What Happen At The Penthouse?

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The very next day, early morning The Salvatore comes rushing in, startling Luciano up as he quickly draws out his handgun pointing towards their direction.

"Filium (son) put your gun down,"

Giovanni said as he walks past Luciano and stands beside Stella who was still fast asleep. He then look at her and was about to hold her hands but got cut by Catherine as she quickly hold onto her hands first in a soft, carefully manner as it was attached with the IV drips.

"My baby girl,"

A few seconds later, as soon as Gabriel enter the room, he was fuming as he asked, "Who did this?" in a low voice while standing next to his best friend who whisper;

"The Varrios Riot Cartel"

Everyone gritted their teeth over the small clan.

"They fucked with the wrong family,"

Giovanni look at Gabriel who was already on his phone, but once again Luciano was ahead of them as he said;

"No need frater (brother), I've instructed my man to bring his clan down,"

Giovanni nods his head as he looks at Gabriel who is still on his phone as his father commands;

"Get it done as quick as you can filium (son). Both of you"

"The more the merrier,"

Gabriel utters those words as he exits the room to instruct his man who was still on a phone call with him. At the same time, the nurse entered at that time but stop in her tracks as she said, "It's time for her regular check-up," she looks at them seeking permission before entering which earns her a nod from Giovanni.

"The doctor will be here in a second, I just need to get her chart,"

The nurse quickly grabs the chart and looks through it as the doctor arrived. He then quickly skimmed through the chart as he said;

"She's a healthy 24 years old girl, hmm.. okay so we'll stop giving her the sedative now so she'll be able to gain consciousness soon but if she complains of any pain do tell us as soon as possible. The nurse change the Intravenous sedation to a saline-based electrolyte solution"

The nurse nods her head while she takes out the Intravenous sedation and changes into newer IV drips that contain saline-based electrolyte solution. The doctor then turns Stella's head slightly to look at her small stitches and at that moment Gabriel walks inside the room.

"She'll wake up sooner but just be mindful of the small stitches behind her head, the nurse will explain more on what to do and what not to do,"

With that being said the doctor walks out of the room while the nurse begins to explain, "I'll show you where are the stitches and there's no need to come back here but if there's unexpected bleeding on the stitches area then bring her here as fast as you can. So if you can see the stitches is here and we have to shave a little of her hair but it's not that obvious just so the doctor can stitch her head up" she slightly pushes the hair away revealing the small stitches. She then adds, "Other than that, there's nothing to worry about but just don't pressure her too much," she places back the chart and out of the room.

Catherine exhales in a relief manner, "Thank the Gods that she's fine now," to her husband as he nods his head.

"Mater, pater (Mother, father) I think the three of you should get some sleep. The three of you look like lack sleep and it's 5 in the morning. Stella won't be awake until late afternoon or so. So don't worry as I'll take care of her mater (mother)"

Said Luciano as he saw Catherine reluctant to let go of her daughter's hand but with the help of Giovanni both of them walk towards the door while Gabriel pats a single pat on Luciano's back and head out together with his parent.

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