Unexpected Situation

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Skylar and Lucian look at each other before they turn to look at Luciano who has a hardened look plaster all over his face. Immediately Lucian tries to calm his brother down.

"Ermm, frati (brother) do you want to head out for a bit? I bet she was stressed out"

Luciano nod his head as he stands up and as he was about to walk away, Skylar cut his track by holding onto his right arm.

"Wait Luciano, I know that you feel like this isn't going anywhere but please ignore her attitude just for today I will try to ask why is she being hostile towards you okay,".

"Sky, you are a good friend but one's feeling couldn't be forced and if she wants me to stay away from her it's about time I do what she wants,"

After unplanned eavesdropping on their conversation in the living room, Stella slowly closes her bedroom door and hugs her son who was sleeping peacefully as she has a mix feeling about her attitude towards Luciano.

Soon enough both mother-son duo enter dreamland. After an hour of a nap, both Marius and Stella woke up from their naps feeling fresh and energetic. Both mother-son duo head over to the living room and encounter both Lucian and Skylar cooking lunch for them looking happy around each other which makes Stella feel slightly pinched in her heart.

"You two look good together,"

Stella said to Skylar and Lucian who smiles at her while Marius happily pushed himself around in his baby walker Skylar replied, "You can have this if you stop being an ass," as she looks at Stella annoyingly.

"What's with your attitude?"

"Nothing, just mirroring yours,"

Skylar fake smiles toward her best friend before she turns around and continues cooking which makes Stella stand near the kitchen counter.

"I don't need this type of attitude from you Sky, not now,"

"And neither does him," said Skylar still giving back to Stella.

Stella looks at Lucian who was cutting vegetables, in a soft tone she asked; "Can you leave us for a moment Lucian?" in which Lucian look at her and place the knife down but before he was about to walk away Skylar cut his action off.

"No, he will not go anyway. If you have anything to say then say it in front of us"

Skylar said as she turns around and looks at Stella dead in her eyes, not wanting any bullshit coming from her excuses as she said;

"I seriously like, don't even know you these past months, are you changing to be a better person or are you changing yourself to be a loner? Since you have Marius, your att-"

"Don't even drag him into this. This conversation was supposed to be between us but you. You really trying to get on my nerve aren't you"

Stella said in an almost low-angry tone which makes Lucian look at her suspiciously whereas Skylar didn't back down, folds her arms together and continue;

"Then tell us why you act like this towards Luciano, knowing that he likes you and was ready to take good care of the both of you?"

"I've told you the last time, didn't I?! Why I did do what I have to do, in order to keep both my son and my own safety. Don't bring this shit up on purpose and try to blame all of that on me. You know damn well I can take good care of Marius. I certainly do not need any fucking man to keep me safe, I do that job better than any of them so don't come to me with that shit"

Stella said slightly in a high angry tone which makes Marius quickly grab her pants before he pushes himself away from her and push himself around to continue playing as Stella adds;

"I know you call him, Lucian. I saw your hand moves and you don't need to pretend. It's good that he can hear me now and get the fuck out of our life. We both don't need any of you, and Sky, I'm disappointed in you, I thought you know me better and hear my answer like an adult over a warm coffee or wine at night as I wanted to tell you but now that everyone is present here let me tell you why I don't want to be near Luciano or The Maranzano family".

"I always think positive like everything happens because of certain reasons but now it isn't. After knowing Luciano, both of our life is in mess and I'm talking about Luciano and mine. I know he was trying to win my heart but every time he tries he'll end up hurting my son. The son who was given to me in a situation that none of you will ever understand, why on earth am I so overprotective of him? Every time Marius wasn't in my arms, he would and almost get hurt by people who surrounded him. I'm an overprotective mother? Yes, I admit that because I am and I will always be an overprotective mother towards him because of shits that he already encounters at a young age that he might remember and Luciano you are a walking disaster, get your shit together, strengthen your security team or else they will serve your head in a silver platter without you know, on that note, please excuse me"

Stella gave them her piece of mind before she turns around and walks over to her son who was playing in the living room. Stella then picks Marius up and heads over to their bedroom.

She suppress her anger, sadness and a mix feeling of everything by hugs her son closely as she tries to calm herself down before she starts to pack the necessity inside the backpack and head out from their shared penthouse.

"Stell where are you going?" asked Luciano as he grabs Stella's arm midway from the living room to the lift which she harshly pulls away.

"None of your business and get lost,"

Stella then pushes the baby stroller towards the lift. Both Lucian and Skylar quickly walk over to the living room and caught Stella with a backpack that was enough for day-out clothes inside and a stroller heading towards the lift.

"Lia. Where are you going?" asked Skylar full-on worry.

With a cold and distant manner, Stella said, "I just need to cool my head for now. You know where I'm going" she heads inside the lift and looks at Skylar directly, which she then nods her head in understanding.

Both Stella and Marius then head over to the car and drove off from the penthouse and head over to her other family's house.

"I'm sorry frati (brother), I didn't know she was dead serious," said Lucian as he holds Luciano's shoulder.

"It's not your fault frati (brother), this is what she wants then let it be"

"But you just found her after all these years of searching, you could-"

Lucian immediately stopped midway as he slaps his mouth with his right palm silencing himself but was caught by Skylar who was looking at the both of them.

"Did I miss something?"

"Nothing worth speaking of" answered Luciano.

"Not worth talking?! Frati! (brother) this is the woman whom you've been searching for these whole years—the one whom you couldn't stop thinking about and talking about. You seriously going to just let her go and forget her?" asked Lucian as he speaks his mind out while looking at his brother in disbelief.

"There's something I really miss didn't I?"

This time both brothers look at Skylar before Luciano nods his head towards Lucian and walks over to the living room area.

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