Yet Another Warehouse

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The first thing that was being said by Stella is; "You okay?" as she drove the both of them towards their penthouse.

Skylar nods her head as she carefully watches the CCTV from their premise that was hacked by Stella.

Then all of a sudden Skylar said, "I really don't get it why every time a scum bag like them will often choose an empty or their own warehouse to exchange the deal? Why can't they do another place or something? Is New York so small that they have to do it inside a scheduled warehouse?" she rolls her eyes before closing the laptop and exiting the car.

"Well, to answer your question. In my opinion, a warehouse would be a suitable place for an evil rich bastard to do the exchange, not only are we're in their turf but also they have us surrounded. Regarding the scheduled warehouse that's because it's easy to dispose of the body and they can have a shoot-out without the public noticing anything plus this type of place for sure will keep the cops out from sniffing around as their man will stand guard. Or so that's what I think"

Stella said in a playful tone while caressing her invisible goatee as Skylar laugh at her best friend before insulting her.

"You are weird. So so weird"

"Hey, I only answer your question. But if you want to know the real answer then let's ask that dumb ass who we'll kill right now"

Both Stella and Skylar walk inside their penthouse, quickly get dressed and gather their equipment before they head out to the warehouse for a surprise attack. Upon arriving at the warehouse, the duo looks at each other with raised eyebrows before looking at their surrounding.

All of a sudden the place was lit up which makes Skylar and Stella cover their eyes before they lower their hands. Before they could recover their sight, they could feel someone forcefully kicking the back of their kneecap to make them kneel.

"Welcome, welcome~,"

Tim welcomes them as he claps his hands and walks out to reveal his evil self.

Stella looks at him, without the slightest surprise as she said; "What's with this sudden violence Tim?" in her bored tone.


Tim annoying loudly said at Stella in a hard tone while his minion slaps her across her face which makes her roll her eyes.

She then nonchalantly said; "Whatever, like I'll listen to your dumb instruction," as if the slap was mere a small child slap.

This time another slap sound could be heard throughout the quiet warehouse which makes Stella's head turn slightly towards the right side while her body collapses on the floor.

She then rolled her eyes before spitting some of the blood that was accumulating inside her mouth out at the ground before the man roughly pull her up and make her kneel resuming her previous action.

Tim looks at Stella with a detest look before he continues and with a sudden mood change he happily claps his hands together and in a bright tone he announces.

"Let's continue with our agenda for the day, shall we? Since this bitch always keeps on interrupting us. Oh, yea. I have a present for you, Skylar. Guys bring them out"

Enter his men with three prisoners and immediately in a small voice Skylar murmur, "Jacob. George. Isla" as she looks at a bruised-up trio as they drag them like a broken mannequin.

Angrily she scream; "Why the fuck did you beat them up?!".

Then out of nowhere, the other person who held her in her place slapped her hard across her face and this angered her even more as she splat towards Tim.

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