Explain To Best Friend: Part 2

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Skylar look at her, in silence as she said; "You know what, you just continue your story. I might be able to tell you what when wrong" while placing the laptop on top of their coffee table.

"Okay, I'll continue, anyway I told her that she could take my seat which she refuses a couple of times but I insisted on it and also the stewardess too who was there so we change direction instead of telling her I use her son's and daughter's needs in which I said that she can sleep with her infant and breastfeed him instead of giving him a bottle, in which is a good thing for an 8 months old child then I tell her again that she needs to look at her babies comfort because it was so obvious that he was tired of her carrying him and he wants milk, not from the bottle but his mothers and at that time when she thinks about her options I quickly told the kind stewardess to change the seat to a bed style who was kind enough to help me immediately,"

Stella continues;

"She was so kind babe, she keeps on saying sorry and thank you to me even if I told her numerous times that it's okay and all then the little angel was giggling beautifully at the mother plus her seat was the hot seat I mean I have an ample space to stretch my legs and all so I'm not complaining. Anyway, as the change was done and I almost fall asleep out of a sudden I could feel a small tug on my sleeves and it was the small angel looking at me smiling cutely"

In a slightly sad voice as she reminiscences their short memory together.

"She's kind, just like her mother as she thanks me too for helping her mummy then we talk a little and her name is Alia, well I have to call her Princess Alia as promise"

Stella smiles at their cute promise before her face changes into anger which Skylar notice and quickly she asked;

"You okay baby?"

In a small voice with teary eyes Stella said; "She's 4 years old and she die just to protect us both, I feel so useless, I really am useless," as she sobs silently.

Skylar hug her best friend and caress her back; "Oh babe, I'm here okay, cute baby Marius is here and don't forget that Princess Alia is always watching over you two from heaven as a guiding angel," while tightly hugging her best friend who tries to calm herself down before Marius woke up from her crying sound.

In a small breaking voice; "She was silently asking for help Sky, if you were there you'll know because she was doing it all the time. When I asked about her father she said that her father goes to heaven and she also said that her mother told them that they couldn't go to heaven yet since her father told them to run" as she pushes her sadness down and try her very best to calms herself.

"Run? Why need to run?" said Skylar in a soft tone.

"See, I asked the same question too and she said that her mother told her that some bad guy chase after them so they have to run then I make my own deduction when I told Princess Alia to draw the person who takes her dad to heaven and also what happen on that day in which she agrees on and draws this,"

Stella softly detaches their body, grabs her backpack as she fishes out the drawing from it and hands it over to Skylar. Upon receiving the drawing she couldn't help but curse lowly as the drawing showed how her father was killed and how she and her mother were crying and tie-up with 6 people surrounding them.

Stella closed her eyes, as her anger rose deep within her and in a hard tone she said; "They fuck with the wrong person. I promise them that they are going to meet with their maker"

"Did you tell your father about this?"

"Yes, I did and he sent someone by the name of Luciano"

"Wait, wait. Luciano as in Lucian's big brother?"

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