Stella the Reaper Of Death Part 2

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After a small grief moment, Stella then quickly set traps for Mikhail and the other guards who were on their way home after they report their situation in which Stella pretends to be one of them by responding back.

As the cars pull up to the mansion, Stella quickly gets into a position in which she lay still by the side of the mansion before she runs towards the cars and attaches the bombs right under the vehicle.

"What the fuck happen here?" asked Mikhail in a loud voice as he commanded, "Search the whole mansion" all 40 of the guards scattered and sweep the floor in and out of the mansion.

While Mikhail enters the house, Stella quickly pulls herself up to the second floor before she slowly, steadily walks up to the third floor and climbed onto the roof of the mansion back on her post to continue to eliminate the guards that were scouting around.

10 out of 6 guards that were scouted outside the mansion were killed expertly by Stella as they separate in a disorderly manner.

"Boss we are under attack" screams one of the guards running inside the mansion, he informs, "There's a sniper hidden out probably 3 or 4 of them," loudly as he enters Stella's room.

"They kill Stella too, fuck!" curse Mikhail's, right-hand man.

"Fuck us, now The Maranzano clan will kill us all"

Reply the guard unconsciously as he was scared of the thought while Mikhail punch him in the face.

"Get a grip stupid, he will never know if we didn't tell him. Where are the others?" Upon hearing Mikhail's voice in a distance, Stella slowly climbs down from the roof like a cat, soundless and gracefully enters her room. She then slowly heads down to follow them like a shadow towards the ground floor.

Mikhail's right-hand man feels like something isn't right and instantly he screams, "Guys, let's get the fuck out here,"

While one of the guards, "Bo-boss, the mansion is a death trap," crawled towards Mikhail.

"Shit they're still in the mansion, search them" commands Mikhail as he head over to the gun room.

The remaining 30 guards then did what they are being told which spread and swipe the floor again in pairs from the top floor, door by door to the bottom.

With this opportunity, Stella makes her move from the first floor to eliminate 10 of them then up to the third floor another 10 people before she went back to the second floor silently killing another 10 guards that weren't aware of her action as she comes at them one by one by playing dead and set an emergency instant trap.

"D, are you there?" asked the right-hand man as he talks to his walkie-talkie.

"D?! You there?"

"No one is here"

Stella replies in a low freaky voice as she alters the voice using a voice altercation in one of the guard's phones to a demon-like voice.

"Fuck you! What have you done to them? You demon. Get down here! Don't be a coward" said the right-hand man as he screams into the walkie-talkie.

"Hahaha, come and get me, boy"

Stella laughs in a taunting manner which makes him angry in which he was about to go but is stopped by Mikhail, "Don't, that person is trying to play with us," as he looks at his surrounding.

"We need to get the fuck out of here"

Mikhail murmured in which Stella smirk at that thought and instantly press the bomb button, destroying their cars that were parked in front of the mansion. Stella who was toying with them said;

"Nah-uh, you two didn't ask for my permission to leave this mansion,"

"What do you want you evil," said Mikhail as he stands in the middle of the mansion.

"From 52 people down to 2 people which is you two without any preparation beforehand, this might be one of my favourite spring cleanings,"

Stella again using voice alteration tell them through their walkie talkie whereas Mikhail and his right-hand man were fuming angrily as they heard what the person says while standing in the middle of the ground floor feeling trapped as they both couldn't escape the mansion. But then Mikhail looks up, eyeing and observing the mansion before he smirks and turns towards his right-hand man.

"I see, you kill them and feel proud of yourself what a narcissist,"

Mikhail takes the walkie-talkie away from his right-hand man and signals him to head over to the second floor he smirk while entering the room with an open door, he then adds;

"But you know, I know that you are alone and you are on the second floor,"

In an instant, a sound of thudding, body slamming and groans then a single shot could be heard coming from the room which makes Mikhail walk up but stopped midway as he saw his right-hand man walk out from the room with guns on his left hand.

"As expected Gail, you are a good train ass-"

Mikhail praised halfway as his right-hand man drop-down, face flat in front of him as he reaches the second floor.

"Fuck Gail!" scream Mikhail as he was immobile by the staircase.

Mikhail then draws out his gun and walks slowly towards the room. He then enters the room searching and shooting the dead both that were laying down inside the room just so that he didn't catch off guard.

After hearing Mikhail's scream, Stella quickly exits the room through the window and heads over to the first floor by jumping from the second window into the first but unfortunately, she accidentally swings her body hard which makes the window break.

"Motherfucker! Come out you murderer"

Mikhail runs down to the first floor and saw nothing in the room. But as soon as he walks out of the room, a gun was pointed at his side left head. In a straight tone, Stella said, "Surprise".

"Now drop your motherfucking gun"

As she moves in front of Mikhail and the moment Mikhail saw Stella he was speechless, shocked to his core as he stood there statue-like it took a few seconds for him to ask;


"Yes, Mikhail Romanov"

Stella answered first before she shoots her instantly then closes her eyes take a big inhale before she smirks and said, "It's good to be back" to herself.

Stella then look at her surrounding before she looks at her hands and body that was drenched in blood smirking evilly, her blood lust was still there for her revenge isn't finished yet, so she quickly texts Sasha using her brother's number.

Mikhail: Sas, can you come over to the mansion? It's about Luciano.

Sasha: Okay, I'm coming. Give me 30 minutes.

After reading the text Stella smirked, throw the phone at Mikhail's dead body then quickly body search him for his wallet, headed over to the gun room and pack a bunch of bombs that use a remote trigger. She then throws everywhere, from the basements up to the third floor.

As promised 30 minutes later, Sasha honked her car and the automatic gate opens slowly upon Stella's control. But before that Stella already position herself in front of the second-floor balcony ready for Sasha's arrival.

The moment Sasha parked and walk out of her car while looking around the quiet mansion feeling slightly suspicious there and then Stella fired her Barrett MRAD Tactical Rifle and kill her in an instant.

After headshot Sasha, Stella quickly heads over to her bedroom, shower and change into new attire. She then leaves everything behind as she heads towards the garage where the other cars are parked. She slides in and drove out from the mansion leaving the gate open widely.

A few meters away from the mansion Stella pulls the trigger while laughing lowly in a sinisterly way as she speeds up leaving the mansion that was blown up into pieces behind her while she heads to the airport.

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