Mission 2: Get Out From Rome

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Soon enough Stella arrived at the airport she then quickly head over to the automated teller machine (ATM) to withdraw a big amount of cash before she headed over to the flight booking agencies and book the next flight to New York which wasn't her lucky day.

"Sorry Mam, the only flight available upon your request is the flight to Stockholm which will depart in 1 hour and 10 minutes," said the lady at the ticket purchase counter.

Stella without thinking twice, agree on taking the detour; "Okay fine, just book it," as she bounces Marius who's getting cranky. She then adds; "Yes, baby boy. We will go to Sweden" while coos at Marius who love the attention.

"Here's your plane ticket, your gate will be at gate 4, you book 2 hot seats and you can head over there now as the gate is open for passengers to wait at the waiting bay," said the lady as she circles the gate number.

"Thank you, Miss, have a good day,"

Stella said politely before she turns around and heads over to the gate. Arrived at gate 4 she seats down and let baby Marius crawl on the chair as she goes over the plan in her head before she realises it the plan was able to board in Stella quickly grab Marius and headed over to the boarding line.

A few minutes in the line and it's their time to get their ticket checked in which caught the lady's attention.

"Oh, my aren't you a cutie," 

"Thank you,"

"Have a safe flight. Bye baby boy" said the check-in lady as she finished checking their ticket.

Stella then heads over to her seating area and gets both of them seated comfortably as she put Marius down which he quickly wanted to crawl around so she gives up her seat and seat down on the floor and looks at Marius playing happily on top of the seat.

The flight take off at exact 2.30 pm making Stella let out a relieving breath as they are leaving Rome behind and the bad guys including Luciano who she still need to be careful with.

Meanwhile back in Luciano's penthouse, everyone was frantically searching for Stella and Marius everywhere as they tear the place upside down before they call and report the situation to Luciano.

"Fucking asshole, what the fuck you bunch of fuckers didn't watch them!".

Luciano angrily scolds them all as he just entered his room and kick the sofa that was near him. The moment he heard from his security team about Stella and Marius missing he went on a rampage as he trashes his office room and walks out from there angrily.

"Cancel my appointment for the whole day,"

Luciano angrily stated as he exits his room and walks over to the lift in fume. He then drove over to his penthouse still angry. Upon reaching his penthouse floor and head over to his room searching for any clue and just to see that what they said is true. Once again a loud; "FUCK!" could be heard together with an angry kick on the side of the bed.

"Scar checks the security footage this morning and links me to it,"

Luciano said as he makes a quick call before he walks inside his walk-in closet and spotted the missing baby bag which makes him once again curse loudly.

A few seconds later his phone dinged to indicate an incoming message, he then opens the message and looks at the CCTV footage. In there Luciano could see that Stella move a little when she was being checked up while everyone was in the room with her.

"Kill the half bake doctor," said Luciano to one of his security team who nods his head and does as he requested.

Then he saw a few minutes later Stella begin to move around a little just to get her body fully functioning. She moves again bit by bit then she woke up fully and out of the bed before she went to the desk to search for something but she couldn't find any so she went into the walk-in closet again search for something but didn't take any of his clothes or valuable watch.

Then she spotted the baby bag in which she makes her way to it without hesitation, she opens the bag and quickly check inside the bag and pull out her purse which she stuffed in the bottom of the bag before checking it and putting it back in.

Then she changes into Luciano's white shirt with no pants that make her look like using a short dress as she gets dressed easily and strapped the bag on her while she grabs a random car key that was seated on top of the drawer and heads out in search for Marius.

First door to her left, she opens it and found Marius sleeping in his crib so she tiptoed towards him and pick him up and put him on his carrier before dashing over to the kitchen but she halted her movement as she spotted the security team seating at the kitchen area talking and eating, so she quickly pressed the lift and then waited at the door that was the nearest to it.

The lift dinged and stated that it has arrived at their floor which startle the security team and made them run over towards the lift while drawing out their guns but found nothing.

Stella then does this action another couple of times and on the fifth time she knows for sure the security team will not move from their places they are already fed up going back and forth just to find out the lift is empty and with this opportunity at hands Stella quickly rides the lift and head over to the parking lot and drove off from that hotel in a hurry.

"Scar track down my car,"

Luciano instruct as he finished watching the video. He then heads over to the car that was parked in the basement with his security following him. As soon as they arrived at the basements his phone ringed a couple of times.

"Hello, uncle Gio,"

"Did she outrun you?" asked Gio as he chuckled which Luciano could clearly hear his father's voice laughing at the back.

"Yes, uncle"

"She's smart Luciano. Try to get ahead of her" said Lorenzo which makes Luciano take a deep breath and exhale.

"Yes I know, I was shocked to see what she did. She's a smart kid, trick my boys easily"

Luciano hops inside his car and pulls out from the basement.

"She's at my house and she's on the run, I'm telling you this because if you want to quit now then do it, if not then don't do it halfway," said Gio, Stella's father before he hangs up.

Luciano looks at his phone and shakes his head thinking that both his and Stella's father is crazy.

'Let's forget that old man and focus on catching this kitten of mine'

Luciano smirk at his own thought. Upon arriving at the Salvatore mansion lane he could see his car parked outside by the curb of the mansion slightly hidden from the public eyes so he drove up to the gate and the security guard stopped him.

"Don, Sir Giovanni isn't at home," said the security guard in a polite word.

"I'm not here for him but I'm here for Stella and the baby,"

"Sorry Don, she's not here and she asked us to give this to you," said the security guard as he hands over a piece of paper.

To Luciano,

I'm sorry for tricking your security team but you need a good security team if you want to keep someone in custody anyway I just want to say thank you for helping me out when we were held captive and you should really act faster on that though, I recommend you to do some training on it but that's not my real intention to say. I want you to stop searching or try to catch up on us as I don't wish for any damage that I've done to you and my family in the future so let's just forget about catching up on me since it'll be a waste of your time and if you don't know now what I mean you will understand it in the future. You are a good man Luciano, I hope and pray for your bright future plus you would be a very kind and loving father the way I see you holding baby Marius, anyway thank you once again and good luck in your future endeavours.

From Stella and Marius.

'Game's on Stella'

Luciano smirked at the letter before he folds it and put it into his pocket then drove away from the mansion.

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