Explain To Best Friend: Part 3

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Their penthouse once was decorated with different types of interior designer decorations and now has turned into a childproof penthouse that is decorated with a different type of colours and cartoon everywhere including in their dining area.

"Morning Lia,"

"Morning sky. Just for your information after breakfast, you need to pack up and we are going back to our home town,"

Stella informs Skylar as she pours coffee and tea for them both while quickly making fruit porridge for Marius which both of them could hear a clear, baby babbling sound.

Stella quickly walks over to Marius as she greets her with; "Oh, someone up early. Hello my prince, let's eat up and we'll visit your avus (grandpa) and avia (grandma)" while bringing him out from the room and carefully places him at his high seat to eat his food.

Stella then proceeds to seat in front of her son and give him, his freshly made fruit porridge while Marius happily eats all of the food without any fuss.

"What with the sudden visit?"

"I need to catch the Blood-Rose leader and I want you two in a safe hand"

Stella reply while feeding Marius his food but her words make Skylar raises her left eyebrow in a questionable stare.

"Hmm, the real reason,"

"That's the reason"

In a warning tone, she asked; "The real reason Stella,".

"Fine~ Luciano is coming to our place and I bet that Lucian told him about me and Marius being here with you so I want to get away before he catches upon us,"

In one breath and fast without stopping Stella spill it out and instantly Skylar smirks at her best friend who rolls her eyes while finished giving food to Marius before she starts to eat her breakfast that was prepared by Skylar.

"Hmm I see, so there's more story than the last night story. I'll go with you to Rome but you must tell me everything about what happens with you and Luciano or else I will change side to his".

"Jeez, thank you best friend,"

Stella pokes her tongue out at Skylar who does the same thing at her best friend before both burst out laughing joined by Marius who claps his hands and babbling away.

Out of nowhere, Skylar tease Stella; "It's funny how you are running away from Luciano but run towards the Blood-Rose Gang to eliminate them," which earned her a side glare from Stella.

Without replying to her she grabs her plates and cups together with Marius's dirty dishes, headed over to the sink and wash them up while she informs;

"Our flight is at 10 am and we'll be reaching there around 6.15 pm, don't worry I've booked a car for us,".

"Clever girl, keeping our track hidden,"

"Okay, let's get ready before we both late for our flight"

Stella picks Marius up as they both head inside their room and get ready to go to the airport.

Upon arrival and check-in of their luggage, the trio head over to the departure gate slowly taking their time while pushing Marius' stroller easy then the trio boarded the plane and headed over to their business seat in which both Stella and Marius look out at the window right after they pick the window thus makes Skylar seat at the aisle seat.

Skylar then smiles at their cute attitude before she proceeds on taking her seat next to them in the aisle seat as both mother-son duo happily wave at the man on the ground who waves back at them.

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