Divulgence: Reaper of Death Organisation

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Everyone was quiet after knowing the truth about what went down with Stella then out of nowhere Lucian asked, "Okay but what's with the kidnapping, the break into your apartment and all?".

"The first part regarding The Maranzano clan wasn't my fault as I was at the wrong place at the wrong time which leads to the Eradicate of Blood-Rose Clan which was unavoidable but I will explain more later as this is regarding my son while regarding The Varrios Riot Cartel is something both Skylar and I had planned on eliminating as quickly as possible but was stopped due to the unforeseen circumstance that I was in so we postponed that plan of eradicating them but like an unavoidable karma, they come knocking on our door as Tim Copley decided to mess with us so we four grab that opportunity and kill them all in our true style of killing"

Out of curiosity, Lucian asked, "What style of killing?" as he looks at Stella while narrowing his eyes in suspicion.

Stella smirked at him before she said, "Skylar do explain to your man about us".

Everyone was directly looking at Skylar curiously but not George, Jacob and Stella who were smirking throughout the whole explanation.

"Not that big but we are, I don't know if you know this organisation but we are The Reaper of Death,"

Skylar said in a very proud tone as she pointed at Stella, Jacob, George and herself. Instantaneously a series of "WHAT!" by everyone in unison and in disbelief including The Maranzano's brothers who were looking at their own respective wives could be heard in the room.

"I know it's hard to believe but we are The Reaper of Death," said Skylar as she nods her head before she continues, "Jacob is our general, George is also our general, I am a sub-leader and Stella is our leader and the founder of The Reaper of Death" while pointing at the others as she explains their position in the organisation.

"It is true and it's the truth, we are The Reaper of Death," said Jacob as he back up Skylar's words.

"Stella is our leader and the one who knows everything and anything regarding every organisation whether it is above or underground organisation, legal or illegal organisation and also she's the ace among us" add George proudly as he smiles loving at his adoptive daughter Stella who smiles softly at her papa.

"I started this organisation at the age of 17 years old officially after the death of avus, avia (grandpa, grandma) but I've been training myself secretly by the age of 13 years old after I arrive in New York by yours truly Dad Jacob and Papa George but mostly dad since he's my trainer after that everything just falls into its own place up till now where we are one of the biggest feared organisation in the world that work in the dark but known by almost everyone,"

Nonchalantly Stella spills the truth.

"So basically you know who we are?" asked Luciano in a hard tone while looking directly at Stella.

"As I said before I know you and your organization but not in-depth and I didn't approach you intentionally if that's what you imply here. If you recall back, it was my patrem (father) who asked you to pick me up at the airport when I was entangled with the Blood-Rose Clan and I've warned you a couple of times to avoid me, not just that I've pushed you away but still you didn't budge"

Stella stated in a slightly annoyed tone as she raises her left eyebrow while looking directly at Luciano as the whole room turns into a cold zone.

"Yes, we did play along with your agenda and your flow. Yes, we did enter your house and get to know your family but you need to know this Luciano Maranzano. Your family is best friends with mine from my parents to my brother. This isn't coincident but more of a fate where I couldn't help to dig a little about you and your surrounding but never in-depth as I did with The Romanov and other Clan that I had to eradicate"

"And regarding the kidnapping and all. It wasn't my intention but it's something that I can't avoid as I was triple crossed by your ex-partner who helped my ex-boyfriend. So as an act of revenge I enter their lair and eliminate everyone in the mansion before going for their leader, Mikhail, without telling any of you my plan as it was a suicidal one"

Instantly Skylar looks at her, "What?! Suicidal plan? Why Lia?! Why? Don't you care about your son? What if you really die? Don't you care about us?" in shock but also in anger as she feels betrayed by Stella.

"I do but this is something that I must do and about my son, he will go to his legal and formal family which is The Maranzano family where he belongs and you Sky, you have Lucian babe, everything is in order like what you dream of, which is having a loyal husband, a family of your own plus dad and papa will help you to manage the organisation and our company if you still want to continue it but if you don't then you know what to do"

Stella explain as she smiles softly at Sky while Giovanni interject and asked "What about us? Your parents?" in disbelief.

"To be frank and honest patrem, matrem (father, mother), we aren't that close. The only real family that I have is my adoptive ones and avus, avia (grandpa, grandma). The moment I left Rome is the moment I cut ties with you, do you remember me calling any of you when I was in New York or even picking up your phone calls? Do you know what I really do there? Do you know what my life was like in Rome and in New York? Do you even know what is my favourite colour? All and everything you did was focusing on Gabriel, sorry brother that you got to know this way but patrem, matrem (father, mother) never once worried about me as I was their perfect doll who never cry or look sad in front of them always smile and happy but deep down inside I did feel some resentment towards Gabriel but the moment I saw you and Luciano talking and laughing happily as if you two were are blood brother and then I saw our parents laughing and talking happily without me in your circle at that moment I knew I was just never in your circle and never part of the family I am just a pretty little doll who was there just to show people off so I decided that on my 13th birthday I would go and stay with avus, avia (grandpa, grandma) and without a doubt, my parents agree on it"

"Well that was a given and thankfully they agree since I was being bullied too back in my old school at my own home town but everything is now in the past and it's useless to re-live the past. Don't worry patrem, matrem (father, mother) I'm an adult now with a son to boot at it and I've grown out of my old pathetic blaming everyone but myself me so I forgive the both of you and I know that everything you did in the past is because of you wanting to shape him into the leader of The Salvatore and shield me from the enemy. Phew, now that I think back you have it worse than I do Gab"

Stella smiles bitterly towards her parents who were looking at her with a mixture of sad and angry while a pitying expression at her brother who was smiling back at her.

Feeling jabbed in his gut Luciano asked, "Then let me ask you, what about me?" as he looks at Stella with a blank facial expression.

"You aren't really in the picture when I was planning everything and now that you are in it that's why I did what I have to and kill everyone without missing any of them for fear of them biting me back on my ass and here I am standing in front of you alive, didn't it speak volume of my action that I still am alive and breathing in front of you while explaining everything so that you have the right to make your own decision on this either you still wanting to be with us or no?"

Stella looked dead into Luciano's eyes whereas Luciano remained silent while looking expressionless directly towards Stella who was standing in front of them all mirroring his action.

As if on cue, Lucian quickly stands up and urge them all to leave the room in silence as they both still look at each other while smirking.

As soon as everyone was out of the meeting room, Luciano quickly stands in front of Stella still looking directly at her without breaking eye contact as he pushes her slightly towards the wall.

He then trapped her in between his arms while saying, "You enchant me into falling deeply for you and there's no going back now" while his lips slowly got nearer to Stella's lips.

Before they kiss, Stella smirked then quickly pushes him slightly away from her and remain to push him away until he sits slightly on top of the table while seductively looking at Stella who was licking her lips.

She mimicked Luciano's action as she slowly brings her lips closer to him with the intention of kissing but stopped an inch away from his lips as she said, "Then let's death do us part as I will never leave" before she walks out from the meeting room and walks over towards the busy loud talking and laughter coming from the dining room.

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