Going Now

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The next day after lunch Lucian decided to call Skylar via video call before he flies over to NY together with his brother. On the second ring, Skylar picks her phone up. "Hi love, wait. What happens to your face?!" asked Lucian in a shocked voice as he quickly seat up straight.

Stella who was seated next to Skylar quickly reply, "Cartel Clan happen" as Skylar didn't dare to say anything to Lucian but to pout.

"What about you?! What happens to your face?"

"Same, Cartel Clan happen" reply Lucian without missing a beat.


Both Stella and Skylar said as Skylar sit upright while Stella sits next to her together with Marius who is babbling.

"Hi, Marius,"

Lucian waves at Marius who was busy clapping his hands happily. As soon as Lucian greets and calls Marius' name, Luciano quickly peeks and appears in front of the screen. "Marius?" said Luciano as he takes his seat next to Lucian who slightly scooted himself to make some room for his brother.

"Hi, my baby boy"

Luciano said the moment he saw Marius happily clapping and smiling. Marius then tries to wiggle his way out from Stella's hug while babbling, "Papapppp papa ppaapapaaa" as he manages to free himself and crawl towards the laptop happily hitting the keyboard.

"Hello my baby boy, how are you?"

Stella was trying her hardest to stop herself from laughing out loud as she quickly stands up and looks away from them both while Skylar openly giggles at Marius and Luciano's interaction.

"Okay, that's enough. Marius baby says bye-bye now"

Stella picks Marius up and walks towards the end of the bed before playing with him as she eavesdrops on their conversation.

As Stella and Marius walk away from the screen Lucian quickly asked, "Sky baby, how are you baby?" in a worried voice.

"I'm getting better. What about you? It looks like you take a good beating I expect you to rest well and don't go anywhere. I hope you get the same treatment as me as you can see someone decided to quarantine me for a few days now and still trying to gain extra days in quarantining me so I can't go anywhere"

Skylar look up and glared at Stella who was seating opposite her grinning at her while playing with Marius.

"Okay baby I will rest well. Oh baby, I got to go, baby, the drugs started to do their job and I'm sleepy"

Lucian said as he saw Luciano's gesture to cut the video call off but before he fully cut the call Luciano interrupted Lucian and Skylar's moment.

"Wait, Skylar, is Stella there?"


Skylar was about to respond but stopped as she looks at Stella who was giving her the 'don't tell him' stare and instantly Luciano know she was there eavesdropping on them just like him which he quickly warns;

"Stella, I know you can hear me. Please listen to me love, please stay put and don't go anywhere with Marius. The Cartel Clan members are everywhere searching for you three".

"She heard you and don't worry Luciano, I'll keep the both of them quarantined together with me"

Skylar replied as she winked at Luciano which earns her an eye rolled by Stella.

"Thank you, Skylar,"

As soon as the video call closed Luciano quickly stand up and turn to look at his brother who was waiting for an explanation.

"Hey frati (brother) why did you hang up the call I still want to talk to my baby," said Lucian as he looks at his brother in a disbelief tone which his brother asked, "Are you fit enough to travel?" as he looks at Lucian while raising his left eyebrow.

"Are you planning to go tonight?"


"Okay, let's pack up and get going,"

Lucian quickly stands up and heads over to his walk-in closet.

"Okay see you in 10 minutes"

10 minutes later both brothers rolled their cabin-size luggage towards the waiting car that was parked in front of their main door which was caught by Lorenzo and in a playful tone, he asked, "Going somewhere far my figghiu (son)?" while smirking.

"Patri, Matri (Father, Mother) we both are going to NY now,"

Luciano said as they look at their parents walking over to them and a clear smirking plaster all over Laura and Lorenzo's faces she asked, "Can't wait for tomorrow?" in a playful tone.

Lucian suppressed his smile, "Someone can't wait to see his "wife e figghiu" (wife and son)" while doing the air quote action.

"Shut vostru trap frati before fazzu it iu stissu (Shut your trap brother before I do it myself)"

Luciano glared at his brother in a brotherly playful manner while giving Lucian the annoying side stare which was cut by Laura as she shakes her head in a disapproving manner while smiling at her sons.

"Enough you two acting like a kid, now get going before you miss the flight,"

"Okay, bye Patri, Matri (Father, Mother)"

Lucian said while Luciano just nodded his head as they both slide in the car back seat and zoom out from the mansion heading towards the airport.

Meanwhile, back in New York inside Stella's Apartment, both Marius and Skylar were lounging and lazying around while watching films the whole day as Stella were out working and having a regular back-to-back meeting at their office.

The day went by rather quickly as The Maranzano brothers' private jet touched down at John F. Kennedy International Airport while Stella was out drinking with her subordinate from work.

After the drinking session, Stella quickly heads back home without being heavily drunk as she tiptoe, heading over to her room trying to not make it obvious but her action was caught by her best friend.

"Where did you go?"

Skylar look at her as she folded her arms together slightly angry towards her best friend. Stella looked up at her best friend in a drunkard manner, smiling like a clown.

"Hehe, sorry Sky babe. I was out drinking with our subordinate, not that much though, just a little"

Stella put her hands up indicating that she drinks a little as she flashes her innocent smile trying to coax her best friend who was pursing her lips in a straight line as she is annoyed with the alcohol smell.

"Go and shower, you smell bad,"

Skylar said as she walks out from the living room and headed over towards her own room while Stella replied, "Bene mihi wifey (Okay my wifey)" in a low voice while she straight away heads over to the bathroom

Half an hour has passed, feeling sober and fresh Stella walk out of her bathroom and head over to a cutely sleeping Marius, kissing his head before heading over to Skylar's room.

"Sky? Are you asleep?"

Stella asked as she knocks on the door to which Skylar replied, "No, not yet" as she put her phone down on top of the side table.

"I just want to say thank you for today and get lots of rest babe,"

"You too Lia, get lots of rest and good night"

Stella stands by the door frame in which Skylar looks at her and then nods her head, she then closes her night light and went to sleep while Stella does the same as she returns to her room and cuddles next to her son who snuggles closely to his mother.

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