Plan Back Fire

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Upon landed Stella waited until the aeroplane completely stop after that she quickly unbuckle her belt and headed over to Alia's mother who was taking nap. In a small yet soft shake, she woke her up.

Abruptly Alia's mother woke up looking directly at Stella while holding onto her breath. Stella without wasting any time said; "We are going to get down last, okay," as she looks dead in the mother's eye.

The mother's eye was quivering as she respond with; "O-okay,". 

Then Stella headed back to her chair while the mother distracts herself to look at her son who started to wake up there then she decided to stand up but her action halted as Stella softly said;

"No, not yet."

She quickly takes her seat and cradles the baby back and forth softly which makes him fall asleep. As soon as he did so, the mother look at Stella. Without wasting any time, Stella and Alia pack their thing and head over towards them while waiting for the other passengers to disembark the aeroplane.

"There's still a couple of people inside the plane, just stay with me for a bit," said Stella as she fishes her phone out from her pocket and texted her father in which to confirm that the driver is waiting for them.

As Stella closes her phone and put it back inside her back she whispers;

"I know everything, Alia subconsciously told me. So don't do anything reckless. I'm trying to help you here".

At that moment she catches a glimpse of the horror in the lady's eye she accidentally looks up towards the bearded man who walks past them which clarifies her guess as she saw the reflection of the man through the aircraft window.

"Can we go now?" asked the lady.

"Just remain calm and I will help, I swear on my life that I will help".

Then both Stella and the lady stand up while Alia quietly carries her bag diligently. All of them disembark the aeroplane and head over to the baggage claim area to claim Alia's family luggage.

Stella said in a low voice, "Just stick to me and let's exit at gate 2, my man is there to pick us up," as the man was walking a few meters away from them.

They take their sweet time walking out from the luggage carousel and head over to gate 2 but as they walk over Stella could feel that a few people is walking over towards them so she starts to speed walk while tugging Alia and her mother with her towards gate 2.

They walk out and saw a man standing beside the Bentley car using all black looking at his phone and occasionally looking up towards the entrance/ exit gate, Stella then pulls them towards him but before they could reach the man she and the rest of them started to get tangled with a large crowd of men using hoodies pushing, shoving and walk quickly diverting them to the wrong way but before they got pushed inside the minivan that was parked not far from gate 2 Stella scream.


Scream Stella as she waved at the man who looks at her and started to run towards them. But as everything goes by in a flash as they were pushed inside a van and drove off leaving the airport in a hurry and at top speed.


A loud scream from the lady and Alia as she cries heavily while screaming for help but their action was professionally done as they were kidnapped in a flash of light.

The baby was wailing as he senses his mother's distress while Stella remains quiet and focused on the road and the movement of the van. After a few minutes of wailing and screaming everything stopped as Stella could smell a heavy smell of chloroform that accompany a phone being ringed and smashed into pieces.

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