You Are Mine Now

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In the middle of the night as Stella stir in her sleep, she slowly opens her eyes and looks around as she feels slightly dizzy. Immediately she calls out, "Mik, Mik?" as she slowly sits up and regains consciousness.

'The hell, why am I in a plane?'

Stella said to herself as she stands up and walk over to the door and saw two big builds guard seating near the door.


Stella once again call out as she look surpass the guards and a few seconds later, she could see Mikhail's figure walking towards her in which she walks over to him and in a panic tone asked;

"Where are we?"

"We are heading over to Russia,"

"Russia? Why?"

Stella asked with a fake confused look.

"Go back to our home"

"Home?! You do know that I can't step foot in Russia let alone inside your house" Stella panicked as she looks at Mikhail pitifully while he smiles gently at her.

"Don't be, I'll protect you and no one will ever say anything to you or even harm you. Come detka (baby), you need to get lots of rest,"

Stella complies and snuggles closer letting Mikhail be the man that he wanted to be as he enjoys the moment that he has with her. 

Days turn to weeks and weeks turn to a few months as Stella stays with Mikhail.

It was a normal routine in the Romanov mansion as Stella woke up and freshen herself before she heads down to the kitchen area to greet the head of the Romanov clan as he heads out to work while she was stuck in her rapunzel mansion.

On that day, Stella tries her last trick to make her final trip as she needed to complete the mapping of the place. So she comes up with a brilliant plan which is to poison herself. After a few minutes of eating her meal and temp with the pills, she then calls Mikhail in a sick tone.

"Detka (baby) you okay?"

Mikhail rushed over to her as soon as he enters the room while Stella was in a foetus style again.

"Urghh, Mik. My stomach" groaned Stella while cradling her stomach.

"What happened? What did you do or eat?"

Mikhail takes off his tie while Stella answer, "The old maid she gives me porridge and some ibuprofen" as she points at the medicine next to her.

"Stell-, shit!"

Mikhail said as Stella quickly vomit on top of the bed. He then scoops her up and quickly carries her downstairs and into the waiting car.

Stella then opens her eyes slightly and focuses on her surrounding, the roads and each turns that the car made before they stopped at the hospital. Within these few months, Stella already mapped the whole place where she could use it to her advantage.

"What happened to her Boss?" asked the beautiful doctor eyeing Mikhail.

"She's allergic to ibuprofen"

Mikhail answers while focusing on Stella who's squirming in pain as she holds onto her stomach.

"Just a bad case of allergy to ibuprofen. Prepare to pump her stomach"

The beautiful doctor said as she talks to the nurse that was present at that time while wheeling her into the operation theatre.

Before the procedure, the doctor gives Stella medicine to numb her throat as it helped to decrease gagging and irritation. Then, they insert a lubricated tube into Stella's mouth and thread it down through her oesophagus and into her stomach.

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