What happens?

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As soon as Luciano gets to the exact location where his brother was held captive he and his man quickly gear up and head over to the hideout of The Varrious Riot. Upon reaching the destination Luciano and his man quickly draw out their guns and the fight begins, between The Maranzano Clan with The Varrios Riot Cartel Clan.

Guns were fired from left to right, back and forth between the two as both parties didn't hold back their fire, soon enough with a well-trained clan such as The Maranzano Clan they quickly overpower The Varrios Riot Cartel without a dead body as what the other party encounter.

"Where is he?"

Luciano asked one of the guards that were captured by his man. With a beat-up face, the man looked up to Luciano and smirked at him in a challenging manner instantly Luciano command them to kill him before he walks further into the villa which accompany by his trusted bodyguard who acts as his shadow.

Luciano then walks up toward the second floor but before he searches door by door he commands his man, "Find Lucian now" while he himself walks over to the first door and searches for his brother.

One door after another, they still couldn't find Luciano, by the end of the last door, everyone from The Varrios Riot Cartel Clan was shot dead by The Maranzano Clan from one floor to the others without any remorse.

"Don, we found Sir Lucian. He's in the basement"

Said one of the Maranzano members who follow them to eradicate the place. Luciano walks towards the basement area and then passes through the first door, towards the second door which was concealed by the door structure, the high technology soundproof build-in system and the colour of the door before he reaches where Lucian was.

"Frati (brother)"

Lucian said in a small voice as he tries to look up towards Luciano while their clan members quickly unchain him instantaneously Luciano replied; "Se frati (yes brother)" as he quickly helps his brother up and supports his weight before they both slowly walk out from that dirty basement.

Fully in an angry voice, he said; "Burn this place down," to his men as they out from the basement to the living room area heading over to the awaiting car.

One of his men quickly heads over to the other car and takes out a can full of flammable petroleum whereas the rest follow suit and begin to throw the flammable petroleum everywhere.

"Let's get you to patch up first,"

Luciano said as he and Lucian drove out from that place to a nearby hospital and the place was engulfed by the flame.

After finishing patching and checking from head to toe, the doctor walks out of the room. But true to their nature of not trusting the hospital that doesn't belong to them, Luciano and one of his men carry his brother and head back home.

Upon arriving at the Maranzano mansion, everyone looks at them while Luciano and one of his men help to carry Lucian up to his room and place him down softly on his bed before exiting the room.

"Comu esti iddu? (How is he?)"

Lorenzo asked as he encounters Luciano who was walking toward him whereas his mother too asked;

"Esti iddu okay? (Is he okay?)"

"He's okay matri, patri (mother, father) just a little bruise but mainly on the face".

"Let me see him," said Laura as she walks over to Lucian's room and enters quietly.

"What happened?"

Lorenzo asked but was answered with silence as they both walk over to their meeting home office room. As they enter the room, once again and this time in a not-so-friendly tone Lorenzo asked;

Act Like A Donna, Fight Like A DonWhere stories live. Discover now