Change of a Plan

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Stella woke up first, stretched her limbs and softly calls her boy up; "Good afternoon my baby boy, wakey-wakey. How your sleep baby? A good sleep baby boy?" before she woke up open the room curtain.

While she was at it, the room bell rang and a series of impatient intervals between the ringing doorbell and knocking could be heard. Instantly Stella recognises the person who is knocking.

"That's your aunty, Skylar who is always impatient,"

"How are you and baby Marius babe, got a good nap?"

"Yes we both did, and why are you here? Aren't you got a man to screw up"

Skylar quickly enters the room and replies in a small tone; "Are you mad at me?" guiltily she asks as she hugs Marius before letting him crawl around.

Stella truthfully replies; "No, not mad just annoyed and very disappointed at you," while she takes her sits on the nearest sofa by the window.

"I'm so sorry Lia, I don't mean it. I-i"

"No need for that Skylar, you are just blinded by the Maranzano's charm and things that they offer plus sometimes that can cloud your judgement and priority. But again I thought you have my back as I have yours always but today you see what had happened do you?"

"I know babe, I know. I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't know that shit like that will happen on the very day you meet Luciano and I was hoping to let you have some time for yourself since your brother is there to take care of Marius"

"It's okay Sky, I forgive you but only if you sent us both to the airport. I'm leaving now. I don't want to risk my son's life again by being next to him"

Stella stands up and heads over to Marius to change his attire.

"But-but, please don't go, Lia, I promise you I'll be near you every time and we will be vigilant,"

"No. I've made up my mind and you have to help me if you are my best friend. We always said best friend before anything. Now I want you to distract them as I get away from them. You should know by now why I need to get away from him. He's bad news Sky, he really is and you know he's the Mafia Don in which we should get the F away like any decent human being with a brain"

Stella serve her best friend the cold dish as she finished dressing up with Marius.

"But-but, how about me? I mean I'm in a relationship with Lucian his little brother a Mafia too you know"

"But he's not the Mafia Don, there's a big difference on that. Lucian's head isn't that high on the silver platter, unlike Luciano which is why he is free to go anywhere or do whatever he wants to without being surrounded by his bodyguard for 24 hours. I've not downgraded anyone but it is what it is, so I think the best solution for this is to get the F away from them, from the Maranzanos"

Stella quickly changes her comfortable outfit to her casual attire matching with Marius while Skylar continues to ask questions and coax her to stay.

"But please don't leave now. Think about Marius' safety and his health. Don't you think that he'll be very tired after the countless aeroplane ride?"

She caresses Marius' chubby cheek while Stella folds her arms together looking at them both debating herself. Fully aware of the self-doubting moment, Skylar grabs the opportunity to once again persuade her best friend to stay by gently staring at her.

"I will make this up to the both of you, I promise babe. Just give me this chance okay?"

With a side eye soft glare, knowing that she fail to stay mad she sigh and said; "Fine," as she plopped herself next to Skylar, who suppressed her smile; "Now, let's chill out for a bit and after that, the three of us go and grab some dinner".

"Can we go out now like drive around? I want to show Marius around"

"Okay, let's do that but let me change first,"

"Just change your shirt, here use my T-shirt,"

Skylar grabs the shirt and changes them on the spot while playfully saying; "Okay let's go mama," while Stella straps Marius to her and they both head out.

The trio walk towards the lift and head down to the main entrance, at there Skylar went to the valet boy who looks twice at Stella and Marius before he proceeds on getting the car.

Before entering the driver's seat, Stella in a low voice looks directly at the valet boy; "Don't you dare tell your Don about us going out okay boy," the valet boy looks down at his feet, gulping his saliva and nods his head before she hops in the car.

While fastening her seat belt Stella asked; "Who's car is this?" as the car drove out of the hotel.

"Promise me that you will not get angry,"

"Let me guess it's Luciano's car am I right?"

"Ye-yes it is,"

"When did he change his car?"

"I don't know but you don't trash this car got it,"

"I know you too well Lia, you can never get away from me with those childish thoughts of yours,"

After parking at the VVIP parking lot that was directed by the worker there, they both get down from the car. Skylar grabs the baby's backpack while Stella securely places Marius safely in the baby stroller.

As they walk inside the mall, Stella couldn't help but ask "The F is wrong with everyone looking at us?".

"Lia, do you remember where we are?"

"Yea. We are in Sicily"

"Yes we are and this place I mean this Shopping Mall belongs to the Maranzanos"

"So? I don't see any Maranzano here with us so why with the staring and respect?"

"Oh God please help me with this snail best friend of mine to process what I'm trying to say here,"

Skylar dramatically said to herself as she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. As they were walking all of the sudden, Stella abruptly stops in the middle of the mall look at her best friend in silence.

Skylar exhale loudly; "Babe, we used Luciano's car to get here and look at where we are now," trying to let Stella get her message all on her own.

"I know, I just don't give an F cause both me and Marius are nothing to him and you are Lucian's girlfriend so it's not weird to borrow his family's car. Anyway, Sky. Let's go, I'm hungry"

Without wasting any time, the trio head over to a fancy Sicily Restaurant that greeted them warmly and polite which makes Stella's mood brighten up. The cute waiter was quick to his feet, grab the high chair for baby Marius, place the menu neatly in front of them and walk off giving them time to look through the menu and choose their food.

He then stood by the cashier waiting for any signal from the duo in which he saw and quickly head over with his mini iPad.

"Can I get your order mam?" said the cute waiter.

"Can I have Arancini, Pasta Alla Norma, Involtini di Pesce spade and a warm water please,"

"I'll have Caponata, pasta con le sarde and a coke please,"

"That's all mam?"

"Ermm, can you please ask your chef to make a mashed carrot potato for my 8-month-old baby?"

"Okay, I'll tell the chef if he can do it,"

"If he didn't know how to do it then please tell him to come and see me,"

Stella said which earns her a nod from the waiter again and a reassurance; "Sure mam," the cute waiter smiled before he walks away from them.

After the waiter walks away from their table Stella asked Skylar about her day by the beach and at the same time she couldn't help herself but to gossiping about the Manzano brothers and her own brother, Gabriel.

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