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The breeze caress Luciano's face as he slightly looked up towards the sky he couldn't help but smile a sad smile as he slowly blinked his eye.

Luciano then couldn't help himself as he said, "You know I have this dream where I was laying down on the grass while enjoying looking at the blue sky when a soft breeze caresses my face" he adds, "Just like how you would do by caressing my cheek when I lay on your lap" while he holds back his tears.

Luciano then opens his eyes and looked at the tombstone in front of him with the craving that held his heart. Luciano let his hands glade on top of the carving remembering each and every one of the letters embedded in it with tears running down from his eyes freely.

He looked at the name that brings back memories, an unexpected one, sometimes annoying but mostly loved. He then mutters, "After all that shitty situation that happens in the family" with a sigh.

He then continues, "I just want to share some happy news, if you haven't or didn't notice that amore mio (my love) is pregnant with twins, a girl and a boy, but I know you already know about that judging how nosy you always are, hopefully, heaven will keep you there where you belong" while slight chuckle on his own joke.

"To be honest, I'm scared to be a father I just hope that they don't take after their mother's stupid attitude because if they do I'll be going nuts," said Luciano chuckling, he quickly adds, "But if they do I know they will be the best version of us two" while he traced the golden curves on the black stone once again.

As soon as Luciano utter those words he instantly felt a wind blow as if it was a gentle hug saying everything is going to be okay which makes him look up to the sky and smile softly.

"It's sad that you won't be able to meet the twins but don't worry. I will tell them stories about you as if you were there with them as they both grow up" said Luciano while looking at the tombstone in front of him as tears fall freely again.

Luciano then quickly wipes his tears away while putting on his adult smile as he caresses the tombstone as his memories come flooding in as he sits down quietly looking at the tombstone, Luciano knows he shouldn't do this but he can't help it being emotional as he looks at the tombstone in front of him.

The day where Luciano found out the bitter truth about what happened to Stella he involuntarily curses, "Stupid Stella, I've worn you not to act recklessly" just to get it out of his system.

How could Luciano prepare himself for the heartache Stella has given to him, well he doesn't, up till now he still blame Stella for her stupid act but he learns to forgive her for the twins.

At that moment when Luciano cradled a dying Stella, his heart stopped as he looked at her laying down looking like a corpse. The smile and those eyes that Luciano was longing for weren't there anymore it was being replaced with a bruised face and closed eyes. Everything had fallen apart since then.

Luciano still remembers how he desperately prayed and beg to the doctor for them to save Stella as they both arrived at the nearest hospital. He creates a scene and thus forces the doctor to sedate him.

When Luciano woke up he knew his life is done. He saw everyone standing by his bed in silence looking at him. He felt so hurt and weak as his world crumbles right in front of him that make him couldn't talk as they explain what had happened with the help of The Conner family.

As the explanation ended all of them, the apologies come flooding in while Luciano remains silently looking up at the ceiling, he knows no one is at fault. Not Stella, Skylar, The Conner and definitely not the doctors. No one wanted this but that doesn't mean it wasn't going to happen as he knows the consequences when she made the promise to him.

Luciano couldn't help himself as he silently cries again while remembering what had happened but then he quickly wipes his tears away as he takes a deep breath.

'I shouldn't cry for fuck sake, I'm a Don' said Luciano to himself.

Heavy footsteps walked towards Luciano, which alert him without turning back.

"Ready to go Don?" asked his assistant with a soft tone as Luciano stand up and turn around.

They then both walk-in comfortable silence towards the heavily tinted, bullet-proof car. Luciano's assistant then pulled open the back door as Luciano slid in before he gently closes the door he opened the driver seat door and they both pulled away from the cemetery.

"How are you feeling, Don?" ask the trustee's assistant.

"Stop worrying about me Alex or you'll grow grey hair and I'm good" reply Luciano.

"How's your son Alex? Has he given you any problem yet?" ask Luciano.

"Well Angel constantly asks about you and the twins and she's itching to come back to work but she can't not until Alex gets settled in his new college dorm" replies Alex smiling brightly.

"What about you Don? Are the future leader of Maranzano's clan making you pissed off yet" tease Alex.

"Marius is seriously the best but the twins not really," said Luciano as he chuckles slightly before he adds, "You won't believe the shit I have to put up with these twins. When I try to sleep one of them starts to kick just to keep their mother entertain which makes me wake up and helps me to soothe them that's cause only with my touch they'll remain calm" replied, Luciano, as he chuckles while remembering the situation he just went through.

The car finally has reached its destination as it stops and the door automatically opens. Luciano then quickly exits the car and headed inside the mansion.

"Don!" said the men all at once as they greeted Luciano in which he greeted them back with a slight nod.

"Don, welcome. Donna is at your bedroom waiting for you Don" said the Purple hair lady as she reports to Luciano which earns her a nod from him.

Luciano then quickly heads up but before he went over to his bedroom he made a quick detour towards the kitchen and pulls out a jar of pickled and chocolate then he quickly heads up.

As Luciano headed over to his room, his phone vibrating crazily in his pocket, he decided to pick it up but right before answering the phone, the ringing stopped making Luciano stare at his wallpaper lock screen while in the middle of the staircase.

He unlocks his phone and looks at the call logs, five missed calls and all from the same person. He grins at that before he runs over to his bedroom at full speed.

Act Like A Donna, Fight Like A DonWhere stories live. Discover now