Morning Breakfast

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The very next day Stella woke up earlier than Skylar and Marius so she decided to freshen herself up and make breakfast for the both of them.

She happily enters the kitchen and takes the ingredients out for adults and children. Then swiftly makes a new batch of pancakes batter, bacon and oatmeal for Marius but before she could start making their breakfast apart from getting the ingredients ready she hear Marius crying.

"Oh baby boy, good morning my baby, how are you, my baby boy? Did you sleep well, my boy? Are you hungry baby?"

Stella asked a series of questions in a motherly tone trying to make Marius stop crying which she succeeded as he started to babble and smile brightly while playing with Stella's hair, then they both head over to the bathroom to get ready before they eat their breakfast.

Stella proceed on to place Marius inside his high chair while she quickly made Marius food at the same time she cooks her own breakfast.

Soon enough both of their breakfast was ready, Stella then places her food at the table together with Marius' baby food which is a mixing of oats with milk topped with diced strawberries and bananas in front him.

Marius suddenly squirm slowly and softly around trying to wiggle his way out from his high chair and grab the baby food that was seated in front of him.

Stella then shakes her head and smile at his cute attempt while she quickly washes all of the pans and utensil that she used to make their breakfast before she pours a cup of hot coffee for herself as she walks over to a cute babbling Marius.

As Stella put down her cup the doorbell ranged, Stella then quickly pick Marius up and head over to their intercom.


"Miss, there's a parcel for you from Mr Lucian," said the postman while showing her the carrier.

"Give it to the guard and he'll know what to do, thanks,"

Stella ends the intercom whereas Skylar leisurely walks over to the kitchen area and eats Stella's pancakes as she asked;

"Who is it?"

"Hey, that's mine,"

Stella looks at her with a pout while she happily chews her food while smiling widely at her which makes Stella murmur, "Sometimes I feel like I'm raising two-child instead of one".

"Here, since you steal my food now help me to give Marius his food while I make mine,"

Stella walks over to the kitchen and makes breakfast for herself. The trio then happily laughed and ate their breakfast then out of nowhere the lift door suddenly dinged and slide open which makes both Stella and Skylar panic and look at each other before they both react.

Stella quickly grabs Marius and silently heads over to the kitchen area to grab the knife that was handed over by Skylar. They both then exchange looks before Stella walk to the left and Skylar towards the right side slowly but before they could take another step they could hear Lucian's voice.

"Sky baby? Where are you?"

There stood Lucian in the middle of the sofa and the closed lift whereas Skylar quickly mutter, "The knife" towards Stella as she quickly hands it over to her and heads over to the dining table.

In a surprised yet loving tone she said, "Lucian? Come to the kitchen" quickly place the knife back into its place as she makes her way to Lucian and his brother then she add, "What are you doing here?" in a puzzled face while looking at her boyfriend and his brother.

"We wanted to give you three a surprise visit since you told me that someone is quarantining you,"

Lucian said in a joking tone while heading over to Skylar and hugging her.

"Hello Stella, Skylar and baby Marius," said Luciano in his business tone before he changes it to a baby tone that matches Marius' level which makes him excited.

Marius then babbles happily as he looks at Luciano while banging on the high chair wanting to be picked up.

"No baby, not now. Now you need to eat your breakfast"

Stella ignored Luciano who was standing not far from her while she turn to look at Lucian, "Have you eaten your breakfast yet?" trying to be a good host.

"No, not yet" reply Lucian as he takes a glance at his brother.

"Okay then, pancakes and bacon or egg or hash brown?"

Stella asked as she finished giving Marius his food and headed over to the kitchen area to which Lucian quickly reply, "Pancakes with bacon please" as he take his seat next to Skylar who continue to eat her food.


Stella asked without even looking at Luciano who was eye-rapping Stella from the start. Not wanting to let this opportunity go he immediately he reply, "Pancakes with egg" while his eyes still glue onto Stella who swiftly prepares their breakfast.

But his action is cut short as Marius started to bang the table loudly which makes Luciano look at him and pick him up from his high chair.

"My son wanted to be held? Okay, baby boy. Let daddy hold you"

Luciano said in a small kid-like tone which earns him a loud sigh and clear throat sound that comes from Stella. Skylar then quickly change the topic while talking a little loud towards Lucian but also for them to hear.

"What brings you two here?" asked Skylar as she finished her food.

Stella as she hands Lucian his breakfast while she put Lucinao's breakfast next to Lucian's place, she then walks over to her own original seat and stands in front of Luciano while glaring at him as he was seating in her seat while playing with Marius.

"Sorry baby let's play another time okay, now go to mummy,"

Luciano intentionally said those words as he stands up and hands over Marius to Stella. She carries Marius swiftly before she put him back on his high chair as she continues to eat her breakfast.

"We'll talk about this after breakfast since it's going to take a while," said Lucian to Skylar as she nods her head and gulps down her hot chocolate.

Skylar then walks over to the sink and wash her plates and cup before she joins them back. A few minutes later everyone is done with their breakfast.

Out of nowhere, after Stella finished eating her breakfast, Luciano volunteered to do the dishes, "Give it to me, I'll wash it for you while you get Marius clean," as he stops Stella midway while going to the sink to wash the plates.

Without protest, she then hands over her plates, walks over to Marius and picks him up before they both walk off from the dining room and head over to their bedroom this action makes Lucian tease his brother.

"Oh hooo, a brother whom I never see wash any plates up to now is doing it voluntarily"

Lucian wiggles his eyebrow while Skylar giggles at him. He then takes advantage of the situation as he quickly put his own plate on top of Luciano's dirty plates.

"Then here bro, thank you,"

Lucian then dashes out from the kitchen area while tugging Skylar with him and giggling away leaving Luciano with the dirty plates and cups.

Luciano diligently washes everything and places them neatly on the drying rack before he joins the others in the living room. He then walks over to Stella's side and seat near her but not next to her.

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