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The very next day, Marius woke up earlier than his usual time. He cutely plays by himself without waking Stella who was still in deep sleep as she sleeps late due to her unfinished work.

Marius then babbles and claps his tiny hand happily while squirming around trying to waggle his way out from the bed which is heard by Catherine who often checks on her daughter and her grandson. Upon looking at happy Marius playing by himself, Catherine enters the room and picks Marius up before heads down to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Good morning Marius, my cutie grandson,"

Both of them were greeted by his grandfather who spotted his loving wife holding Marius as they enter the dining room, in a small kid-like tone, Catherine playfully greet him back as she waves Marius's small hand but all they get is a babbling mess from Marius who look happy as he spotted both Giovanni and Gabriel.

"Morning mater" greet Gabriel.

"Morning filius (son)"

Catherine replies as she walks over to her husband and then hands over Marius to Giovanni. She pulls the baby chair before Giovanni put Marius in his chair and then proceeds on making Marius breakfast while the other two are busy playing with him.

"Where's Lia?" asked Gabriel.

"She's asleep. That's because she was up until dawn typing away on her laptop, probably work or something."

"Oh Gab, can you ask Luciano to come here at 1 pm? I need to talk to him"

Giovanni said as he finishes his breakfast in which Gabriel nod his head as he takes a sip of his coffee and quickly messages his best friend, informing him about meeting his father.

Meanwhile back to Stella who woke up and frantically search for Marius. In a hasty, she run downstairs searching but her movement was halted as she found them outside in the backyard playing. This scene makes her smile and a sigh of relief was exhaled. Without feeling scared she walks up to her bedroom to get dressed.

After taking her time to freshen up and fill her stomach, she head out to the backyard,  "Mater (mother), pater (father) I need to change Marius" she said as she walks over to them who were seated on the picnic mat while Marius was busy crawling toward his mother who kneels few inches away from him before picking her son up and heads over to her bedroom.

After finished packing and all, before heading out Stella and Marius wave goodbye and say bye to the rest of them including the other employee that was present there as they all reply back to the both of them.

All of them said in a series of different answers as the car slowly drove off leaving the mansion while heading over to the airport.

45 minutes later both Stella and Marius arrived at Rome–Fiumicino International Airport "Leonardo da Vinci", they bid goodbye to Uncle John before they head inside the airport and check themselves in, straight away to the VIP lounging area before they head to the aeroplane.

Meanwhile back at the Salvatore mansion, Don Luciano arrived 10 minutes after the departure of Stella and Marius.

"Yo, my man" greet Gabriel back as Luciano exited his car.

"Gab, what's up man and where's Stella and Marius?"

Luciano asked as they walk inside the mansion and headed over to the office room.

"She went back to New York today" replied Gabriel.


Luciano said in a flat tone but his voice changed slightly as he greet Giovanni and Catherine as he enters the home office where the both of them were.

"Fili mi (my son), some have a sit," said Giovanni as he saw Luciano.

"How are you filius (son)?" asked Catherine.

"I'm doing okay mater. Is everything okay? Why did you call for me pater?"

"Oh, about that. Let's get straight to the point, shall we? Why didn't you tell us what had happened in Sicily?" asked Giovanni.

"That, that. It was my fault. I feel like a failure because it was totally my fault"

Luciano couldn't help but to looks at his hand.

"You do know that it's hard enough to get Stella like you and now this shit happens. It's even harder now plus we already promise her that we wouldn't interfere with her love life" said Giovanni straight away.

"I know. I've experienced it first hand. But pater (father), mater (mother) I will pursue her harder now and I need your blessing to do it without any regret"

Luciano looks at Giovanni and Catherine with full determination.

"You know we both already agree on helping you so you already have our blessing. We both know that you have had feelings for her since day one"

Catherine smiles at him before looking at her husband who smiles back as he smirks while adding;

"Yes fili mi (my son), words travel fast around here and we heard that you try to find her for several years until recently,"

"Hmm, words do travel fast here,"

Luciano smirks slightly while shaking his head as he adds; "You know mater (mother), pater (father) I've been searching for her high and low with the limited access that I have then, now that when I become the successor I have the power to search for her but I'm trying to control myself and not just kidnapped her is harder than it seems"

This earns him a burst of laughter from Giovanni and Catherine while Gabriel took this opportunity to slap Luciano's back in a single yet a little hard slap on the back and in a playful tone he said;

"You can never win her with violence or force bro. Besides you have me"

"Shit head like you do nothing to help me but to anger amica mea (my love) even further until you yourself get slapped across the face"

Luciano's playful replies as he smirks at Gabriel who looks at Luciano in betrayal eyes as he said; "You.. you betrayer," while he crosses his arms together and pouts.

"I've heard that part, she indeed like her mother. Very hot-headed, quick and strong" Giovanni said as he smiles at his wife who smiles back shyly but then Gabriel add; "Indeed she is very hot-headed and strong,"

Then all of the sudden his phone rang that echoed inside the room. He excuses himself then walks out of the room and answers the call meanwhile the trio continues talking and catching up on their family matters before they move on to their work.

As they were busy talking and catching up, Gabriel walked at a fast pace and interrupt them; "Sorry to interrupt your time but Luciano you need to see this," as he shows his phone to him.

"They get a hold of Lucian"

Gabriel said as soon as they look at his phone and automatically Luciano stand up and asked;


"The Varrios Riot Cartel"

Gabriel answer in a short to-the-fact answer as he closes his phone and put it in his pocket which earns him a sharp 'Why' from his father as he stands up together with his wife while looking at both Gabriel and Luciano.

"I have no idea why but I will find it out,"

Luciano said as he walks out of the room and headed over to his mansion meanwhile the Salvatore family stayed behind upon Luciano's request.

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