Air Plane Drama: Part 1

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At their front exit and entry condominium door, the drama begins as both Stella and Skylar make the situation like a parting way and it's the last time they'll see each other.

Stella holds out her arms for a hug as she said; "This is where we parted ways," towards Skylar while smiling at her and replying to her dramatic moment.

Feeling like the third wheeler and the bad person who is parting them, Lucian closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before he slowly exhales them and reminded them; "Guys, people are looking at us as if you two going to parted ways forever," as Stella and Skylar hug each other while chuckle.

Both of them roll their eyes at him and then Stella smiles at her best friend in front of the condominium front door where Lucian's car was parked.

Before they make their move, Skylar asked; "Wait what time is your flight?"

"My flight is at 4 pm and I have another 3 more hours to go"

"Okay then be safe on your trip and see you on Monday,"

"You to babe, have a safe journey,"

"Text me when you landed okay cause we land at the same time"

"Okay babe and we must keep each other updated okay,"

Skylar reminded Stella as she smiles at her who nodded her head and step away from the car.

Stella then waves her hand in a bye motion towards Lucian's car which her best friend waves back while a quarter of her body was out of the window being extra. After that, she then walks inside the building and heads over to their penthouse.

By 4 pm Stella walks towards the front door of their condominium and rides on the cab that was waiting for her towards the airport. Upon going through past the checking point she then walks over to her gate with an additional 15 minutes off the clock.

Stella then walks over to the check-in line and wait diligently like everyone else there, her heart was slightly pounding with excitement as she shifted from one foot to another and smile widely while holding her phone.

"Your ticket please," said the check-in lady with a smile.

"Oh yes, here it is"

"Here you go and for business passenger like yourself Miss you can just walk straight away in using this line," said the lady as she pulls Stella by the side and checks her in using the business lane checker.

"I guess you've mistaken because I buy an economy seat,"

"That's not an economy seat Miss, it's a business Class Seat Miss and here it is stated in the e-ticket" reply the lady politely as she zooms on the 'Business Class Seating'.

Stella nodded her head as she murmur lowly; "I'm going to kill Lucian" closes her eyes forcefully before opening them and smiled sweetly at the lady who maintains her smile till the end.

"You can board the plane now Miss, just stick to the single line priority lane," said the lady as she pointed at the small red carpet with a single line by the side of it.

"Thank you and have a good day,"

'Oh yes! Window seat'

"Welcome Miss, do you want som-, sorry. Do you want some champagne?" said the stewardess mid-way as she paused for a second because of the wailing baby before she continues calmly and with a sweet smile plastered on her face.

"No, thank you," said Stella with a smile as she quickly messages Skylar.

Stella: Babe I'm on board and tell Lucian that I don't appreciate his gesture. AT ALL.

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