Another Wave of Unfortunate

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15 minutes later both Stella and Marius were ready to go back to their own place as they head over to the living room to inform Jacob and George. Upon arriving at the living room, Stella place Marius down as he happily crawled around.

"Papa, dad. I think I'll go home now. Thank you for taking care of Marius"

"Oh, my baby girl, why not you stay for the night?"

George asked intentionally fully aware that Skylar and Jacob were eavesdropping on them which Skylar quickly asked;

"Lia, are you going anywhere?"

Trying to stop the idea of Stella staying over as she walks over to the living room together with Jacob.

"Home. Since you've come all the way here to get us home or it's not that?"

"Of course to get you home with me. I miss you two and staying alone in that big penthouse makes me lonely without the two of you"

"Stop trying to coax me Sky,"

Stella rolled her eyes, slightly shaking her head with a small smile plaster on her face while

"Okay then, let's go home"

Stella picks Marius up and proceeds to hug George first then Jacob before they all head out to the front car porch. Then, Stella proceeds on securely place him in his seat while George softly pinches his cheeks at the same time Jacob ruffles his hair which both of them earn an angry babbling.

"Bye-bye, my princess and prince. Do not forget to text or call us once you've reached home"

"Bye-bye papa, dad"

Both Skylar and Stella said in unison while waving at them both before they zoomed out from the house. Along the way home both Stella and Skylar are busy talking about what had happened along with the Maranzano brothers.

Skylar in a teasing manner;

"How do you feel after knowing that Luciano had known you for long but lost you at the end?"

Stella sigh slightly, shake her head, unzip the backpack in search of her phone at the same time she respond; "Will you stop teasing me, it's been like 10-minute straight. Babe, did you bring your phone?"

Stella asked as she rummages through the backpack for the nth time.

"No, I was hurriedly over to papa's house that I forget to bring my phone or my wallet. Why? Where's your phone?"

"I think I forget to bring my phone. It's probably at our place but it's okay I guess since we'll go back there plus I see you didn't use your watch huh?"

"I was in hurry and what's with the telling me off? What about you? Forgetting everything from your phone to your laptop and your watch? 'Lia, Lia. What happens to your always with electronic stuff to stalk them, my bad, sorry what I mean is keeping track of The Manranzano's brother's whereabouts' but truthfully I guess it's more like Luciano's movements?"

Skylar mocking teasingly towards her best friend.

"Stop teasing me and no I was just trying to avoid them too not just Luciano,"

"But not from where I see through"

"Can we like stop talking about Luciano?"

"Can you try to accept him though?"

Skylar parks the car inside their parking box before she gets out of the car and proceeds on carrying Marius then heads over to the lift and presses their level which is the top floor.

"Yes I will, I mean I'll let him be, I mean- I, whatever. Let's just see what he'll do next then I'll act accordingly but don't expect me to open up easily or accept him easily because I have the right to get angry at what had to happen to my son"

The trio then enter their penthouse but was greeted with a trashed house.

In a low murmur Stella said;

"The fuck happen here?"

"Fuck! Lia let's go!"

Skylar quickly and lowly said as she turns around and quickly pushes the lift button which instantly opened and she entered together with Marius whereas Stella who was about to walk towards them halted a few steps in front of the lift.

"I hear footsteps. Ask for back up"

Stella turns to look at the hallway in which she caught the robber's silhouette walking over to them before changing to a hurried jog which makes Stella dive behind the sofa and stay still.

The robber then looks around the penthouse trying to see any suspicious or sudden movement but there's none so they head back over to Skylar's house and some were in the kitchen area.

As soon as the footsteps were far from Stella's hidden spot she then quickly without making any sound head over to her own bedroom and quickly search for her gun which wasn't there.

'Fuck! My gun!'

Stella cursed to herself as she quickly heads over to her walk-in closet in search of her other handgun and knife. Once again she cursed as she looks at the hidden compartment that was supposed to be hidden under the shoe rack but it was broken into pieces on the ground.

'FUCK! How the fuck do they know where I put my gun and knife at?!'

'Please, please leave Skylar's handgun alone'

Stella pleads silently as she smoothly and silently moves to Skylar's room like a sneaky cat after she confirms that there's no one inside Skylar's room she enters her bedroom.

Just like her room, everything was trashed and thrown down to the floor looking like a typhoon hit their home but before she could head over to Skylar's curtain railing that contains the hidden gun but before she could grab the gun she heard a series of footsteps walking towards her in which makes her divert her location.

"I heard the lift dinged just now you know," said Robber 1.

"I know, I know" replied Robber 2.

"Can we like be quick before they come back?" said a timid voice that belongs to Robber 3.

Stella then quickly heads over to the walk-in closet but as soon as she enters the closet someone hit her on her head hard with a blunt object which makes her instantly to lost consciousness and drop to the floor immobile.

Meanwhile back to Skylar who was driving as fast as she can heading over to Jacob's house with a beating and thumping heart while occasionally cursing at other drivers soon arrived at her destination.

"Papa! Dad!"

Skylar scream as soon as she parked the car on the front porch before she opens the back seat door and picks Marius up while running towards the front door.


"Isla, take care of Marius for me. It's Code Red at our home"

Skylar rushes over to the living room and places Marius down on the sofa and once again screams for both George and Jacob.

"Fuck, what happens?"

"Where's Stella?"

"Code Red at the Penthouse,"

Skylar said as she heads over to the basement together with Jacob and George.

"Someone broke into our house and Stella left to give us some time to escape,".

Skylar quickly prepares for combat as she straps on her bulletproof vase before she quickly loads the handguns together with a silencer attached to the tip of the guns. She then pulls out a small bag and packs another ammunition and another set of handguns without silencers while both Jacob and George mirror her action.

Then they walk up towards the living room while at the same time informing Isla;

"Lockdown the house until further notice,"

"Yes papa, stay safe everyone"

Isla said as she pulls out the universal remote control that was hidden under the coffee table. Then three of them quickly head over to the front door and drive to the penthouse using two different cars.

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