Secret Lover, Gabriel!

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Upon arriving at La Sicilian, Stella slowly yet surely knows that Luciano was tailgating her so she takes her sweet time parking inside the designated parking box before she exits the car.

While standing outside of the car she checks her appearance first by looking left and right in order to check on her face, reapply her lipstick and spray some perfume before she tugs her hair behind her ear and takes a good of herself one last time before she head over to La Sicilian restaurant main entrance.

Her demeanour indicates that she's going to meet up with her secret lover meanwhile back to Luciano who was fuming angrily talks to himself while cursing as he saw Stella looking at herself, "you are beautiful there's no need to do that", then he continues, "who the fuck is he until you need to reapply your lipstick?" while he saw Stella reapply her lipstick.

A couple of minutes later, Stella pulls out her perfume and sprays some on her body which makes Luciano almost lose his mind while he curses, "Fucking hell! Perfume?! Who the fuck is that motherfucker Stella? Why are you doing this?" as he gripped his steering wheels.

"No don't tug your hair, Stella, don't," said Luciano in a broken voice as he closes his eyes trying to calm himself down while Stella walks inside the restaurant.

Without wasting another minute, Luciano quickly drove over to Stella's car and parked right next to her before he marches over inside the restaurant wanting to confront Stella.

Upon reaching the reception desk Luciano ignore the waitress who was standing there and asked him a question as he was looking around the room and saw something that makes his blood boil.

He then walks over to Stella who was hugging someone tightly while snuggling closer. As soon as he was close enough towards them both, Luciano calls out Stella's name in anger which makes Stella look up at him who was fuming angrily at the man instead of Stella.

"Get your filthy hands away from my wife,"

Luciano separates them and without restraint, he punches the man without knowing that the one who is actually hugging Stella is her brother, Gabriel.

As soon as he punches Gabriel, Stella quickly turns Luciano around to look at him then she asked, "What are you doing Luci?" before she walks over to Gabriel but is stopped by Luciano who was still angry as he looks at Stella.

"Don't you fucking dare help that bastard up,"

Luciano said in anger while he grabs onto Stella's arm who was going to help her brother up in a clam manner, she said, "Let my arm go, Luciano," while looking at Luciano slightly turn on by his aggressiveness.

Without any care, he tugs Stella slightly as he said, "You are coming back home with me," which makes her move forward into his embrace.

"I am but not now, I need to talk to my brother" answered Stella as she look up at Luciano at a close approximate distance.

In a confused expression, Luciano asked, "Huh, your brother?" without turning his head around to look at Gabriel who slowly stand up and pat his butt.

"Yes Luciano, it's me, dude. Why the fuck did you punch me?" asked Gabriel as he moves his jaw around trying to soothe the pain.

"Sorry brother, I thought Stella meet up with someone else"

Luciano turns both him and Stella around while apologizing to Gabriel who was rolling his eyes at them as Stella chimes in, "He thinks I come here to meet up with my secret lover," while still in Luciano's embrace as she rolled her eyes before she continues, "Can we take a seat? I don't like the drama and definitely the stare from other people" in which she pushed herself out from Luciano's embrace than take her seat.

"Sorry bro, I didn't know that her secret lover is actually you Gabriel"

Lucian apologises again as they both take their seat which he eye-rolled by Stella and Gabriel at the same time.

Ignore the both of them, Stella, wave her hands, "I'm hungry, let's order now," at the waiting waiter who immediately walks over to them.

After they ordered their food, Gabriel replies to Luciano by saying, "Dude, you need to get your jealousy under control" as he busies holding a pack of ice bags on his cheek.

Luciano just ignores his statement by looking at Stella who was calmly reading through the menu and ordering her food together with the others.

"Frater, me paenitet (Brother, I'm sorry)"

Stella said in Latin as she meant it while holding onto her brother's hand as Gabriel asked, "Infantem puella? Quare? (Baby girl? Why?)" in confusion.

"I feel bad when I explain my part on having some resentment towards you frater (brother), I shouldn't think that way and definitely should have told you first before I run my mouth in front of everyone. Up till now after I utter those words I still feel guilty like I want to express everything but once I did I don't feel relieved, all I feel is sad and guilty towards you. Knowing that you go through all of that shit just to be the next heir and protect me from everyone's eyes. With that frater (brother) please forgive me"

Stella expresses her inner feeling towards her brother while still grabbing onto his hand.

Gabriel who was listening to her attentively smile lovingly at her and said, "Infantem puella, tibi non necesse est ut sentio viam illam (Baby girl, you do not need to feel that way). It's my job to protect you. Always. To protect you and now that you're all grown up and strong. Heck, you are stronger than I am but know this infrantem puella (baby girl) you will always be my baby sister to whom I will always be over-protective so don't apologise to express your feeling. I know it's been long overdue that you keep everything in and not express it out so I don't blame or be mad at you infrantem puella (baby girl), okay?" asked Gabriel as he caresses softly her head which makes Stella's eyes fill with tears.

Stella then smiles sweetly at Gabriel as she grabs onto his hands before she turns to look at Luciano who was seating next to them while observing their interaction silently.

Not to forget her man, Stella turns to look at him, "Thank you, Luci, for being my frater (brother) best friend, no, a brother to him," as she grasps his hand softly.

Luciano then smiles and hold onto Stella's hands while caressing them and said, "No need to thank me amore mio (my love). It's my pleasure to have this pain in the ass brother of yours as my best friend" as he smiles lovingly to his wife while bringing her hands over to his lips and kiss her knuckles.

Gabriel rolls his eyes at them, "Are you trying to coat this place in ants?" as he makes a vomiting expression.

A small window of them smiling at each other while the food is being served and like a hungry 6 years-old boy Gabriel exclaim, "Yea! Perfect timing" as the food is beautifully served in front of him.

"See amore mio (my love), when you are not here. This is what I have to deal with every time" tease Luciano as he pulls Stella's chair near him in one swift pull.

"That's your price to pay Luciano, for being an ass to everyone" murmurs Gabriel as he takes a big bite of his food.

"An ass? What happen frater (brother)?"

Out of curiosity, she asked as she too takes a bite of her food.

"Oh infrantem puella (baby girl) there's a lot happens when you suddenly move to New York without telling anyone and that person," said Gabriel as he stops mid-sentence just to point at Luciano with his knife before he continues, "is the biggest pain in the ass of all time" while cut onto his lamb and then take a bite.

Stella smiled but didn't say a word as she looks at Luciano who was firing daggers at Gabriel who at that time was busy ignoring his best friend while continuing to eat his meal in silence and smiling at Stella sweetly.

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