"I promise you this Stell that The Varrios Riot Cartel will pay for their sins for putting you here. I'll bring them down for doing this towards my Donna"

He kisses Stella's hands softly before fishing out his phone and talking over the plan that he had in his mind while still holding onto Stella's hand. After ending the phone call, he then quickly makes a call to inform his in-laws regarding Stella's situation.

"Hello Pater (father), I have bad news to tell you. Stel-"

Luciano's words were cut by Giovanni.

"Yes filium (son) I know and I'm on my way to New York now,"

"Okay pater (father), see you soon"

After he hangs the phone up, he quickly look at Stella and whispered;

"Your family is coming love, just rest well and get up soon okay,"

"You know Lia, it was a pure coincidence when I found you. It's like the universe wants me to find you and all my prayer has been answered"

Luciano looks at Stella while seating on the chair waiting for the hospital staff to get his bed ready. Before he could continue a soft knocking could be heard then the door thrust open to reveal the hospital staff as she enters the room and quickly fixes his bed beside Stellas'.

Before exiting the room, the hospital staff asked;

"Is there anything that I can help with?"

"No, there's none and thank you"

Luciano said in a strictly business-like manner as the hospital staff nodded her head and exit the room. He then, continue;

"When I was at my lowest your face will pop up on my mind and instantly all my worry will disappear. Then a miracle happens when I was in New York I saw you walk over to the mall together with Skylar. At that time, you have no idea how excited and happy I was when I get to know that you are you, the woman that I've been searching for and since that day I've been monitoring your movements well not every single thing but just a couple of them. I'm not a creep, I'm just a lost soul without your guidance"

He smiles at her fondly as a series of soft knocking on the door once and straight away enters the room. This reveals Lucian as he hands over a small travel bag to his brother.

"Here's your stuff"

"Grazzi frati (Thank you brother)"

That night after a brief visit from Lucian, Skylar, Jacob and George, Luciano stays behind to accompany Stella throughout the night as he makes himself comfortable laying down on the extra bed that was provided by the hospital staff and drifted to dreamland together with Stella.

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