Recall: Sicily Incident

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"Evening everyone"

Stella greets everyone as she walks towards the dining table while a happy Marius is in his baby walker while the others too greeted her back with a warm smile and welcome.

"Here, eat some vegetables," said Catherine as she passed the vegetable plate to her daughter.

Their dinner went smoothly like a typical family but a small bicker from Salvatore's sibling as they tease each other. Then, all of a sudden Stella inform; "Oh yea, I'll fly back to New York tomorrow afternoon," as she scoops the remaining rice from her plate and eats.

"Why?" asked Giovanni.

"Sissy, stay for a bit," said Gabriel.

"You hardly ever at home and now you wanted to go back to New York quickly, why?" asked Catherine as she wipes her mouth with a napkin.

"Because of my work and I have to help my university professor before the graduation ceremony apparently there's a lot of things to do before our ceremony which none of us knows until last day, where they inform us about it"

Stella answered in a convincing tone but she knows that it was all a big fat lie in which Gabriel quickly tries to catch her lies.

"That's weird when I was your age. I was never this busy nor helping out as it was the university's job to get it done"

"Yours are different from mine and so does your university. Frater (brother) by now you should know that not every university works the same way"

Stella replies as she wipes Marius's mouth with a napkin while Gabriel smirks evilly at his sister.

"Whatever you say but I know the main reasons"

Feeling slightly caught up, Stella turns to look at her brother; "Oh, yea? And what is it?" she narrows her eyes towards her brother before raising her left eyebrow and smiling a little.

"It's obvious isn't it that you are trying to run away from someone" replied Gabriel as he smiles his victorious smile.

"Urghh, this bull crap again? It's an old story frater (brother), don't you try to make something that is nothing into a forced topic"

Stella said as she shakes her head in disapproved manner while rolling her eyes as she exhales loudly in a small protest style whereas her father lean forward.

"What is it?"

"What is the reason?" asked Catherine as she takes off Marius's bib.

"There's nothing, it's just a makeup reason by Gab. He loves to make things up".

She then picks Marius up from the high chair and put him on her lap before she proceeds on trying to get the gas out from Marius as she slowly and gently pats while rubbing Marius's back and in a few motions he releases a couple of burps.

"What I want to say is that she's trying to run away from Luciano," said Gabriel straightforward.

"Seriously frater (brother), seriously,"

"Seriously Lia?" asked both Giovanni and Catherine in unison.

"Yes. I am, I just can't stand him or even near him"

"Why?" asked Catherine.

"That's because of what happens when we are in Sicily,"

Stella looks at her brother who looks at his plate feeling guilty.

"Can we stop this and just ignore the topic? Let's just say I don't see eye to eye with him and please guys don't try to make us together. Yes, pater (father) and yes frater (brother). I know that the three of you are trying to match us together but it just won't work as I don't have a feeling for him and I already have a boyfriend back at the State so if possible please don't fiddle with my love life"

Stella lied through her teeth but sound convincing as she put Marius inside the baby walker.

"I want to know what happens in Sicily," asked Giovanni in a serious tone which makes Stella roll her eyes and exhale.

"Nothing that I can't handle pater, so don't worry about it"

"We know that but please don't keep things that happen to you or our precious grandson," said Catherine as she holds Stella's hand.

"Okay, I'll tell you what when wrong in Sicily. Pater, mater do you remember on that day where frater (brother), Skylar, Marius and I went to Sicily together?"

Stella looks at both of her parents who nodded their heads and then continues;

"Everything was okay, I fall asleep in the aircraft, then we landed in Sicily airport but when I woke up and look around inside the aircraft searching for Marius he wasn't there so I instantly panicked and asked where is he in which Skylar answered that he was with Gabriel. Who at that time was already at the hotel so we straight away head over to the hotel. There I overheard Skylar who was on the phone talking to Lucian that Luciano is there too so instantly I knew that something is bound to happen as I wasn't there to protect my son so I get anxious and angry and started to search for them who was by the beach area relaxing"

Stella looks at his brother before continuing;

"I went over to them, I was angry at that time and I subconsciously slap both frater and Luciano then tell them off but as always unexpected things bound to happen as the woman who holds Marius suddenly pull out a pocket knife and it was inches apart from his neck".

Stella was holding her tears as she recalls the incident that makes her almost lose her baby. She then inhales and exhales before once again continuing to tell her story.

"I was pissed, scared, angry, feeling useless. Feeling that I never had in my life, feeling powerless at that moment as I beg the woman over and over again to drop her knife which she wasn't willing to cooperate so my instinct took over as I charge onto her before I let go all of my anger and frustration on her. Luckily Marius was unharmed at that time. So yea, that's why I don't want Luciano near us, I know it's like a stupid reason but I still don't want to have any connection with him"

Stella clears her throat before taking a sip of her drink.

"Where is that bitch?!" said Catherine with gritted teeth.

"I will kill her," said Giovanni as he looks pissed.

"She's dead" replied, Gabriel.

"Courtesy of Luciano"

"Good. She deserves it"

Stella interject as she looks at his son who was enjoying his time alone going from one end to another end as he happily pushes his baby walker.

"Anyway, let's forget about this and please stop forcing and helping him or even have the idea of trying to match us up as it will never happen,"

"We will try to refrain ourselves but you need to give us time to do so okay infantem puella (baby girl)?"

Catherine said in her motherly tone while smiling sweetly at Stella who looks at her and nodded before both Giovanni and Catherine leave the dining room, Gabriel asked; "What time is your flight tomorrow?".

"11 am and don't worry Uncle John will send us to the airport tomorrow. Marius baby, come here my baby boy,"

Marius pushes his body forward and heads over to his mother. Stella then picks Marius up from the walker and places him on the sofa where he wiggles his body and crawls towards his grandmother who happily plays with him.

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