The Maranzano Enterprise

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The very next day both Stella and Skylar woke up slightly past 11 am with splitting headaches. As they both groan and slowly yet carefully cradle their head before slowly opening their eyes.

With the slightest and slowest movement they could do, Stella sits up where her back was against the head bed while Skylar subconsciously mirrored her action as she did the same thing at the same time.

"Did we hit by a truck?"

Skylar asked lowly in a whisper tone while looking up at Stella with hooded eyes.

"I think we drag around by a car and hit by a truck"


Skylar nodded her head in a single nod before closing her eyes. But their few moments of peaceful silence were broken by Lucian who enters the room loudly and widely open the door without any care of the world.

Lucian enters the room and said, "Good morning ladies!" as he walks over to the window and adds, "Wakey, wakey. It's almost afternoon and you two should be up by now".

He then proceeds to push the curtain apart, making the room brightly lit with sunlight while both Stella and Skylar hiss in pain as they quickly dive inside the cover.

While inside the duvet, Skylar lowly threaten Lucian by saying, "I will kill that chimp", agreeing with Stella she then adds, "I will fucking torture him" as they breathe fire.

Unknown to Lucian, both ladies were brewing their plan of killing Lucian for disturbing their calm and quiet morning. He then proceeds on pulling the duvet away from them but his action is unbothered by them as they remain in the same spot unmoved.

"The hell you two. Are you a rock or something?"

Lucian asked as he fails to remove the duvet for the third time he gives up and sighs.

"Fine, fine. You two win, I thought that I can help you two to reduce your headache by offering you hangover sup but you two are as solid as a rock so I'll just throw it out then"

Lucian adds as he stops his action and walks over to the table where he put the hangover soup.

The moment Lucian finished his sentence both Stella and Skylar emerge from the duvet like whack-a-mole animals they quickly look at the soup and swallow their saliva at the mouth watery smell.

Lucian then teases them by wanting to take the sup away from them but both ladies quickly throw their pillows at him which is a direct hit at his groin and head. As they both said,

"Leave the sup alone",

"Don't you fucking touch them",


"Out from this room"

Lucian rubs his head and tilts his body away from them as he said, "Fine hyenas. Here's your sup" he then procced to hand the bowl of soup to them before he exits the room quietly while the two hyenas happily eat the delicious soup.

After their meal, both Stella and Skylar smile in contentment while still holding the bowl in their hand as they both simultaneously in unison said, "papa's soup is the best" then softly laugh at their own action.

An hour after that both of them enter the dining room and greet everyone with a, "Morning everyone" in which The Maranzano and The Salvatore greet "Morning drunkard" while smirking at them.

Both Stella and Skylar then take their seat at their own respective place. Skylar seat beside Lucian while Stella takes her seat next to her mother before she asked, "Where's Marius and Luciano?" while looking around then add, "Where's Gab?".

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