I'm going to bring my other family back

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After everything is set up, Stella quickly rewinds the video from start and all three of them focused without saying or uttering a single word.

"Here, like I said. This slippery snake is a pro. Do you see how he covered up from head to toe while using a night goggle vision just in case we can track him"

Stella tries to zoom the image searching for any hint of skin but failed she then sigh and said, "Fine, you covered up everything, now, let's trace your hacker," in a low tone as she types furiously on the keyboard as her small army trackback to the hacker IP Address.

A few minutes later, her laptop dinged and a small IP Address was highlighted which makes Stella smirk and straight away tracked it while using the globe tracker.

A few minutes later another IP Address dinged but before Stella could click on it, her laptop was bombarded with hundreds of IP Addresses dinged and dinged non-stopped which makes her to looked puzzled and slightly angry.

Everyone in the room looked at each other and then at Stella who was typing furiously while looking slightly annoyed to which Skylar walk over to her and asked, "What's with the dinged attack?".

"Fuck, the hacker is trying to get the virus in my laptop"

Stella continues to type furiously on her keyboard with a frown.

"Shit" murmured Skylar lowly as she looked at Stella to which she responds, "Don't worry Sky, my name isn't The Unanimous just for fun".

"Wait! The Unanimous?" asked Luciano in awe which earns him a smirk from Stella as she briefly looked at him before she continues to type away.

Stella then presses enter quickly before she cracks her fingers slightly and said, "There's no need to worry as you have a God-tier hacker in your hand" smirk, Stella, as she continue, "There, now that hacker is in trouble and in, 5,4,3,2,1. We are in" said Stella as she presses enter which brings them to another house.

"This person is a good hacker, I can tell you that,"

Stella continues to type without clicking anything as she got him, "But, this hacker is clumsy" she sent a small bomb that blows up the house which reveals a small disorganised file.

"Wow, lots of files. How the fuck are we going to find this hacker?" asked Lucian as he subconsciously moves forward trying to look at the screen closer.

"It's a decoy Lucian, the one that we want is not the files but their IP Address"

Stella unemotionally said as she was busy typing away.


"There he is-"


Luciano impatience asked, "Where?" as he tries to pinpoint the IP Address to which Stella replied, "Here" as the IP Address was highlighted and the other files destroyed.

Stella murmured, "Serve you, right bastard, trying to send a virus to my laptop" as she shredded the other files that contain the other fake IP Address permanently.

Then the laptop suddenly zoomed into a gated community house which looked familiar to Stella as she commented, "Wait, I know this place" while she changes her tracker into a unanimous tracker IP Address that can't be detected.

Then Stella zoomed until they get their exact location Stella exclaimed loudly in shock, "Fuck!" as she stands up.

"Fuck!" cursed Stella again, then she turns to look at Skylar, "Sky, give me your phone now, quick!" said Stella in an urgent tone as she looked worried which makes everyone worry.

Skylar quickly hands over her phone to Stella which she immediately dialled, upon the second ringed she quickly said, "Dad, get the fuck out from the house now! Drop everything and get the fuck out! All three of you. Do it now" in an urgent tone as she walks back and forth in front of the laptop.

As soon as she hangs up, a series of questions come from the trio.

"What happens?"

"What the hell is that?"

"What the fuck is going on?"

"Who the fuck is that hacker?"

"Stella! Tell us now?"

"What actually happens?"

Stella just ignores them all and continues to type on her laptop which takes her to the street camera, she then zoomed on the second-floor window which makes her freeze on the spot.

"Who is that Stella?" asked Skylar as she turns the chair towards her. Skylar once again asked, "Tell me who the fuck is that Stella Lia Salvatore," in an angry tone as she couldn't help but get angry yet concerned at the same time.

Stella then looked at her dead in her eyes but as soon as she opens her mouth there was a dinged indicating she was receiving a message which makes them look at the screen in unison.

'Hi Little Stella, I see you found me.'

"Fuck!" murmur Stella lowly before she grabs the phone and dial Jacob which didn't get through then another dinged appeared on the laptop.

'They can't answer the phone Little Stella'

Stella then gritted her teeth and quickly type 'Why?'

'Why? I want to even the score Little Stella'



'You know nothing little Stella'

'Let them go, please'

'No can do. But if you want to see them then you know where to find me'

As soon as Stella ready the reply, everything shredded by itself into nothingness as Stella hold her head with both of her hands dead silent as everyone who looked at her worried.

Stella suddenly lifts her head and continue to type on her keyboard as she exits the black void, clearing everything before she put up another series of firewall everywhere including Luciano's office security system.

"I've strengthened your security system, now not even the cops can hack into your system,"

Stella informs them in a chilly one-tone voice which makes them speechless. She then quickly logs into the company security and places another series of firewalls for their company at the same time informs Stella, "Sky, I need you to keep an eye on our company. I found a bug in our art team. Get rid of Miss Ann, she helped the hacker" but stopped as she looked at Skylar then she continues, "Not fired but get rid of her".

"How do you know this?" asked Skylar as she looked at Stella who immediately presents the CCTV footage and a series of exchanged emails from her to the hacker before she exits everything and then close her laptop.

"Stella, please tell us what happen?" asked Lucian as he couldn't read the coldness that was present in the room.

Stella immediately looks at him straight in his eyes as if she will shoot him right there right then if she has a gun with her, Luciano who was present at that moment remains quiet while Skylar immediately said, "Forgive him, Boss, he's just a stupid man" which makes Stella stand up, walk over towards Lucian.

"You better learn to read the situation," said Stella in a low yet scary tone that gives Lucian shivers down his spine.

"Sky, I'm moving out. Prepare a plane now"

Stella looks at Skylar who nodded her head, then she turns to look at Luciano who was quiet about the whole situation, "Luci, help me to keep our family safe. Don't go to work and most definitely don't get out of this mansion, especially with Marius. You two are on the top list so anything that you do or you heard don't fucking trust it, got it?!" asked Stella while holding onto Luciano as she utters those words.

"I promise amore mio (my love)" reply Luciano while hugging his wife.

"Good," said Stella as she kisses Lucino's lips before she pushes herself away from him and then walk away but before she exits the room as she said, "I'm going to bring my other family back".

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