Hi Bree

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Back at The Maranzano mansion, Skylar who was on the phone with the Maranzano brothers said in an annoyed tone;

"Luciano, I told you to give Stella some time didn't I,"

"I can't, I've waited for 2 months. If you don't have anything better to say then don't bother calling us"

Luciano toasts the phone back to Lucian who immediately apologises to his fiance, "Sorry baby, my brother just-" but was cut by Skylar who said, "Put the phone on the loudspeaker".

"Done, you're on a loudspeaker,"

Lucian announce as he holds the phone in between him and Luciano who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"To both of you, I just want to say, stupid. You never want to listen to me. Open your email Lucian and show your brother what I've sent to you"

Lucian then quickly walks over to the table, grabs it and opens his laptop before he logs into his email and opens it.


"Open it and let your brother see it,"

Urge Skylar as she was still on the line. Lucian clicks the email, opens the attachments then read it quickly before he hands it over to Luciano to which he mumbles; "The Romanov clan turn to ashes?" as he read the headlights of the Russian news.

"Now you see, why I keep on saying to give her time. She's this type of woman and you should really listen to me before going there blindly judging from the time you depart, I guess you already landed huh? Anyway, I just want to tell you that, that news was out to the public 2 hours after your departure so again judging by that time that the news was out to the public I bet she's long gone. Your trip to Russia is a waste"

Skylar hangs up the call after her little rant while Luciano was focusing on reading the news article that has been translated into English when Lucian joins him to read the same article.

"Fuck me frati (brother), sister-in-law did this?"

Lucian asked as he pointed at the news article together with the pictures of the burned-down mansion then look at Lucino who was taking a deep breath while he quickly add;

"She's literally, don't judge a book by its cover type of woman"

Out of curiosity Lucian, he presses the play button on the other link that was sent together with the article.

The video then plays and appears a woman talking in Russian regarding what had happened to the mansion and whose mansion is it while reporting her reports.

"Let's ask Stella herself what is this,"

Luciano closes the laptop and toasts to Lucian as he walks over to the pilot and changes their route. Meanwhile back to Stella, who reaches Sicily after almost 11 hours of flight duration without stopping from Moscow.

It was 5 in the morning when she reaches Sicily but before she meets her son she directly heads over to the nearby hotel, freshens up, heads down for breakfast then check out from the hotel.

By 6.30 Stella was out of the hotel and headed over to The Maranzano mansion with a thumping and nervous heart as she goes back home.


The security guard was stunned and shocked to look at Stella while she smile at him as she walks over to the guardhouse while greeted the young security guard.

"Boy, how do you recognise me? I never see you around. Are you new?"

Stella asked in a friendly tone as she smiles at him to which the boy replied, "Ye-yes Donna, I'm new" while he helps Stella with her backpack.

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