Rome to New York

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Along the way to their hotel, both Stella and Skylar talk about the plan of attack on how they'll take down Tim. Which almost ended up with Stella getting angry.

"No. I forbid you to do this all by yourself"

Stella glares at Skylar for a brief second before focusing back on the road.

"Yes. He's my past which I need to deal with on my own without having you to keep my back safe"

"He is but he's my problem too. He's our problem"

"No. He's my problem like I say I need to do this, I need to finish this off"

Stella couldn't help but feel irritated as she said; "Can you stop being like this for a second and see that this is not just your problem?" in a slight high tone but soft enough not to disturb Marius. She then adds; "I told you that he's OUR problem because he took our people. I will let you have your way with him the moment we both rescue our people which are Conner, George and Isla. I don't want your revenge, blinded your only opportunity to cut his demon off your back".

She left no room to argue as she continue; "Yes Sky, I know. You still have that weary look in your eyes like you keep on checking your backs although you are happy you have the fear of him coming back. So now is your chance, so please listen to me and we'll do this together" while holding Skylar's hand.

"Fine, I'll listen but what are we going to do with Marius?"

"Sometimes you just don't see what's really in front of you, isn't it? We both will head over to Rome tonight then sent Marius to my parents and then we'll head back to New York instantly, get our stuff ready and bust his ugly ass,"

"Okay then, by 9 am the next day we'll reach New York then we'll gear up and track that S.O.B (son of bitch)"

Skylar said as she roughly calculates the duration for them to take.

"Sicily to Rome probably around 1 hour 30 minute then to your parent's house about 30 - 1 hour then back to the airport so will take up to another hour, which overall almost 2 hours, then we board the Rome to NY airline and reach probably about 9/10 am then we gear up. Hmm.."

"Yes Sky, so we need to get lots of rest on our long flight,"

Stella briefly informs her best friend as she pulls up at the main entrance of the hotel where they were greeted by the valet boy.

"Welcome Mam,"

"Please park it here as we'll go out again. We forget our stuff"

"Certainly Mam"

The valet boy quickly parked the car at the VVIP parking spot as the trio head up to their room. Upon reaching their room, Stella, Marius and Skylar quickly pack their bags and walk out of their room in record time without wasting any time as they rushed over to the car before they head over to the airport.

Their plane ride from Sicily to Rome was a pleasant journey as Marius didn't make a lot of fuss throughout the journey and it was rather smooth up to their parent's house where they are standing right at that moment.

"Mater, Pater (mother, father)! We are home"

"Girls, we are in the TV Room"

"Yo daddy, where's mom?"

"Behind you with Stella and Marius"

"Yo mummy,"

Catherine hug her daughter lovingly while her father leisurely looks at them both before he raise his eyebrow to look at Stella and Marius then asked, "What brings you three here without your partners and brother?" as he lowers the TV volume.

"Firstly, I don't have any partner as I only have Marius. Secondly, I know what you both are up to and I don't like it so please stop now. Thirdly, brother is in Sicily with Skylar's boyfriend and his brother and lastly, I want to ask you both for a small favour"

"Sure, what do you need?"

Giovanni asked as he smirks at Stella together with Catherine who was silently listening to them.

"I just need you to take care of Marius for me. I'll be back around 2 or 3 days later"

"We'll be very happy to have him with us," said Giovanni while smiling at Marius.

"He's our grandchild, the first in this house. Of course, we will take good care of him and you Lia not to worry much about it okay? He's in great hand"

Catherine says as she hugs her daughter in a reassuring manner while Skylar joins them and Marius is busy trying to slip himself down from the couch.

"Oh, yea, mater, pater don't go buy his stuff okay? He already has a lot of toys and clothes. I just couldn't effort to carry his stuff around, even now. His clothing in the luggage is more than mine. So please, no more toys or clothes for him. Not for now okay?"

Stella asked as she looks at her parents in a strict way which earns her a slight pout from Catherine and a blank facial expression from Giovanni who neither nodded nor shake their heads.

"I'm being serious here,"

In a defeated voice, both Giovanni and Catherine slightly 'tsk' at their daughter while saying, "Fine~," as they comply.

Skylar quickly jumps in and adds her two-cent thought to it; "I know how you feel, she sometimes can be a bit overbearing like this towards Marius," in a small tone while leaning towards her parents.

"Whatever, anyway we need to go now. So bye and thank you mater, pater"

Stella stands up and hugs them both before turning to look at Marius who was happily seating and babbling.

In a small and soft tone Stella picks Marius up, "Attacus boy, be a good boy for your avia (grandma) and avus (grandpa). Don't cause them trouble okay my big boy" then smothering him with hugs and kisses before she takes a deep breath of his baby smell and places him back down on the sofa.

As soon as she did that, Giovanni quickly said; "Stop smothering the baby Lia and don't worry okay? We'll take good care of him" Accompany with small smirks and smiles at Stella with a hidden message that got her to raise her eyebrows at him.

"Now I feel like my baby boy isn't safe with you two,"

Stella looks at them suspiciously while Skylar interjects, "And that's our cue to go. Bye, mater, pater (mother, father) and Marius" as she pulls Stella towards the front door.

Both Stella and Skylar greet them goodbye while they get inside the car and drove off. Heading towards the airport with a vengeful intention both Stella and Skylar smirk as they relish the thought of them torturing their enemy.

They boarded the aeroplane and as they were on their way to New York, Skylar relived her memory of the past.

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