Naughty hand

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"There they are,"

Gabriel said as soon as he saw both Stella and Luciano walk over towards the living room while Skylar smirked at her best friend before she tease;

"Where did you two go? Taking your sweet time"


Stella casually takes her seat next to Catherine while Luciano slowly walks behind her and stands by the side of the sofa.

"Yes, we went out for dinner"

As soon as Marius heard Luciano's voice he happily mumble "Paappaap, papa, paaappp" while trying to wiggle his way out from Giovanni's arm.

"Someone is eager to be held by his dad"

Luciano look at his boy, smile brightly at him and in a small yet cute tone, "Hi Marius, hello baby, how are you, did you eat your dinner yet baby boy," while picking him up.

Everyone who was there, stared at them both in disbelief while Giovanni teased, "Did I just witness something that shouldn't be disclosed by others," joking around.

"Haha, very funny pater (father)"

Luciano rolls his eyes as he walks away from them and heads over to the backyard together with Marius. Immediately Skylar turn to look at Stella and asked;

"Are you in a good term with Luciano?"

"Hmm, we are friends now as we have set our terms"

Everyone nods their head, while Lucian interjects, "That's good to hear anyway I have news to tell," as he looks serious.

"What is it?"

"The one who wrecks your penthouse isn't The Varrios Riot Cartel but someone else,"


Stella asked as she looks at Lucian in a fake wanting to know more.

"That part I still don't know but for now we can rule out The Varrios Riot Cartel and one thing for sure now that The Varrios Riot Cartel won't disturb you all because they know that the both of you are in a relationship with us,"

Lucian explain as he pointed at Stella to Luciano who was busy playing with Marius in the backyard and Skylar to himself. Instantly, Stella defend herself by saying;

"Hey, hey. I'm still single and not in any relationship plus why do you often pair me up with your brother? I mean I can be a partner with other people than your brother"

"That causes my dear sister-in-law, everyone knows about me being with Skylar as I've made it known towards everyone and about you with my brother you need to ask him yourself"

"It doesn't necessary to be-.(Sigh) Fine, I'll ask him,"

Stella sighed for the second time as she stood up, glared down at Lucian then turns around and left them. She then walks over to the backyard of the house then straight away stands in front of him as they were face to face while Marius in between them happily giggles and clapping his hand.

"Lucian told me that you got something to tell me,"

Stella asked as she raises her eyebrow while looking slightly up to look at Luciano's eyes.


"Telling others that I'm with you something like that,"

"Oh, okay. Let's take a seat shall we"

Luciano holds onto Marius in one hand as he grabs Stella's hand and turns towards the nearest bench. They took their seat in which he adjust Marius as he seat in between them securely.

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