Old Enemy

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Stella quickly boarded the aeroplane leaving everyone behind without telling much as she was focusing on dealing with the enemy.

A few hours later, Stella arrived at the abandoned building that used to be a highly secure private institute that was stationed in Rome where everything started.

She powered down her and exit her 4 Wheeled drive monster truck while slowly heading over to the main entrance.

The door then heavily creaked open and echoed throughout the building, she then walk inside and saw 4 men standing behind 4 tied-up people that was seating on chair all knockout.

"Hello, boys" smirks Stella as she makes her entrance.

While accompanied by clapping hands and a voice saying, "The ever so narcissist Stella, welcome, welcome my favourite pet," it echoed and the man made his entrance by walking over towards the centre.

"An apple doesn't fall far from its tree, as I have a good mentor who is far more superior narcissist than I am,"

Stella smirks at the half-buff middle-aged man who was puffing his cigar.

"Stella, Stella. Still, have the nip to talk back huh? My oh my, what a beautiful woman you've become my dear Stella"

"What do you want Mark?"

"Hey, now, now. Don't be rude to your mentor. Or should I say your ex-mentor as you now assume this bastard is your ideal mentor" said Mark as he pulls Jacob's head back revealing his bruised and bleeding face.

Stella looks at Jacob slightly shocked but remains calm, saying, "What did you do to him?".

"Did I hit a nerve for you to show emotion Little Stella?"

"My oh my, this bastard really did make you fall hard for him isn't he," said Mark as he punches hard on the unconscious Jacob in his stomach.

"They didn't do anything, you sick bastard. They are my family. Something that you will never ever know as you've killed yours"

Stella spat in full venom.

"Me?! Me! You tell me that I killed my family?!" said Mark as he laughs hysterically.

"Yes, you Mark. You fucking kill them, you burn this institute down. You lock them all in including me and your daughter whom you forget for a second and desperately tried to save on that day is Isla Conner"

Stella reveals the truth as she adds, "And now it's your time to die" as she throws a smoke grenade at them and begins to attack.

She quickly yet swiftly take down the nearest guard by merciless slit his throat with her combat knife. Then she went over to the next victim with the same approach, while everyone was in a panic as they open fire everywhere which is in Stella's favour since they could easily kill their own people.

Like an agile cat, she moves from left to right, up to down and climbs on top of their body before moving to the next killing her prey as it blocks its path.

After the smoke has been dispersed into the air making the whole room clear as day, Stella stands still smirking evilly at Mark while wiping the blood that was splattered on her face away as if it's nothing using her left hand while her right hand still gripped onto the bloody weapon that she used.

"I see, you have become a monster" smirked, Mark as if he predicted the whole situation.

"Good, good. So that means I can kill you without remorse" add Mark as he runs towards Stella at full speed.

Stella then dodges his fist as if it was nothing, left-right, left-right, stomach, leg, left-right, everything being dodged by Stella effortlessly without counter-attack as she was in a defence mode.

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