Explain To Best Friend: Part 1

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Upon arrival in Sweden, Stella quickly checks them both in a hotel, freshens up before she and Marius both head out for dinner and buy the necessity that she needed to deal with people that disturb her.

After putting Marius to bed she quickly on her laptop and alter her personal stuff first which hack into the National Registration Department to register Marius under her as the legal guardian.

Then she hacks into the Rome airport CCTV on the night of the incident to get a clear view of what happened from there she saw the kidnapper's tattoo and by that lead, she hit the Blood-Rose Gang, the fifth-biggest Mafia gang in Rome.

She couldn't help but mumble to herself as she make her own deduction to the situation;

"But why are you targeting the Manzano family? Is this gang want to get eliminated from this planet that bad?"

Then she searches deeper and deeper into the organisation in which she hit a jackpot and things start to get clear.

"So he's a Manzano who run away from Zeta Rose aka the trouble maker young daughter who is a married woman another man but why want to hurt the Manzano and kill them?"

"Or.. it happens because of jealousy? But that doesn't prove anything unless.. urgh, goosebumps. No, no, this isn't some drama shit"

Stella pause for a minute and takes a short break as she looks out at the window thinking hard about how to eliminate them first before they come for her or Marius.

For the next couple of days, Stella and Marius stay and blend in like local Sweden people as they enjoy their mother-son time without realising the weekend was up and so does her freedom with her son as she just landed at JFK airport (New York) after a long almost 12 hours flight direct from Sweden to NY.

Stella breathes in and out trying to ignore and ease her body from the tiredness from the long flight before she halts a cab and headed over to their penthouse to face her best friend who probably fuming in anger.

'Okay, she might be pissed at me, no scratch that she's going to get really angry at me for ditching her but it wasn't my fault though'

Stella thought to herself as she arrived at her penthouse. It was as if the whole situation turn slow motion as the lift door opened and Stella stiffen up looking at Skylar folding her arms in an angry stance while her face was plastered with a 'you better explain yourself' facial expression and Lucian on the other stand beside her in a relaxed manner but soon both facial expression turn to a shocking one as they saw Stella with Marius.

"Haha, haha, hi guys. What's up?"

With a fake laugh greeting. She then walks inside the foyer while rolling her cabin-size luggage in with her and a babbling Marius who plays with his mother's shirt.

"What. The. F!"

Skylar said a little loud which startle Marius and he started to cry whereas Stella calmly bounces Marius and cooing him trying to get him to settle while walking over to the sofa.

"Oh baby, shh.. mummy got you"

She then unbuckled the baby carrier and backpack before she proceeds to put Marius down which intensify his crying fit. With that, she quickly pick him up and walk over to the window but it didn't help at all.

Without budging from the window while still softly moving front and back motion she turn to look at Skylar; "Sky, grab the backpack and search for his bottle and take the milk out," as if it is a norm for them but Skylar wasn't budged as she looks at them in shock.

"Skylar, the bottle and the milk,"

With a snap of a finger, Skylar quickly gets the milk and bottle out from the bag in a eureka motion. She then follows Stella to the kitchen as she expertly makes Marius's milk before they walk over to her room.

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